Tanks new single target taunt...

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Psianide, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. REEEPR New Player

    So, 7 tanks and a glass cannon dps walk into a bar. Rocks are flying everywhere and the glass cannon kills the entire opposing team at his leisure. Slippery slope to no more healers in PvP. All these ideas are fun, till you lose an eye from a 7 earth tank team throwing stones.
  2. Cold Lava Active Player

    Is that much different from a team of 6 healers, 1 troll and 1 glass cannon?
  3. Stitch Well-Known Player

    I like this idea.

    One way to make it not so overpowered could be to only allow the taunt to affect players every 12 seconds or whatever the time limit is for the aggro table to reset. For instance, tanks in PVE content need to cast powers every 10ish seconds to keep the attention of the enemies, barring any aggro wipes.

    In PVP, a tank could use his single-target taunt on a controller mauling a healer. The controller would temporarily switch targets to the tank but become immune to the single-target taunt until 10ish seconds passes, at which time, the tank could reapply the taunt. While the controller is immune, the tank could taunt a DPS or whatever. Rinse and repeat.
  4. Jc x New Player

    Oh, cool. Make tanks even MORE OP in PvP than they already are.

    This isn't PvE, your whole team will not be "wiped" if the aggro is off the tank for a second.

    This is a dumb idea, OP
  5. PaperGirl New Player

    1 of the worst idea i've seen .

    A tank is like the others roles , sometimes he has to do something very specific on the group , in nodes maps , like in DM maps.

    Making him stuck on 1 target us awful idea ..
  6. EXINGTON Well-Known Player

    I really really love this idea, controllers and healers and obviously DPS all retain their PVE utility value in PVP while Tanks are left with nothing. A controller can give power debuff and dmg all the same as in pvp or pve, healers and DPS are the exact same.

    But a tank in tank gear is greatly has greatly diminished value, considering the new movement mode debuffs recently added to the game, this might be able to re balance at least the utility aspect of the tanks in group fight scenarios.

    This would also enable Dom to have more value in PVP as well, considering the majority of the PVP community does not like to use it, lets say a controller has a higher dom then a tank in DPS gear, then the tank in DPS gear pull will not make the target swap targets. I think adding this sort of mechanic to PVP will add a ton of utility otherwise being overlooked in the game right now.

    Other then node holding a tank in tank gear has very little use and purpose in most PVP maps. Many of them can survive throughout an entire match without a single death for many rounds at a time, but that's cause their being ignored the entire time.......... If your playing tank role right now PVP and you want be as effective as you can be, your wearing DPS gear and killing controllers, but most tank gear just ends up gathering up dust cause the mechanics of most group composition strategies encourage tanks to be ignored for pretty much the entire duration of these matches.

    All in all, tanks in PVP right now has less utilitarian versatility then their counter-roles and I feel like establishing a aggro-dominance variable in regards to forced targets, would add an entangiable twist to PVP that would make playing Tank, fun again.
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