Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Klepto, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. The Klepto New Player

    This is most for new players coming up and new to the game leveling up. But can be for veteran players too that don't know.

    You can skip booster gold missions while doing the exploration missions. Just simply change your role during the cut scene and it'll skip it if you don't want to hear it or are doing the missions on your alts toons. Because we've all heard these booster gold videos a lot.
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  2. Enickma Dedicated Player

    Thanks, I'll post this in the bugs forum so it can be fixed :D
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  3. Bobburt Committed Player

    Another way that has worked for me before is to stand on the terminal in such a way that when you use it, you fall off and cancel the cutscene.
  4. OmegaHero New Player

    This is one thing that if you finish it fully on one toon the videos can be skipped by all others you make.
  5. Yefged Active Player

    Attack a mob before interacting with the kiosk, it works for me :p
  6. Notangie New Player

    Do that and face my wrath.
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  7. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Aye I really like this. it was nice watching the videos the first time, I have no desire to watch it again. This lets me skip it when I go back on alts, saves a lot of time.
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  8. Dogzday Dedicated Player

    I think that being able to buy the Feats with Replay Badges announced by I think Spytle will be enough to bypass those missions if in fact you are a veteran player, given that veteran means you have completed many Feats, this one included.

    This would let people skip the mission altogether because the only reason why we do Booster Gold's Exploration missions is for the big Feat Points associated with them. Otherwise, you rarely look at your Journal at level 30. And of course, if someone doesn't want to do the missions, they shouldn't bother picking it up in the first place.
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  9. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    aww precioius
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  10. Notangie New Player

    You misspelled vicious.
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  11. RTHERMITE Well-Known Player

    oh my, your absolutely right I did.
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  12. Iceman0095 New Player

    I know this post is old, but I just tried doing the suggestion (switch roles during a Booster Gold video to skip it), and it's not working. I'm on a PC using just the keyboard. I tried hitting "T" which does it, and I tried opening actions with F1, selecting "switch role", and hitting Enter to activate it. None of it works. Have the Devs changed it so it doesn't work anymore?
  13. Cable Committed Player

    Unfortunately yes they somewhat recently made it so we are unable to do this. I had completed doing this mind numbingly boring feat when this method still worked (for like 6th and last time I'll ever do it) and I recall not much later someone in my league attempting it and realizing it wasn't working. I have no idea WHY the devs want to force us through this boring content but that's the current situation. Guess you could team up with a very bored friend and see if they can spam due invites each time you start the cutscene or maybe head to pvp phase and hope some nice villain will come along and start hitting you. Yes, I'd literally rather die (in game) than do that mess again lol. Good luck.
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  14. Eternity's_Girl Committed Player

    I remember when this thread started, I already had my own way to skip Booster's vids but I thought I'd give it a try (I was checking out the new leveling system at the time) and it didn't work.

    Basically all you need to do is get yourself into combat stance. The way I do it is by switching weapons but you can switch armor as well. The key is having your styles unlocked, or with weapons just a different type like Bow to DW.
  15. Sbel Devoted Player

    doesn't work anymore.