Teleportation and Shapeshift exclusiveness!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Ghostof91, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. Ghostof91 New Player

    I was wonder should Teleportation and Shapeshift remain exclusive only to quantum and Nature, because as you can see several Characters use it in the game Doctor Fate and Zantanna both are wielders of magic so why don't our remaining magic based powers have teleportation, or shapeshift ?

    The powers that should have had them Sorcery, Mental, Celestial, Nature and Quantum.

    Right or wrong?

    Were are Natural disasters floods,tsunamis etc. for Nature instead of shapeshifting.

    As far Quantum have tunneling it shouldn't be the only powerset to have such.

    Correct me if im wrong with good facts please.
  2. WonderCleric New Player

    I'd love a teleportation skill for sorcery/celestial characters. It makes sense for them. (Circe, Zatanna, Raven, Doctor Fate, etc.) Perhaps it could create a clone for Sorcery users, like Circe's does.
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  3. iluvapples New Player

    We should just be allowed to mix powers, but what do i know?:confused:
  4. Decree New Player

    It really would be an insult to all sorc players if the revamp doesn't have that teleport move legends circe has.

    That would be like if they made Hal jordan have strafing run in legends and taking it away from HL people.
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  5. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    If future powersets get a teleportation that'd be fine. I do not think any current powersets should get one.

    I don't think any healer should get teleport. It'd just be too powerful in pvp. yes sometimes you focus trollers but you almost always focus healers, giving one of them that would just be unfair, give them all that and it'd quickly turn in to a game I don't want to play.

    I don't think it really makes sense for a tank... quick escape? wait, escape? ahh tanks running!

    So it really only makes sense on a troller imo. It'd be cool on mental, and tbh I think it should have had it first anyways. If it's a martian manhunter power and intangibility and going through stuff isn't one of its' powers... huh? but either way we get grandeur on mental, it's very nice, so I'm not really complaining.

    So again, if I see it on another troller in the future, that'd be fine by me. I don't think it should be spread around at all. I wouldn't be upset if quantum remained the only powerset with that power.
  6. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    That analogy doesn't work. You don't have teleport on sorc right now. HL had strafing Run LONG before Hal was created.

    I'd honestly be a little sad if they gave this to sorcs, as I said above, pvp healers with teleport, ohh god.
  7. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    On the shapechange side, I do agree. If only cosmetic, it'd be cool.

    I still wish I could get the old Ice Golem model. If only as a power I could swap in to get a form change, like trinkets.
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  8. Decree New Player

    I'm saying with the revamp...

    Circe is sorc legends
    Hal is HL But they didn't give him super awesome legends ONLY HL moves.
    Sorc should get teleport

    Pvp shouldn't be the main thing to think about when revamping powers. Think pve if a healer teleports away who is he healing? If it's just a teleport and no damage immunity or anything I really don't see the problem.
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  9. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Instead of the Watcher a healing type clone could appear. A clone for every type of add move.
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  10. emperorf New Player

  11. Sore Steadfast Player

    Nature equals the name they came up with for a powerset comprised of Poison Ivy (plants) + Beast Boy (shapeshifting)
    Nature does not equal the powerset representing all natural phenomenon

    If anything, natural disasters would be more of a weather powerset like Weather Wizard. Even then, the Electricity powerset has a storms tree which might fill that gap. Keep in mind that each powerset they do isn't based of general concepts. They're most often based off of specific characters in the general DC lore.
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  12. xXKIDPOOLXx New Player

    A Power I'd love to see is a Bio-Manipulation power (Growing/Shrinking/Stretching etc.) they could base it off of The Atom and Plastic-Man!
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