Peaceful Moments in DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Shinzumakami, Oct 6, 2013.

  1. Shinzumakami New Player

    Ever had that moment when you're in PvP phase and see a Hero / villain? But instead of fighting eachother you 2 just hang out with eachother and talk with emotes?

    Well, a few minutes ago I queue for a 1v1 Batcave Arena PvP...
    The match starts and I quickly down my opponent. She comes back and blocks in front of me....I had 2 option..... Destroy her to complete PvP mission, or other....

    So I decided not to attack, and left to take a nap behind joker card. After that she just waved and started boosting capture the middle for capture feat. Sadly I won because I tried joining her and she refused to win even though I was trying to let her.......

    Why can't we have peaceful moments like these T_T
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  2. Vulmyss Dedicated Player

    Lol. Keep trying man!!! World peace!!!
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  3. IIJetfire New Player

    Peace, nothing better than as it said, Keep it up!
  4. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    I love moments like that. I remember leveling characters back before the server merge on pvp side and this would happen all the time, not so much anymore. Oh well.
  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I am not a PvPer by any stretch of the imagination but I hear you. just the other day I was cruising around Ace Chemical grabbing up collectables, one way I supplement my cash flow, and spotted a lone villain trying to take out one of the BIG bosses. I forget the darn things name but its the scary looking thing with a baby doll head and spidery legs. I joined in and started helping the guy out. OF COURSE within a minute or so a JERK I know from PUGs was in shout spouting off about how shameful it was that I was helping a (GASP) Villain! Interestingly when we got the thing down to a sliver of life MR. LOUDMOUTH swoops in and helps finish it off. Like at that point we really needed any help. LOL

    Hey I have "teamed" up with villains in the wastelands on more than one occasion if we were doing the same mission. It's a lot easier to take out a boss with 3-4 players than one or two so who cares what they are? After many of these join encounters we have bowed to one another, wished each other well and gone on our separate ways. ITS A GAME .. same guy you are dueling today could be the healer keeping you alive while battling Trigon tomorrow. Relax and have fun!
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  6. Raj AlGhul New Player

    That brief moment where you and your opponent realize that is more than just about winning and having fun, good for you

    For fun, hit a hero once while watching cutscenes at a Booster Gold Terminal. More than often they will thank you for it =).
  7. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Huh, I guess them lying motionless at my feet could be considered a sleep emote.
    Sorry, I have a game to play, let's get on with it, and not skip around the batcave together.
  8. DivineSire Dedicated Player

    When i start game on pve side if there is someone going crazy with their weapon or powers ill run up to them and start blocking!! Usually they start fake attacking and ill run around and hide behind breakable things, and when they find me i scream and run to the next spot!! lol Dont ask why hehehe
  9. Zrusa New Player

    I do the same in a lot of arenas and legends just let them win. YAY!
  10. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    i have a those quite often, usually heroes expect me to start hurting them as soon as i'm next to them, but if i wave, salute, dance or any other non /rude emote, they'll answer back. Sometimes i start dance parties outside police stations.... those don't last too long though inevitably a mean spirited hero comes in slaps me in the face to stop the party and start the fighty :(