Utility pouch question

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Angus Krozz, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Al Mandrake New Player

    True, but not really much of a decision when the only benefit would be slightly higher stats which can be nicely offset be the other trinkets I can use with the UB. I am not saying it is a game breaker, I just think they didn't really think it through, which is par for the coarse with these folks.
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  2. Angus Krozz New Player

    The person I insulted did deserve it. That person insulted me 1st. I will never let anyone insult me and, get away with it. It was an SOE screw up. The 4th slot of the pouch is 625. They bragged how cool it would be to have 4 trinkets. More then half the pouches soe gives are full of consumables. Now they players to level faster charging lots of marks of triumphs for things only good for 30 days. 1 last thing the middle of your post and, the stuff in red wtf is that for. Do you you suffer from the same thing I do that your accusing me of the answer is yes and, your issue is worse.
  3. Angus Krozz New Player

    I told you I would admit to being wrong or, very wrong. Thank you for pointing that out for me. I will never use the 4th slot again. If I would have been paying attention from the start I would not have spent 625 mark of triumphs.
  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Few people deserve insulting, and certainly not over a game.
    This is the response of a child.
    Grow up.
    I don't know what "it" refers to, as you have no antecedent, but there's no SOE "screw up" visible.
    Perhaps you could try that in English? Also: nothing has changed. As has been endlessly pointed out to you, Utility Belts have from day one opened the third slot for 125 MoT and the fourth slot for 625 MoT, renewable each month. The Base Mainframe boosts are similarly structured.
    Again, perhaps if you tried in English, but I rather doubt it's worth it. Try graciously accepting a correction, rather than being so silly as to go on and on about how you are wronged, or whatever it is you're trying to say. HTH. HAND.
  5. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You posted on a public forum. Get used to being responded to.
    This literally makes no sense. Facts are facts, like them or not.

    What is "thorwing a trip"?

    Kid, you're talking about an online game. Save hating for, at the least, something serious in life, but better, don't hate. Especially don't hate over trivia.

    Free speech is groovy. Rudeness and gracelessness, not so much.
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  6. Angus Krozz New Player

    I'm suppose to to do nothing when someone else starts c--- with me I won't let someone get away with it that is standing next to me.
  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club



    Unfortunately for you, he was right. This is a public forum, you can't say that someone is sticking their nose where it does not belong in a public forum. You're the one who is in the wrong, who thinks that the fourth slot is/was 125 MoT when the fact of the matter is that a lot of us have given you the evidence to prove that it was always 625 and you have given us zero evidence to prove that it was ever 125 MoT.
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  8. Angus Krozz New Player

    Your posts are so bogus just like you. Everyone thinks it's ok to start c--- with me but, when I don't let others get away with it thats a no. tfb for you.
  9. Angus Krozz New Player

    So if I come down hard on you without facts and, get in the middle of you defending yourself against a trash talker going against you that's ok to do.
  10. Angus Krozz New Player

    You like most of the community are loosers. It's ok for other players to troll me and, talk trash about me. Explain why I'm not suppose to defend myself against the looser mob like you.
  11. Angus Krozz New Player

    Your dumb to get the facts straight.
  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I have gotten the facts straight. As I said, many of us have shown you proof that we are right and you are wrong. Unfortunately you are unable to accept this fact, which is not my problem.
  13. Angus Krozz New Player

    It's ok for others to hate on me but, it's not ok for me to hate back. What you going to do about it. That's right call the rest of your trash mob family that also can't do anything.
  14. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Defend yourself all you like, just keep in mind that it's you who started it in the first place. You were told by multiple people that you were wrong, in a polite manner I may add, and you chose to retaliate and act like a child. Unfortunately when you act like a child people are going to act like children right back at you.
  15. Angus Krozz New Player

    I had trouble with one person I responded negative. Then another person stuck there noose in the wrong place. Now people don't like me not letting them get away with trash talking. Tell me why it's ok for others to troll me and, give me a hard time. If you have been paying attention you would get the drama right now. You are dumb just like the others trying to give me hard time for nothing. I wont even allow someone standing next to me get away with it. What makes you think I'm going to let others get away with it on a computer.
  16. Angus Krozz New Player

    Go all the way back to me calling it an soe screw up then look at someone get all bent out of shape about it. If you still don't get it then I'm done trying to explain. You use to be one of the few community members I never had an issue with. Thank you for letting me know now how you are.
  17. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I have just re-read the entire thread to make sure I didn't miss anything. Can you tell me exactly which "someone" got bent out of shape about it? None of the responses that quoted that post stick out as "bent out of shape" to me, at least not to the extent that you have taken offense with it.

    Thanks I guess for saying I'm one of the few people you never had an issue with, but doesn't the fact that there are only "a few" (your words, not mine) community members that you don't have an issue with go to show that you may be a little bit too sensitive when it comes to being part of a public forum?

    I'm honestly not trying to be rude at all when I say that, it just seems to me that you are taking issue where there is no need for it.
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  18. Angus Krozz New Player

    LOL all the community fell again. Your all great. I just get a kick out you all sometimes. I ment nothing about what I said about any of you. Fell free to keep the comments coming. If the community was not so, lively I would not come here.
  19. Angus Krozz New Player

    LOL your not dumb I never ment it sorry for saying it and, the other stuff I said about you are also not true. I know there was nothing but, I do enjoy having this kind of play with the community sometimes. You can feel free to keep the comments comming if you want.
  20. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Why did you have to end the game so early? :(