You KNOW your on a bad event team when....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TechWarrior0329, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    We have all been on them. Summer event teams where no matter how many times you tell someone they can't grasp the idea that we NEED to click the glowies or we'll never defeat Aquaman's brother. Well I had one of those experiences yesterday and thought I would share.

    I was the controller on a team with no healer and three DPS. The first two glowies dropped and I had to grab and place both of them, in between I kept hitting my POT and Power push to keep everyone powered up. We had a team wipe before we got to the second set and one guy quit. The que replaced him quickly and after mentioning what we needed to do we started again... SIGH same result no one but ME paid any attention to the glowies. We kept battling though and eventually managed to finally complete the event.. I have no idea how long it took I was just glad to be done. Then the stats came up. How do you know when you were on a bad event team? When the Troller is not only the highest damage dealer (89,000+) but also the lead healer (at one point it seemed like I was the only one that also understood what a barrel was an how it could help) and of course being the only troller I was the leader in power out. LOL I do not think I have even had that happen before and God help me I hope I never see it again.

    Thankfully due to replay badges this was only one of numerous events I did that day and I had plenty of good teams to help me recover from that experience. So what sort of interesting horror stories do the rest of you have?
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  2. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Been there and done that!

    LOL, the life of a pug...

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  3. AIpha New Player

    Where is the bug?
  4. GreenDrakkon Well-Known Player

    I was running my alts through the event last night and came upon a really bad run on my last alt. Oddly enough it was my newest and lowest alt that I was running that time. I entered the group and there were two people already inside fighting. I checked the scorecard and it had been going on for 30 mins. To put it into perspective, I'd yet to have an event run last more than six minutes. And that was on my two lowest alts. On the rest, nothing more than 3 minutes to run it.

    When I got in, I saw the problem. No one was trying to pick up the crystals and place them in the slots. They just kept trying to fight him and doing no damage to him.
  5. MCAZR New Player

    I'm the horror story because I won't go to healer stance. I'll run around throwing pumpkins at everyone when it starts, pew, pew, pew ignoring whatever is going on around me except to throw the occasional pumpkin at someone, and resume my quest to bash each and every person in my party with a pumpkin when it's over.
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Well, it is always funny to queue in and see 3 level 7s and look at the scorecard and see 30+ minutes with 10+ players on it.

    The difference between this event and the summer one, the summer one you needed 2 people to complete it. As you can't hit all 3 terminals yourself. This event, if you have to, you can complete it by yourself. Just make sure you use a soder for power and health. Plus there are health barrels. :)
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  7. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    This event is fairly forgiving. I've been on bad teams where I had to get all for crystals in the first 2 rounds. In the last round, you really need 2 that know what they're doing. I'm able to cover sucking the ghosts up + 1 crystal. Someone needs to get the other. The other 2 can just be warm bodies as long as they're smashing Klarion and not going for the adds.

    The worst is when someone who doesn't know what they're doing grabs the ghost sucker. Then you're totally screwed because you can't make him drop it. :cool:
  8. X-zero Loyal Player

    I did it on my controller the first day because I assume when my leaguet ran it later a controller would already be in the group and I was right. So I keep the three DPS powered up easily with tons of power left over but noticing this is taking awhile. Then I noticed at the end I was the highest DPS and nearest DPS had half my damage.

    So I learned then when running this using the matchmaking system to DPS because it will just go faster.
  9. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Queued up, found a healer and a troll and another dps like me. I thought, wow, this will be the best run yet! It was the only run I've been in that wiped. Turned out the quantum troller was in almost all T0 PvP dps gear he wouldn't listen to at least give PoT. The second run, he did start dumping, but still no PoT, despite telling him before the instance started again "it's the first power in your trees," and explaining the lightning bolt. I started running healing barrels when we were in need, and I run with Word of Power. I normally throw WoP a little before I jackhammer, but I saved it for the group this time. You'd think that'd be better. After every infusion of power, the Celestial healer immediately used all their power up again, even if everyone had full health from the barrel. Three soders and a supply drop later, we finally passed it. You'd think this would be waay better than Tides of War ... the goal is just to knock the dude out.
  10. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    yeah I ran this on test (sorry I was not here last year to do it ) and it all seemed simple compared to Tides of War. Now mobs helping the Boss (until the final phase) just grab the 2 crystals and follow the arrow. You'd think at some point people would get the idea.. "Hmmmm for some reason my attacks have stopped doing damage. Maybe we need to put those things over there where they belong."

    I have done 6 runs today on different characters and most went really smooth even had one run that was around 3:30. But my Celestial DPS joined a team and I discovered we had 2 DPS and 2 Healers. Okay I figured we will have to watch the power use but at least we won't die! Then the other DPS crashed. We took a vote and reopened but, of course, the only way for the new player to get in was for a team wipe to occur. Amazingly, and agonizingly t at the same time, the three of us managed to complete alone. We used a ton of barrels to rebuild health and I am not 100% sure on the total time but it was close to 30 minutes (actually I am being kind it was over thirty minutes LOL).

    Of course I was lead damage since I was the ONLY DPS and I broke most of the barrels so I got high marks for power out and some heals in as well. It was am epic battle that I am certain the bards will be writing ballads about .. I swore at around the 20 minute mark I heard Buzz Lightyear screaming "NEVER GIVE UP NEVER SURRENDER!"":cool:
  11. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    What sad is when im on my lv7 toon with all lv30 dps, not only do i bring all the crystals to the spot but lead in damage at the end.
  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club


    Commander Peter Quincy Taggart said that quote. ;)

    As for the Event...... it suffers from the same problem that every quests suffer from.......... other players.

    You either run into players who just cannot understand something as simple as "picking up the crystal and bringing it to where the arrow is pointing".... or you run into some "gansta" that will give you some attitude and tell you "Ni**a.... don't tell me how to play".

    Am very tired of other players at this point.

    My kingdom for the game to be turned into a solo game...... or at least having the option to recruit 3 Legends to form a group instead of grouping with other players. :(
  13. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Yeah I know what you mean.

    One of my troller ended up top DPS with almost as much healing out as the healer. Makes no sense.... but it happens.
  14. Venture New Player

    Lmao you wiped!!!!!!?????? Wow, so sad.
  15. TheChromeKnight Well-Known Player

    I've been genuinely surprised how often I see this.
    Most runs, I feel like I'm the only one who stops attacking and handles the crystals. Occasionally, I'll get someone else who knows (or gets it after seeing me do it).
    Every instance I've done so far, without fail, there is always at least one player that just keeps burning power thinking he's doing "leet deeps" and really doing none.

    Also, on a similar note...
    Ran the Masquerade yesterday on one of many alts. Only one of us was 30, the rest were 14-23.
    Healer, troller and 2 dps. (wiped once. Ghost spawns. Long story).
    The 17 dps was burning power like it was going out of style. I watched the poor troller (23) do everything he could to build his own power. (spam weapon combos, burn colas and using barrels). He kept the PoT up and spammed his power dump just to keep the dps with SOMETHING. I saw him use the defense debuff a couple times, but he rarely had enough power for it. He was also the one helping me with the crystals, and was the one who used the ghost collector thing to prevent another wipe.

    And the dps called him a noob for apparently not being able to keep up with power.

    Long story short (I know, too late), I'd run with the troller again, anyday.
    And the 17 "dps" wasn't even close to top damage. o_O
  16. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    I've been running it as a healer and myself and the troller were told by a DPS to change to DPS or it would take too long. When we refused we were told to "have fun failing" before he left :rolleyes:
  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Nothing against you or your PUG Team but how are your stats? I wipe on Klarion? oO I'm pretty sure you could have soloed it by stopping to give Power to others^^ Anyways wish you more luck on finding a better group for the next run. Dunno if I'm right but shouldn't this "role optional option" in the Gameplay also work here? If true, use it to find a balanced group :)
  18. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    Well if there isn't a troller and someone used up all the barrels and two others get to do the transport I won't stand around buffing my nails I'll keep building up my CC count on Klarion in the hope of a bit extra power regen.
  19. SuperSloppsta New Player

    If I'm not mistaken I'm pretty sure your precision goes up to 661 when you have the pumpkin head, so outdpsing a low cr level 30 shouldnt be that hard....
  20. Nodens Dedicated Player

    Not actually a bad event team, but close enough...

    You know you're in a bad PvP match when your OPPONENTS are consoling you over the partner you got stuck with. (true story)