Why all the Earth Tank hate?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Agent Redline, Oct 10, 2013.

  1. Agent Redline New Player

    In the last few weeks vie seen more and more of this in Nexus and especially in Paradox.

    Group Leader - what type of tank are you?

    Tank - Earth...

    You have been kicked from instance....

    LOL seriously?

    I get that most people think earth tanking is broken and useless, but I know a few skilled earth tanks as well as myself and I'm getting really ticked that everyone wants an ice tank or fire tank... I know aftershocks sucks and has issues but if you only rely on aftershocks for damage absorption the. You shouldn't be tanking in the higher level raids anyways.

    When is this new tank power coming out? I refuse to go fire or ice. Lol
  2. Clutch_GT New Player

    Meh people will always complain about Earth tanks I don't blame them though most just don't know how to use it to it's strengths and try to play it like ice...smh
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  3. Agent Redline New Player

    Indeed sir indeed. I was in a pug with another earth tank and they used no aftershock effect moves and didn't use brink either... They used hard light shield... The continued to die and appear confused as to a successful loadout. It's "tanks" like this that are why everyone hates us lol
  4. PaperGirl New Player

    A noob is a noob .

    A noob who doesn't know anything than his own powerset is still a noob that don't know anything in the game .

    Many stupid people are shouting in lfg all day long for Ice Tanks .

    1rst they have no idea of what is a Tank , and they have no idea of what is a good FIre or Earth Tank .

    Ignore them .
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  5. SuperSloppsta New Player

    I have no idea why, I love my earth alt for tanking and dps. (although I hear dps is lacking in t5) if I had to guess I'd say because imo it takes a bit more effort than other tanks.
    My complaint about eart why the hell cant jackhammer kill the ghosts in the event, I know its not a big deal but c'mon man why?
  6. Poo New Player

    I just switched from Earth to Gadgets a few days ago...

    What a huge difference.

    I can't comment too much on Tanking (since I never really had a need to)

    But DPS wise? Man oh man! Big change!

    I tried everything with Earth (only power I used for a long time) but damage out was never on par.

    Using Brick kept me alive much much much longer than the other DPS's though. And I almost never had to repair gear ;)

    I used almost no power by comparison though (precision based)

    It is a good power for the reasons listed above, but like all other powers @ T5, if ya can't keep up...
  7. toast Well-Known Player

    I have an earth tank that is continually in 3rd or 4th on the scoreboard in gates veng & dawn and i was modded with 4 vit/dom IV's 4 dom/htlh IV's and 2 dom/prec IV's. I have recently swopped 2 of the vit/doms with dom/prec and am doing a little more damage.

    from what ive noticed not many people who use earth know what the PI's are or how they work. did mbot a cpl weeks ago on my earth tank with an earth dps. I asked him what PI he was using,crushed or dazed, so he could get the PI bonus off me. he tells me he has no idea what im talking about. then i asked him if he was using shift or aftershocks and he had no idea what those were either. he tells me his loadout and not one of his powers had a PI other than totem and brick.

    my loadout is gemstones, epicenter, jackhammer, either shards - debris field - earthen grip (depending on content run), tectonic break and unstoppable. Ive had an earth dps invite me to several of his league runs because his league was quite shocked that an earth tank could actually be done well and he loved that fact i was using the dazed PI.
  8. Mr Iceblock New Player

    All tanks get hate. Ice is too easy and for noobs is all I keep seeing.
  9. tell me more New Player

    I love Earth tanks! :D
    As a mental dps, you guys set up my PIs, saving me time and power.
    Thanks earth tanks
  10. Myrdin69 New Player

    unfortunately it's true, i've seen a few fire and earth tank switch ice when origin crisis launched, not because they like ice but because they couldn't do the job properly with their first power
  11. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    After seeing what I've seen (our primary tank has switched powers and tanked paradox with them all).. I couldn't give two hoots on what power the tank is, as long as they know what they're doing.