New Pve arenas.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Angus Krozz, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Angus Krozz New Player

    I was doing the lantern missions at level 21 feel the fear. The first mission Is heroes and, villians have to revive lanterns then protect them. When I got there I also saw 2 heroes. I revived a yellow lantern they knocked it out then one of them was healing the green lanterns I got really frustrated and, figured I can play this game to. I went to the top of a building switched to my healer. When I got back to the area I don't know if I got the same 2 heroes but, I did get 2 heroes knocked out. Then shortly after 8 heroes showed up I'm guessing to help there hero friend. I managed to get only 2 more heroes knocked out. It was fun for me because it seemed like a competition between me healing the yellow lanterns plus knocking out the green lanterns. I was using the envirement to knock out other players. I would like to see a new type of arena that is pve to where players. Can win by getting the other team to have so many knockouts or, the most knockouts to there npc allies. This will be how a team will be scored. Have solo, 4player, and, 8 player events. Players must use the envirement to cause damage or, get knockouts.
  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Funnily enough, the exact same thing happened to me at that exact same mission, the other day while leveling a character on the US servers.

    The guy kept knocking out the one I was protecting. I moved away and tried again. For every guy of mine he knocked out, I knocked out 3 of his. In the end he stopped, so I think he got the message.
  3. Captain Just New Player

    Sorry, but that is not "Griefing"..that is what an open world PvP phase is all about..switch to the PvE server if you can't handle it
  4. Motive New Player

    They mean healing the opposing factions NPC's so they can't be killed and the player can't complete the mission.
  5. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    People thought mixing PvE & PvP would be a good idea before the last laugh dlc, what we got were arguably some of the worst PvP arenas I've ever had the misfortune of playing.
  6. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Read his post again genius.

    I don't think he plays in the PvP open world.

    If he did... the Heroes would have kicked his backside instead of just trying to knock out the NPCs.

    He seems to have been healing NPCs in the PvE open world.
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  7. Captain Just New Player

    It doesnt say they were in a PvE..he did say they were knocking eachother out, so it is safe to say ot was a PvP I guess I could be wrong in this assumption. I didnt think you could heal NPCs anymore as of yhe fix a long time ago to swamp thing..hmm
  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    It's not griefing. The hero and villain versions of the missions intersect. As a villain it was his job to protect the Yellow Lanterns, whereas the hero side of the mission is to defeat the Yellow Lanterns. It just so happens that the ones he was supposed to be protecting are also the ones the heroes are supposed to be defeating.

    Now if a group of heroes were running around and just healing the guys that the villain was trying to defeat then that would be griefing, but what the OP has described is definitely not griefing.
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  9. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Pretty sure he means they were knocked out by the NPCs he was healing.

    Also if they were in PvP... the 2 Heroes would have kicked is a** instead of just knocking out the NPCs..
  10. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    If they are in PvE land then I agree its greifing, if its in the PvP side anything goes IMO.
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  11. Captain Just New Player

    But his mission was to protect the lanterns they were trying to kill..and to kill the ones thry had to protect. I dont really see how it is griefing in either phase...
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  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Agree with Captain Just. When I think of griefing I think of stuff like when I was a villain and Swamp Thing was outside for the final boss battle of Seeds of Rot. That was a villain exclusive fight in an area that had no hero content, yet they came along and healed up Swamp Thing making it near impossible for us to complete the Op.

    Stuff like the OP mentioned is just fun rivalry to me and has happened me when I was in that area before.
  13. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    If it was in PvP.... his post would read as such;

    " I tried to heal the yellow lantern.... then the 2 Heroes kicked my a**."

    Or something like that. ;)
  14. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    It's been a while since I did this quest..... but I'm pretty sure that;

    the Yellow Lantern that the Heroes need to kill.... and the Yellow Lantern that the Villains need to protect......

    NOT the same Yellow Lantern.

    But it has been a while.... so I might be misremembering that quest.

    At least you play it safe by mentioning "either phase" this time.

    Good job. ;)
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  15. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You're right in that fact, but the green and yellow lanterns that need protecting will attack one another, so the other one gets caught in the crossfire.
  16. Captain Just New Player

    To bring the discussion back to the point of the thread: I agree! A PvP match where you need to protect an ally and "knockout" an enemy NPC would be a lot of fun.
  17. Angus Krozz New Player

    It was in pve phase. I managed to stay alive and, got 4 heroes to get knocked out by healing the yellow lanterns.
  18. kickthetank New Player

    Why is it considered griefing to heal NPC allies? I joined factions for a reason.
  19. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    What's being described in this thread is not griefing, he's just being over-dramatic.
  20. kickthetank New Player

    I don't mean the OP. I mean something like you experienced in the Seeds raid.