To ps3 players who can't get into a paradox run

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MyrVell, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    im down to run paradox wave im 99 cr celes dps... add me usps3 hero side Gallant Guardian
  2. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    LOL I would like to see the dynamics of a cr 90 group doing nexus...probably gonna run for 4 hourse and fail at the final boss.
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  3. MyrVell Committed Player

    So? That's how you learn.
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  4. SuperLD Well-Known Player

    Bravo!! I still remember when FOS 3 was first released (might have even been before CR was introduced) and having to meet people at certain areas of the Watchtower or Hall of Doom to be inspected (being told not geared enough for this group), so this problem has been around along time. Or having strategy sessions at the "spiders" in FOS 1 deciding who is going pull spiders over the edge and who is going to carry the crystals to release the big spider and where to position the tank.

    I myself do not have any characters ready for this level of content. The thing that strikes me when I see all the shouts for CR99+ only on LFG, is that I think these people sometimes forget they were not always CR99+. They had to run the raid at one point not fully geared or even undergeared. It's like now that they have achieved that level they only want to run with others on that level for the easiest, smoothest run possible, which I understand who doesn't want that? However never forget where you came from and the struggle it took get there, and the more people you help get to the same level the more people you have fill groups out in the future.

    Good Luck and when I get to a level where I think I am ready for this raid I will look you up!!
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  5. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Seriously, don't blame the community, blame the devs from putting enrage timers on every T5 boss. Thus people want the higher CR people in their raids
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  6. Whiteroom New Player

    I'm a higher CR, but I can definitely help groups out in there(Nex or Para) on the weekends. If you see Whiteroom II online hit me up, if I'm free I can run with whoever as long as they don't get angry and put other members of the group down. I'm DPS if you need one.
    I'm not an expert, but I've been through both multiple times and know most of it.
  7. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    An excellent Idea. There is also the same thing being set up for PC players right now due to these ridiculous requirements. If you are on PC and are also interested in doing this, then inbox "DamageControl" here on the forums for more information. He also has a thread about this (link below) that you can contact him at.

    If time permits then I will also be joining these raid runs whenever we can set up a good time.
  8. Poo New Player

    I couldn't agree more. +1 from me as well.

    While I am not on PS3, I support this "positive" thread.
  9. Mr580 New Player

    Add me im on everyday so it will be god to meet new people UsPs3 Hero/Heromot
  10. Jaobigboy New Player

    I will also help out on villains or heros, my info is in signature, send tell and let me know what you need,
  11. Black House New Player

    Kudos to you for your acknowledgement of the OP's efforts, now how about you help him and others like him and maybe address the issues PS3 players are having with the graphical and procedual glitches in the final boss room? Rendering issues are causing shields, AOE's and damage pools to not appear until AFTER the effects have happened

    The community is becoming increasingly divided and fractious on PS3 and T5 is at the heart of it.

    To the OP the raids are not hard, but they do require communication and co-operation, my advice pick a leader and ensure the group defers to them, good luck.
  12. Jaobigboy New Player

    We all had to start at the bottom. And would not be where we are today without someone's help, some have forgotten this fact. Have fun! Enjoy the game! There are ppl who will help,
  13. Black House New Player

    During the preview with Odyssey on FNL, Spytle called Nexus a "TWO TANK RAID", yep that lasted well didn't it, well at least until they brought in the enrage timers removing the need for two tanks in the ONLY raid that might have required them.

    In fact they have spent time and effort that could have gone into fixing the problems with rendering on the PS3 on changing powers that no tank would use, to help two tanks split aggro Now if only there was a raid that required two tanks..DOH
  14. Jax Prime New Player

    If you're on the EUPS3, hit me up. Always doing Paradox so I dont mind helping out and meeting new people.
  15. Jax Prime New Player

    Some people (like him) probably take pride in being carried through content and feel badass when they reach peak CRs. Dont feed his deluded ego.
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  16. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Why is a 99 cr talking to about me? this is so beneath me.
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  17. Spoofer New Player

    “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” Martin Luther King Jr.
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  18. Jax Prime New Player

  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    acknowledging a problem and fixing it are 2 different things
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  20. AnarKy New Player

    Please add me I'm down.