PC players - We beg for a cross platform gameplay

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AllanPage, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. XxReCkLleSsxX Well-Known Player

    PC vs PS3 in PvP ? Pretty sure I speak for everyone when i say F that.

    I imagine PC having much less delay or lag... If anything you should be allowed to sign on to a PS3 with your PC account or be able to switch it over.
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  2. Giggles Loyal Player

    It's already possible. They just haven't turned the feature on. A few months back a bug slipped out allowing us to go to whatever server we wanted to if we're disconnected due to no activity. However, I think the reason they keep us separated is pretty obvious, and that reason is that a mouse and keyboard will school a controller any day of the week. We can clip so much faster using a mouse and keyboard than any player using a game pad could ever do. If clipping to front load damage was not part of this game, I'm sure they would have. However due to the obvious imbalances, I doubt this will ever happen. However, I would love nothing more than to run into some of these PS3 players ;)
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  3. Sore Steadfast Player

    For a consideration, well said.
  4. Calculator New Player

    I hear PvP is non existent in the Land of Care Bears. Legend has it nobody's been able to counter/block break Batman over there LOL
  5. AllanPage Committed Player

    Definitely. Theres only like 2-3 leagues on our Villain side that are able to run Nexus/Dox on a regular basis rest are just pugs. While the PS3 crowd begs for more content with challenge, the PC community has to deal with tough raids and not a proper group to run it. Hero side has more leagues i think but I don't have to switch sides just to be able to play something. Some people have already moved to the Hero side or away from the game due to this, causing more imbalance.
  6. SuperSloppsta New Player

    I play on ps3 but I would love this, it'd make all grouping for contenet that much faster on all servers.
  7. IIJetfire New Player

    Indeed, at EUPC has worst people around mostly and very hard to find constructive people around as well as league's are also another issue respectively and personally the worst, So these are the only reasons why EUPC is less populated mostly,unlike other server platforms, But it's cool if there's cross-platform to populate the lower ones and no one has to run empty-handed at this rate. But it's better not to cross-up with PS3 or PS4 in my opinion, keep USPC and EUPC together since one sided-platform servers would really be helpful to help out many newcomers who are having more issues than relatively to the ones in forums.
  8. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    sorry but the ability to hack the game FAR outweighs the benefits of bringing over PC players...you are hoisted by your own petard...it is possible to hack ps3 too, I know, but its far less prevalent here and its not IMO worth bringing you people over..i have NO confidence in the ability of the DEV team to counter PC hacks...they've put zero effort in this field on the pc side so far...or ps3 for that matter

    and don't even START me on programmable macros and how unfair it would be to ps3 users...

    so I say NO...resoundingly... this would mostly benefit the PC players and hurt the PS3 ones...
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  9. Boscohark Well-Known Player

    Major issue between the two platforms has been mentioned. PSN. On the PC side SOE controls all development and access to the game. However, the PS side is controlled corporately by SONY and is a major stumbling block to a combined server set-up. I would assume the technical hurdles are not insurmountable. But the political hurdles may be.
  10. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I've noticed a decrease also. It's gotten to a point where I always know a familiar player in everything I do. It's not a bad thing, but at the same time it is. I've pugged things and have gotten some of my own league mates in the middle of the day when it's supposedly the busiest. I've realized on USPC that Mornings and Evenings are slow because the kiddos are in school, but lately, I haven't been seeing that mid afternoon boom of players pugging on LFG. It worries me because the decrease in players is leaving of two choices, quit the game, or go to a different server. I think we should combine with the EU server. What else is there to do? I wouldn't mind giving "Odyssey" a few pointers ;)
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  11. IIJetfire New Player

    i am sure you might wanna be careful other than " Odyssey " league, just suggesting that in EUPC, bad experience is quite a common in there as for such elitist people around...
  12. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I was totally kidding lol I don't mind them, they do their thing I'll do mine. They just seem like nice people.
  13. IIJetfire New Player

    Edit: oh well true though, there are other leagues but rare ones to complete the whole instance without talking in teams much but more focused on completion, there are PUG's as well quite good in completing raids and alerts without any problems like completing all 3 fos exp runs at once also made my day better since i needed feats as well as marks for it. But the problem is that there are quite alot of annoying people alot on the other part of backstory of the other leagues or non-league people who have annoyed teams or either talk very non-constructive and all, so yeah it's just that people in EUPC makes least populated due to these reasons and all....
  14. Korvyne Committed Player

    This is the reason I'm considering buying a ps4, it's either that or quit dcuo, it's just no fun anymore in so many ways.
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  15. GeoShock New Player

    Even though EUPC is well populated im all in for this idea.
  16. IIJetfire New Player

    i feel you buddy and i feel like quitting as well after tier 5 when i finish getting 88 pieces or so...because my experience with such people are completely...insane.I mean there are very less cooperative people to find and all, it's just....come and go according to me...
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  17. Dene Devoted Player

    Any server merge would be GREAT - but what about names ? That would be a NIGHTMARE
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  18. AllanPage Committed Player

    Not really that's subjective. You are a PS3 player so obviously you aren't empathizing with us. Finding more people to do raids is a bigger advantage for us. Then again I see what you are saying PS3 guys would have to come across things they didnt face before. Let me tell you that the hacks/macros arent really that big of a deal as it is made. It was an issue last year or few months ago but I have to come across any proper spottable hackers on the server in past few months or one that didnt get a ban hammer. I know some people that attempted to hack ingame and faced a ban.
  19. Caligulus Committed Player

    This MMO was optimized for controller usage, and I'm sure the mouse and keyboard players won't annihilate controller players because of this. Keep in mind you have PC players who use controllers. M&K only bests controllers in FPSs and MMO / MOBAS ([Action] RTSs) where it's mouse focused or more friendly to computer mouse gameplay(like Warcraft, GuildWars, Tera, DotA, Civilization etc...)

    On topic however, the Steambox that Valve is developing is a console that will be able to run games that Steam hosts, this includes DCUO. I don't think many PS3 users would want to convert, either because they don't know about it, consumer loyalty, or just blind ignorance, however, if they did buy it they'd be able to play along PC players, and that's essentially cross-platform play. You guys will have your bigger populations.

    The controller for it is new and unusual though. Here's a demo, it serves a great function either way.
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  20. BigAl Devoted Player

    The good guys always win. That's why the hero pop is higher, more villains behind bars. :D