Changes to premium

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Vextalyst, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Al Mandrake New Player

    sorry but I have to call a bit of BS on this, I play Dungeons & Dragons Online and have been a premium player there the whole time, they do not limit the amount of in game money I can spend. The only limits on premiums in DDO is no access to content you haven't bought, no access to a small portion of the classes and races, fewer character creation slots, and a 50k limit on in game money I can transfer between toons through my shared bank at one time. I can even buy and use gear that is only found in content I don't own. I also feel the need to point out that DDO beats out both those titles as well as DCUO on nearly every list of top 10 MMOs, I wonder why ;)
  2. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    I'm a legendary player and honestly, I would like to see the end of the cash cap limit. However, and this is a big however, the legendary package as it stands right now is not strong enough for them to take it away at this point, in my opinion. If it were as strong as some people say it is, then we would be seeing more people become legendary. If the legendary package were as strong as some people say it is then we would be seeing more threads asking for premiums to get other legendary benefits. But we don't. Because currently, the big one, the only one that matters to some people, is the cash cap. That is the one thing that the legendary package has and everyone else wants, that is the one thing that thread after thread is created about. And unfortunately, I think that means that it's serving its purpose. That's certainly why I subscribe and from what I've seen there are a number of other people in the same boat. I would be happy to see the cash cap go but in order for that to happen there would have to be something to encourage current legendary subscribers to stay legendary AND increase the income for SOE (I mean, if the income is going to stay basically the same, what is their incentive for doing this?). Just my two cents for what it's worth.
  3. Spoofer New Player

    The best perk Legendarys get is "no cash cap". Probably if they get rid of it that may hurt their income.
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  4. shadwfyre New Player

    Most of those posting for the premiums don't wont the cash cap removed just increased a bit. Why would it be bad to increase it to say 5k or 10k ?
    Hell, I would be okay with the 2k limit if it automatically refilled from my escrow when I spent it, but it doesn't .
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  5. Enickma Dedicated Player

    So what? If people were willing to spend money on that then that's their problem, not SOE's. You do realize that their goal is to make money, right?

    If you want the cash cap gone, subscribe. That's the system they've set up.

    Suffering is a terrible word to use. The only thing you have to do is find someone to buy you an interface, which isn't hard to do. You're not really suffering at all. Now, do I think the prices should be lower on interfaces? Absolutely. But there's a perfectly viable workaround there that you should take advantage of.

    That's really more on the playerbase because they set the market, but there are probably people out there who would take exos in lieu of cash.
  6. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    while I do agree that premium (once you have bought all the dlc's) isnt much of a chore as you can sell things to repair and such. but seeing as this is the pay method SOE decided to go with this game, there should be some kind of compensation granted based on the amount of money you spend. like say what some have called for with a small cash increase per DLC bought or say some kind of cash cap raise per some cash quota reached say every $20 spent on game. would only be following in the payment model they have set for the game.
  7. Vextalyst New Player

    This is the root of my problem with the cash cap right here. I've already acknowledged that DCUO will lose subs if the cash cap becomes reasonable but it will still have more than enough subs to stay afloat (as i've already provided proof of). I don't fault SOE for wanting to make as much cash as they can. Every business want's to. What I fault is the fact that they are willing to screw over the game's integrity and balance to do so. There is NO argument for that being ok.
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  8. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    I think you guys are putting too much stock in the cash cap. I dropped legendary for about a week the vault space, the access to the dlcs and different restrictions are what I didn't like.
    Yes the cash cap would be a pain but for me going and buying one dlc for what I pay monthly is not worth it...granted I would only have to buy them once but I pay for convenience
    . I bought extra space in the bank and broker along with more toon slots. I would keep these if I went premium but having to buy all the dlcs im used to having is a no go for me. Ill gladly keep paying my sub.
  9. PhoenixTanker New Player

    In comparison to other highly successful mmos, the main problem DCUO have is the lack of things to offer its player base. If players would take the time and compare other successful mmos market-place to DCUO's market-place they would notice it. DCUO is basically being kept afloat on the unique game-play experience and the popularity of being apart of the DC Universe.

    Keeping things in a comparison context, overall Legendary Status is like renting the game. Once your subscription is over your limited to all the games basic functions and walk-ins only. In knowing that, my only guess is that the developers gave additional perks to spice up "Going Legendary". Oh the other hand, Premium Players are "un-categorized" unfairly lumped together by spending 5 bucks. Truly there should be 4 DCUO player bases: Legendary, Primer (DLC owners that should get a cash cap increase base on DLC owned), Premium (just spend 5 buck), and Free-To-Play.
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  10. Pimp30 New Player

    But i couldnt without a donation, i had full t3 gear but i was one point away from t3, and with so little money i cant make mods for myself really without going through hell for it, which i wasnt gonna do, call me lazy w/e

    The "their running a business" line is the most overused ever in defence of a company, it doesnt make what they are doing right, i know they need money, thats why i decided to buy **** in the game, but the fact that you need money doesnt make every plan you have for gaining it a good idea.

    I like how you keep saying that were talking about DCUO and not any other mmos but that doesnt mean DCUO isnt an mmo, and comparison is a great way to judge something, as long as its done fairly.

    I dont choose my games based solely on whether or not i hate the business model, its also about the game, and this one is good, could definitely be better, but its pretty awesome right now, and the fact that the business model is this annoying angers me, its the only thing in the way, and it might be enough.

    I get what your saying and your right, the cash cap is the biggest draw for the switch, and honestly i probably will switch to one of those other mmos because of it, im only on these forums ******** because its the only thing keeping me from enjoying the game.
  11. Pimp30 New Player

    well i guess its perspective, since you had a sub its like the stuff you had has been taken from you, but for me, buying dlc is, fine, its cheaper than a sub in the long run, and i can pick and choose them, the dlc thing was the reason i thought premium would be cool.
  12. Pimp30 New Player

    I dont know about the rest of those game but SWTOR has the single worst F2P business model i have ever seen, once you get into the character selection screen they just grab you by the balls and never let go.
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  13. GeoShock New Player

    and even getting to prefered status (somrthing like premium here) does not change much. If you'r not planning to subscribe to SWTOR don't play it.