Utility pouch question

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Angus Krozz, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Angus Krozz New Player

    I don't think the game is over just yet most people will miss the end game. Plus it is real easy to keep it going. The game is not over till it's over.
  2. MCAZR New Player

    Random post: Angus, I think I might have seen you in Gotham last night (or was it the watchtower?), at least it was another toon with a similar name as yours.
  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I bow to your elegant and witty repartee, as well as your devastating use of facts and citations to make your case. I now withdraw in the face of your awesome mastery of rhetoric and the depth of your moral understanding. You are a credit to all heroes, who assuredly should emulate your approach to comity.
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  4. Angus Krozz New Player

    I'm a villain not a hero.
  5. Angus Krozz New Player

    If it was last night you would have to be in the hall of doom. I spend 99% of my time on the villain side. I was on the hero side earlier in the week and, did league of assassins. I think I was in the tech wing at the time.
  6. Angus Krozz New Player

    I was bit farming in gotham I almost forgot about that.
  7. MCAZR New Player

    Maybe I saw you by the hero respawn bubble in South Gotham. I was also on my villain for a brief moment and ran through the Hall of Doom.