A Daily Dose of Heroism Audio

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Shadowdragon, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Audio from the cops' seems to be missing. The usual...
    "...couple of thugs cold cocked me... help me take them out"
    "Thanks for the backup."
    "They'll put you away you costumed thug."

    Thugs and civilians are OK.
  2. Scur Developer

    Audio is investigating this.
  3. AudMike New Player

    Which cops in particular? Which episode or instance did you find the silent cops?
  4. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    He's talking about the random daily acts of heroism cops that you see around Gotham/Metropolis.

    Here is an example where you have to defend a cop against some thugs:


    This cop didn't have any audio. He's supposed to have a couple of lines.

    All of the cops I've encountered in the cities today have been the silent types.
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  5. AudMike New Player

    Thank you for the report. I've found a good repro. We're working on a fix for it now.
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  6. DC_Homeslice Developer

    Hi DCUO'ers! I am resurrecting this thread to see if this issue is still happening for any of our players. We believe the issue has been resolve,but if anyone is still experiencing this issue, please let me know.

  7. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    I don't think we can test this right now. Haven't all the of the city cops/thugs been replaced by the seasonal content?

    EDIT: I was just checking and it appears all of the cops/thugs went home for the holidays.
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  8. DC_Homeslice Developer

    Oops, I forgot we just activated the Seasons Greedings Seasonal Content. I'll continue to look on my end, and check back with everyone after the Seasonal Content is over.

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  9. DC_Homeslice Developer

    Seasons Greedings content should be coming offline in the next day or so. So if any one is still experiencing no VO on the Gotham Cops once they are back in Gotham, let me know. Currently we have been focusing on audio issues for the new DLC9 content, but we haven't forgotten these other audio issues and are still invested in getting these resolved.

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  10. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    It works now! Thanks for the fix!
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