what is the point of doing t5 raids when you don't get a single chance to enter

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IIJetfire, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. PurexEnergy New Player

    Why do you feel it's the dev's fault for "other's" insane requirements?
    What you seek is a solution. Not an answer and the solution is obvious. Find a new league and don't pug.
    Example, My league runs Paradox regardless of SP, CR or Power type. Mental DPS, Fire DPS. Hell, we even ran with a Sorc DPS once and got it done with 1 boss up.

    It's not the dev's fault is all I'm saying.
  2. iLLusion New Player

    Players want to get stuff done as fast as possible, and they are under the impression that high CR groups are the best way to do it. They are wrong, obviously, but they are entitled to their opinion just as we are.

    Instead of relying on LFG, and getting annoyed about all thouse high CR shouts you keep on seeing, just take a minute or two to ask around. Check with your League, your friend list, and I'm sure you'll manage to get a group going in no time.
  3. Delyxe New Player

    You really should try to move on. This is exactly the same complaint you posted last week in a slightly different package and it's starting to get a bit annoying. It's not likely you will find anything new or helpful on the forums by posting the same thing week after week. The answer has already been given to you in so many different ways but you continue play the victim as if you, specifically,are the target of some kind of DCUO conspiracy. Just do what we ALL do: play the game, take the time, level-up, have fun and quit crying about all of your perceived injustice you've suffered. It's obnoxious.
  4. ItsHard New Player

    Sorry to say this , But the Devs can't fix humanity.

    Form your own group, you don't even have to put cr requirements, Just shout "need all roles for nexus",
    and even then a lot of people who have already done it will join, and maybe help and give some tips.
    After that talk and add some of the group member to your friend list.

    Im in a amazing league right now, paradox wave its the only raid that we have a liltle problem dealing with,
    since not everyone can do 2 or 3 or the EO feat, so we just get whoever can do the EO feat do it,
    and help the others that can't while being loot locked.
    How did i joined that league? well i saw a guy shouting for a dps to do Paradox wave, no cr requiriments,
    i joined in and we beat it, on the next day i got another invite from the same guy, run some more raids,
    and then asked if could join the league.
  5. Vyltran Loyal Player

    Possibly, your onlly chance is devs make (Novice)(Expert) tier 5 raids, is that cool for you? obviously T4 should be affected.. T1 - T4 are reallyyy easy, i dont expect that to be included.. just saying..

    These kind of topics are getting popular nowadays..
  6. IIJetfire New Player

    if i had that, i would surely not being posting here as a particular reason, there aren't any friendly nor any good leagues to help, it's nice to have friends and leagues but they are simply " none ", because your in league, your saying this way and your not looking at my point, surely that's not even helping at all.
  7. IIJetfire New Player

    that's the thing should i hear from community being at negative? if you think i shouldn't have post feel free to report or ignore it. i dont need answer from ppl who are simply non-constructive and elitist like the others in-game.
  8. IIJetfire New Player

    i am not meaning it's their fault but i am trying to mean what was the meaning of this, and surely they could check the in-game what requirements that they have been asking, it shouldn't be that hard to find out what pain do we suffer when we progress gears and i hate ppl saying to enter leagues which in-fact the league is the second cause of the insane requirements.
  9. iLLusion New Player

    Not sure about that. Our server certainly doesn't have a huge population numbers, but there's still plenty of very friendly and really good leagues out there. Don't be affraid to make contact with them, it's easier than it looks.
  10. IIJetfire New Player

    i am sry, if you were in eupc server you wouldnt be saying this stuff exactly.
  11. IIJetfire New Player

    sure and how so? i have been trying but in the end i had to give up and there aren't any talkative ppl, they all just want one thing- get it done and don't care after that, because it's all come and go, simple too ?
    I am not an exceptional person but just one of the ordinaries, it's uncool to see anything as easy as said than done, especially hearing from a league and not by an experienced person.
  12. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    You could make your own group?
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  13. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    The devs created the insanely difficult content that fostered the ridiculous CR requirements in the first place.

    If there are no raids that are PuGable anymore, then expect the game to die as more and more people quit playing due to the abuse of hate-filled elitists. Not everyone has hours and hours of free time or a desire to treat a game like it is a job where they have to schedule an appointment ahead of time simply to play it.
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  14. IIJetfire New Player

    it's more annoying in the game than creating topics, it's not to frustrate other but to share and if that is the problem too, my apologies.
  15. IIJetfire New Player

    did you read the post properly?
  16. IIJetfire New Player

    truly agreed, whenever i try to make clear, there is all hate and nothing else. no fun and enjoyment, it's just the job they think of and nothing else...
  17. MCAZR New Player

    Sorry to hear of your situation. My advice is to keep trying and to find more friends and form groups with them or by yourself. All hope for this community is not lost. I was in a Nexus run last night where usually 2 of the dps' and tank would have been kicked. To nip things in the bud, I brought up the issues and along with others kept using words of encouragement and finally after a few hours we persevered.
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  18. PaperGirl New Player

    You need to understand the people who are asking for High CR for Nexus are not what you call the elitists .

    They are just the terrible players who think someone with CR 100 is better than someone with CR 99 .

    Those same players are asking for Ice Tanks CR100 for Nexus , they don't know that earth and fire are good Tanks .

    Those are called terrible players .
    • Like x 3
  19. PurexEnergy New Player

    I don't get it. Just because they created new content that was challenging means that they fostered "other" player's ridiculous CR requirements? That logic doesn't make sense. In that sense, you could also argue that DCUO promotes real people to attempt to become super-powered heroes/villains in real time.

    Right, Hate-filled elitists. NOT the devs. Gotcha.
  20. IIJetfire New Player

    thanks, but there are other's not trusting me, i don't have the control of the group unless they agree with me and move on, i don't have all time to make a cr determined as a job, its simply pointless meaning to it, i really don't know but if the community can't get shaked with words should i try posting screenshot? if nothing ever change i would starting betting myself like- leaving the game permanently and leave with regrets like how others felt and left. but i don't want that, i need ppl for it, but they aint any, it's just...sigh...all abuses in group and they just want to disband and all, what am i supposed to do, everywhere it's just flames and no space. i am willing every risk to help out but once they are in the instance, they don't care at all and after that forces the group leader to leave the group and find someone to replace him as high cr, alerts are simply simple but raids are simply just the opposite...i am just left decayed and useless no matter what tries i do, ppl from league just agree but they don't care once they in, it's simple to see that it's all play of an act and nothing else, they aren't real to their words.