How am I supposed to play content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SuperSloppsta, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. Shadow Vlad New Player

    Easiest soution is to just form your own group.
  2. QueueHatman New Player

    All leagues currently posting that they are recruiting, last I checked, were USPS3. Most of the recent USPC threads were people asking about leagues that are recruiting on the forums. I don't recall a single USPC league using the forums for recruitment but I haven't checked the League Recruitment forum in a bit.

    In short, USPC leagues are only recruiting from in-game, meaning you'll have to find a way to run groups with people who want more good people to run with, which goes back to the poster's original problem. :/
  3. Clifwing New Player

    Are you on USPC? If yes then I will gladly heal for your raids. Villain side and Hero side I have strong healers (villain is CR 90 with 130 sp and hero is CR 98 with 120 sp). Just tell me if you need me, Cliffwing and Regener8.
  4. QueueHatman New Player

    Personally, when I have the time to set a group together, I ask for PST CR ONLY to gauge efficiency of group (I have far less tolerance for wipes with a group that vastly overgears content than a group that needs the stuff - it also helps me gauge who needs what piece for what reason).

    If you can enter without a walk-in, you're in.
  5. SuperSloppsta New Player

    I'd like to thank everyone who responded to this thread and give a little update on my situation.
    Before this thread I barely ever tried to make my own group, my thoughts after doing it more...sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt as it can just take forever to get a full group sometimes, but when you do usually it works out.
    Telling a lie about my cr, pretty much same as above but Ive had slightly higher sucsess rate with lying, idk why..
    and to everyone saying theyd help and play with me, thank you very much but Im on usps3 and unless I missed someones post who offered this on ps3, youre all from pc, Id lovbe to play with ya I just cant
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