Lock PvE/PvP gear

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Motive, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Motive New Player

    Please, please, please make it so that you can't wear PvE gear in a PvP match. With the current stats of T5 PvE gear you can 1 shot players in full Vengeance gear.

    Why did I bother getting the full set of PvP troll gear with my rubbishy 300 precision, when some people can come in with 1000 precision and kill me? There's no skill or fun in that.

    Also new players to the game doing raids in their PvP gear because they think it has better stats.

    How hard is it to lock the gear for phases?

    So many simple things mess this game up and get ignored..
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  2. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    lol Yeah, not to mention if the guy has white mods out the wazoo or if he's an ice tank tank with shields for days...or if they're celestial..but shhhh...that last one is on the down low. Just calling it as I see it.
  3. Motive New Player

    The ones I just played against had shields + sidekicks + orbitals + backup + soders + T5 pve gear. Its so dumb.

    They have no defence but the health on T5 gear is so high that it doesn't matter.
  4. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    Earlier a friend and I went up against two tanks in 2v2 batcave ( Ice and Earth) both in T5 pve with white mods....but I digress. Now we just wait until someone else post in here, telling us that T5 pve isn't that strong in pvp or that maybe we're just not as good as we think we are...or they might just stay away entirely as not to bring attention to this issue.
  5. Notangie New Player

    I doubt it'll happen, but I support it.
  6. danielqpk New Player

    I can't even kill a dps in veng gear with full traces in time gear.
    That's such an exaggeration its ridiculous I cant 1 shot a person in t1 PvP gear with 85 gear on fully modded!
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  7. The Hornet New Player

    I've been in arenas where there's a HL DPS running around in T5+, a vengeance Tank, vengeance Troll and vengeance Healer. They destroyed people in Ace chemical. Between the dampening fields and shields and constant heals, and the flurry of pets/sidekicks/henchmen you couldn't kill/focus fire the DPS long enough to get him out of the fight. If he got away for just a second he'd get enough of a heal to survive, and when he'd start to combo, people just melted, in full vengeance gear.
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  8. danielqpk New Player

    im celestial dps and I never experienced this...
    but again I guess its a battle between me and the other dps.... being celestial prec based and my combos definitely make it easier.
  9. Poo New Player


    Just merge the gears! Put Toughness and Defense on all gear and call it a day.

    Just think how big PVP would be if people didn't have to have separate gear.

    I would do it all the time, but I am not about to mod a 3rd set of gear.

    Think about it...
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  10. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    This is one of the colossal oversights by the dev team (really comes down to one person, and you know who), who failed to regulate this sooner.
  11. Shinzumakami New Player

    I agree 1000%, tired of immortal healers in 5v5 Watchtower -.-

    Let's also disable Sidekicks, Henchman/Back-up, Orbital strike, and Supply drop in Arena PvP.
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  12. Motive New Player

    I shot is an exaggeration, but they still kill us in about 3 seconds and before we can counter them. It is OP and shouldn't be allowed however strong/weak the gear is.
  13. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    Player with pvp gear:block
    Player with pve: knocked down
    Player with pvp: weapon attack
    Player with pve: dead.
    People gotta be sensible. Pve has no toughness. Knock them down and they will die
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  14. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    If it was that simple we wouldn't be here. The pve has no toughness but it's damage output makes up for it and burns through my full veng like a hot knife through butter. I'm not implying that im great fighter this game has ever seen, I think its not fair, why even have full veng if a few T5 dps with white mods out the wazoo can just burn you like you're still in arch angel? Then it just becomes pay to win...well more pay to win than veng. And then new player coming up might think why waste my time getting pvp gear? When I can just take advantage of the Raven bounty and be unstoppable in pve and pvp. Then you have the added headache if they're a tank etc etc, which already existed but is now amplified by they're shiny new prideful or traces in time.
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  15. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    the greatest*
  16. Motive New Player

    Try it. Most of the time they will kill you before you can counter them.

    Like I said, my precision in full veng troll gear is only around 300, their PvE gear has high health and they used every trick they could to keep it up. The ones I was against yesterday were both trolls, they stunned us instantly and then it took 3 hits to kill us. They already had backup/sidekicks and they used orbitals, soders and supply drops to stay alive.

    This topic isn't about the supply drops being op, but when it is combined with a fully precision expert modded T5 dps then I feel the fight is unfair.
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    The glass cannon approach was a problem during the T4 days. This was fixed when new PvP gear came out that had better stats. This is just a cycle. Next PvP season we will see the opposite to be happening again. Where people will do raids in PvP gear.

    Also, the problem with light is the control effects that get placed on you by the powers. You can mulitshot anyone in vengence gear too. As ram > snaptrap gets you stuned pretty hard. Breakout trinkets help, then go into block.

    There will always be ways around someone glass cannoning thier way through PvP. Biggest is, watch what they are doing and prevent them from doing it. As a controller, you have access to a lot of effective powers and debufs... Unless you are a power feed troll, then good luck my friend.

    I personally love cryofoam and vortex cannon. Cryofoam to starve their heals and power and vortex cannon to strip them of any buff they give themselves.

    I also don't buy role gear. Bunch of waste of time. If you can't do damage in PvP, you are screwed as a PuG. Sure, if you have a static group that has each role in role gear, you will win, but obviously OP doesn't.

    Edit: Also, I'm with Poo. They should never have seperated the two. It just created a bigger wedge between the community. Plus, if they locked them now, they sure as heck should have armories set already.
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  18. Mick Nugget New Player

    Only reason I ever pvp is if a friend talks me into it; I have no pvp gear.

    I usually can beat anyone except my counter role in equally opposite veng gear. Im full t5 celest atm.

    Ive been in front of the mannequin since day one with the sole purpose of figuring out how to oneshot it, so far I can two shot it (after first equipping/performing every buff imaginable) Both the mannequin and veng gear have about 8000 health. Point is, ive never come close to one or twoshotting any veng equipped player cuz that toughness mitigates even more damage on top of the health stat.

    Do you want us to crumble when you guys come to harass us at the bank and broker trminals? Is that what this is about?

    If im full t5 ive earned the right to survive a battle against anyone in full t4 gear, and vice versa.

    Theyre equal opposites if you ask me. My survivability is through damage output and yours is through toughness... get over it?
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  19. Shinzumakami New Player

    Can this still be suggested?
  20. Shinzumakami New Player

    I hate having to face healers or DPS who are physical impossible to kill.

    4v4 Stars = Me and another guy was trying to kill a healer, but he kept refilling his bar every time. Debuffs were basically useless.

    2v2 Batcave - 2 Mini Hipster toons just spammed powers that was doing massive damage to me an my partner. I almost killed 1, but he just pops a few Soders a supply drops and he's back top normal....