Nothing But Tank Gear

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    This is getting ridiculous. All I ever get are tank drops. I'm a controller, not a tank but all I get is tank stuff. Tank armor, tank weapons, tank rings. If course, had I been a tank, all I would get is healer drops. I know your goal is to get people to buy replay badges but on what planet am I going to want to buy replay badges if the only content I get is tank gear?
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Here is a simple fix to your problem. Don't replay. If you think the replay badges is what they are after, then don't pay them. It has a weekly lockout and it was like that way before replays.
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  3. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    I get a fairly even role drops. 4 dps, 1 healer, 2 tank, 2 troller stuff so far. The pw god has been kind to me(I'm a dps)
  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I'm not replaying, just stating a fact. My point is, running instances lately all I'm getting is tank gear. My replay comment was pointed at the devs that if they want people to buy replay badges and even Vault tickets, make it worth their while. Not saying it has to go 100% the players way but for the love of Pete does it have to be 95% off role drops to 5% drops the player can actually use? On instances and drops that the group can roll on, this kind of drop ratio is what encourages ninja looting. From here on out, when I'm running in controller mode and a DPS item that has stats that benefit me, I'm rolling need. Blame the devs for this.
  5. Void Complex New Player

    Me, during and after a wave run.
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  6. PurexEnergy New Player

    Not saying that DCUO shouldn't try to make money in any way but I did start getting better troller drops once I stopped using replay badges. Just saying. It's probably just a fluke but in my mind, I'm in total control of what I got. MUAHAHAHA!
  7. D0SE New Player

    Here's a crazy idea, why not save those drops in your bank so you would be well geared in any role?
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  8. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Thank everyone who demanded the best gear in the game be random drops. They managed to convince the developers it was the best, most exciting way to earn gear. Yet here we are, almost half a year after the raids were launched, after several "fixes" were released to resolve the issues, still complaining about what's dropping. Still receiving hotfixes to make the experience "better". People souring towards the game on a daily basis and some people are just flat out quitting.

    Another tier like this and I'd hate to imagine the state of the community.
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  9. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    That is spot on. And yet as simple a request as to be able to purchase mid-level weapons for a given tier will be met by certain segments of this forum community with absolutely idiotic cries of:

    "NO! You can't make weapons purchasable like they were for most of the game!!! It will ruin it! People must "earn" their weapons through a completely random lottery!! This is an MMO, you are supposed to HATE every moment that you are in this game!!, etc."
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  10. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Exactly. It's just lunacy to think like that. I get people don't want to grind but at the same time, who guarantees you'll have a full set of gear with all armor, accessories and your chosen weapon any quicker than doing it the proper, sane way of earning a currency to buy it?

    I've said before, I've so far completed Nexus 15 times. 150 MOR earned from it. If that 150 MOR was a new currency used to buy the best gear, I'd easily have the 2 most expensive pieces and be 1 run away from getting the back piece (assuming they are priced equally to T5). As it stands now, I've got absolutely nothing to show for my 15 runs for my main role and not a single person (even those that claim to know) can tell me how many more runs it'll take before I have all the best gear in the game and my chosen weapon.

    People against the idea also say "I DONT WANT TO HAVE TO RUN THE INSTANCE X AMOUNT OF TIMES TOGET ALL THE GEAR" but just what exactly are you going to do when you have all the gear, anyway? Run the lower end stuff with a CR of 101? Maybe, but you're probably going to carry on running the T5 raids... or just leave the game to play something else, because that's the mentality this sort of player has. "Everything now so I can move on".

    It's been the most damaging thing to replace working hard and achieving success with a random lottery. There's a reason why people are playing other games and not coming back. It's because there's no reason to come back. Why come back to maybe achieve something when you can buy another game or play the new game you're playing's online mode and succeed at that instead. Nobody plays games that have an end goal for just a chance at reaching that end goal.

    It was a stupid, damaging decision.
  11. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    Exactly. In other games, I can see my progress and earn my rewards. Random things are OK as some special surprise, but that is all that they should be; like the Prime Helm -- something that is very fun for the rare person to win, but not a requirement whatsoever to progress in the game.

    And also, in most games, as you progress you gain more choices. In this one, as you go further in the tiers you have less choices. You don't get to pick your weapon anymore, it is chosen by a random lottery.
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  12. Tesseract Well-Known Player

    I'm DPS. I've gotten a boatload of Tank, Troller, Healer gear. Yes I've gotten most of my 88 DPS gear from Dox, but if I were to count all the gear I've gotten it will be mostly Tank/Troller (I've salvaged a lot of Tank/Troller gear)

    It is quite ridiculous. It also seems like the RNG is on specific loot progression. I'll get all Tank for ages, then all Troller, etc..
  13. Incredible Wrecker New Player

    I get gear in all roles. IMO they took a huge step toward fixing the gear problems by giving us our own drops. Now they need to finish the job and unatune all gear that drops at the end of raids. I know they can do it. Weapons are like that. So is the obot/mbot gear and Norseman. They have the capability to do it. So do it. Even if they only did traces gear and any end game content henceforth it would fix it.
  14. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    I personally don't mind the system. At least in paradox, they give you the option and capability to get a GIANT chance at gear you want, by choosing how many bosses you leave out. I have 4 items for my role from paradox at the moment, and paradox and nexus are unlocked for this week still.
    Anyway, it's always grinding in an mmo. If you enable purchasing, people have a concrete goal, a concrete end date that can be sped up with replay badges. With random drops, it costs more badges, and adds the random element that some people crave.
  15. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I must remind you though, May - October 2013... you weren't seeing anywhere near the quality of drops you see now. Those drops back then were the way the raids were designed and fully intended to work. It was merely through endless complaint threads and a massive uprising from a conspiracy theory that they got off their backsides and did something about it.

    Up until that moment, the developers weren't budging whatsoever on the loot issue. Which suggests that if the same system were to happen again and next time there was evidence to suggest all items were dropping (just at ridiculously low rates)... there would be no obligations for them to enhance the quality of drops. Thus resulting in a permanent state of T5 raids circa May-October 2013.

    The best option for everyone, regardless of individual opinions on it, is to let us buy the gear with marks earned by beating the raids. Nobody loses out that way and everyone actually has something to work towards. Threads like these wouldn't come up, because nobody would feel violated or robbed when their numbers don't come up. The end result is the same, except people who agree with me and feel the same way as I do would actually want to run the content to progress our characters.
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  16. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Um, because I can't play those roles? And no, I'm not going to buy 100 respec tokens.
  17. XxReCkLleSsxX Well-Known Player

    I agree ... It's honestly embarrassing how many times I've replayed wave with 2 bosses up since they updated the loot table and have absolutely nothing to show for it besides off role gear. I play troll and dps so you'd think i'd have gotten something for 1 of my roles but nope , all healer , tank , and if i'm lucky i'll get the precision base shoulder for the 5th time. ( on mental dps/troll)
  18. dyslexia Active Player

    Much in the theme of thunderdome where 2 men enter 1 mans leaves....
    8 players enter 40 pieces of salvage leave..nuff' said
  19. Myrdin69 New Player

    you play the lottery at the end of paradox too?
  20. Magical Reset Committed Player

    Are you me? I've been getting nothing but tanking gear too. So much that I've decided to respec into a tank, just as SOE planned.
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