My most common experience entering T4 raids..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anarcho-Captain, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Anarcho-Captain New Player

    Standing there for 30+ minutes doing nothing with everyone else just standing there.

    Yes, there's 8 of us.

    But still. Let's just stand there.

    It's fun!

    I'm so glad I pay money & the majority of the time is standing around instead of trying to do the raid.

    You know, when I play Monopoly the Board Game, I like to just tell everyone to stand there. Don't roll the dice. Don't even pick a token to be. Just stand there.

    When I do this, people playing Monopoly with me tell me they've never experienced such fun & excitement.

    Thanks DCUO players. I didn't know that paying money to stand there for 0.5 hours or more could be so much fun.

    *this has been a message from the US department of serious*
  2. IIJetfire New Player it really necessary to stand for that long??, i am sure it is understandable if your team is not filled with 8 members and required to find more. But this is really,really weirdo_O
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    What? Why is your group not queueing?

    Did someone have deserter?

    Did someone go afk to take the dog out?

    Did someone go have a smoke while he waited for it fill?

    I don't understand at all.
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  4. IIJetfire New Player

    lol deserter is only 15 minutes or something like that i am sure it can't be 30 min for one person or maybe if more people are having deserter then i guess yeah.....
  5. The Vigilante Committed Player

    I find this typically happens when many in the group realize that the content is going to be too difficult for the PUG group and they are simply either waiting to kick people or hope that they quit so people with almost all t4 gear and high SP's can hopefully join.
  6. The Vigilante Committed Player

    I curse the inability to delete one's own posts because one has inadvertently clicked reply rather than edit because one is tired or just not paying attention (insert shaking fist icon here).
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  7. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    If the group hasnt started moving within 2mins of me entering the instance I ask to he dismissed or leave, if im invited to a group and we havnt qued or walked in within 5min i leave usually sooner when I hear "That Guy" who just needs to do a few things real quick.
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  8. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    It's like 5 mins.

    For gates of tartarus there is ALWAYS more people looking for a group. Take the people who are there and make another group.
    If you are a passive person this may happen and i'm sorry about it. Try to take a little initiative to get what you want done, and if it involves kicking,leaving, it happens. Nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about.
  9. Evil Leaper New Player

    Deserter penalty is 10 mins
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  10. IIJetfire New Player

    wait...i received 15 mins penalty at few times...then yeah now i have avoided since i can excuse myself from instance anytime as well and all...maybe it's just me..
  11. Longshot Well-Known Player

    Who stays in a group for 30 mins standing around? I would have left after 10 minutes.
  12. Zuse Loyal Player


    the funniest thing i read all day
  13. Delyxe New Player

    I've seen this before. It's like that old Life Cereal commercial from the 70's:
    "Did you start it?"
    "I'm not gonna start it. you start it"
    "I'M not gonna start it..."
    "Let's get [insert role here]"
    "He wont start it. He never starts anything"

    Then, finally...

    Usually it's the tanks job to carry the raid forward but more often it's a problem with people that decide, at that moment, they need to "respec" or "re-log". My opinion is don't LFG if you're not prepared, as a courtesy to the rest of us.
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  14. Wilder Midnight New Player

    this isn't just limited to t4 content. happens when players aren't focused on the task at hand (reading boards, sending tells, chatting with people while waiting to fill any slots that are open).

    kills the momentum.
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  15. Mr_Punch New Player

    Who stays in a group 10mins?

    Maybe 30-45sec to change gear or buy colas max, if its not going by then I'm gone.
  16. Anarcho-Captain New Player

    Well THAT is B.S. my friend. If THAT is what people are doing, then they either need to go off & NOT PUG (rather, form groups they prefer), or just freaking try the raid a few times w/ the PUG group. If it wipes, then: yep, it's clear this isn't going to work.

    BUT to NOT try anything & just stand around? UUUUUGGGGHHHH.

    I understand there's folks that aren't going to be up to snuff when I PUG, but you know what? I still hurry up & try the raid. If it's failing miserably, then I'll know pretty soon. It seems to me that it'd take less time to just TRY the raid, then decide if the PUG group is garbage instead of stand around ... IDK... I guess 'hoping low level players will just leave on their own volition'...??? I really am perplexed at the standing around and it seems to happen every time I enter an 8 player raid that's T4. At least the T3 ones I enter either make it from the get go, or I end up entering a raid that has already been hacking away at the final boss or something, but failing miserably. I prefer both those scenarios to just standing there for 30 minutes.
  17. Anarcho-Captain New Player

    You know I mean that we're IN the raid, right? Like, standing there and at any moment I could start the raid, but everyone's just standing at the starting point doing nothing except like, me and 2 others. Maybe 3. So if I started it, we'll wipe immediately because you can't do an 8 man raid w/ 2 or 3 players.
  18. Anarcho-Captain New Player

    HAHAHAHAHA! Nice post! :D

    Often times, like w/ any Braniac raids where there's a starting area "pod" thing, everyone stands around in there. So, what I'm talking about isn't even as far as what you've mentioned. I wish it was. Cuz then I could at least get it going, LOL.
  19. TheLoneLantern New Player

    You're over exaggerating A LOT. 30 mins of just standing around? yeah right... Probably more like 2 mins.

    T1 duos are the worst though. If I decide not to move 9/10 times my partner will also just stand there, and most of the times not say anything for a min or two. It's very strange that they need their hands held to get them to start the instance.
  20. SuperSloppsta New Player

    Really? Why the hell would you stay in there standing or that long? sounds like a "my bad" on your part.
    I would say something WAy before that (like within a min or two) and if people still didnt move I'd leave.