
Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by melvinpox, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Zuse Loyal Player

    I know :eek:;)

    Zuse over and out
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  2. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Melvin is going to kill us for derailing his thread xD
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  3. Zuse Loyal Player

    No he wont we have captain Waffles on our side

    zuse over and out
  4. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Who's Captain Waffle? o_O
  5. Zuse Loyal Player

    The good clone of General Zod .....................................


    yea im lazy to write Zuse over and out so ill stop that's Deathmike's thing
  6. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I learned a secret about Zod last week. Everyone lean in close....
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  7. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Quick, someone get Gossip Girl on the line. :eek:
  8. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I thought you were the giant kryptonian monster Gamera Zod!!!
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  9. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I may have told part of this story before.

    Roughly 15 years ago...
    I transferred to a new Wal-Mart to train as overnight manager.
    One of the stockers, upon finding out I was single, said I had to meet this cute, blond cashier...
    "There she goes!" he said, pointing her out in the distance as she walked out the door on my first night in the new store.
    Turns out, the manager who was training me had just slapped her posterior, and she walked out never to return.

    5 years ago this month, I was singing in a cover band called 8 Possum Tuesday.

    Another guitarist and I were working on original music together, calling ourselves Reversatile.
    We'd record the backing tracks (bass, keys, rythm guitar, and drums) then play the song at karaoke to see how well it was received - he played lead guitar and I sang...

    One night, he shows up with a blond.
    Sits her at my table, introducing us, then wanders off.
    She and I start talking...

    A few weeks later, I find out that he was trying to impress her with his guitar...
    I tell him that walking off and leaving her at a table with a Lone Stranger (heh heh) isn't the way to impress her.
    Besides that, I had to tell him the pecking order of rock...

    Singer gets first choice
    THEN lead guitar.
    After that comes bass, rythm guitar, keys, and drums - usually in that order.

    Anyway... that blond's my wife now.
    IF he hadn't been trying to impress her and been so clueless we would have never met.

    AND she's the Wal-Mart cashier that walked out 10 years earlier...

    strange but true
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  10. General Zod 10000 Post Club

  11. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Um...your face.
  12. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Two days in a row?!
  13. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    If he does it tomorrow, that's going to be one ugly hat trick.
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  14. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    It's a trap! :eek:
  15. Lantern Flash Committed Player

    I have 2 defining moments.

    In another thread of Melvin's, I told a story of my struggle with alcohol and losing my place in the band I was in at that time. Years after that, I was in a band called Crimson Nightfall. We played a show in our local area called Skatefest. (you can see a picture of me from that particular show in the Players Behind the Game thread) Our band played some pretty atmospheric, intense, music. Similar to Opeth, but at times faster. Anyway ...

    At that show, there were alot of heavy hitters from our area there. Touring bands that had just signed deals. We killed it! Every note, every movement, every groove, was just spot on. Not one note was missed or played wrong. My friend who will be my best man in a couple days, held my son (who was 7 at the time) on his shoulders so my boy could snap a picture of dad just owning it! For a moment .... I stood there after our one song At The Gate, and I looked out, heard the crowd at the top of their lungs, saw the security trying to break up the pits, saw my son with that 'my dad is so cool' look, my fiance with that 'I can't wait to get you home' look, the sweat just pouring off me, and with everything I had been through with my addictions and problems ...... I knew at that moment, I had been through hell and back and came out on top. I have an awesome woman, great kids, and after that show, there isn't anywhere I go where someone isn't like ........ 'hey your that animal bass player with the 6-string bass right?' I always make sure I make time for people like that. And when it's a teenager just starting out, and they want advice from the 'cool local musician-guy' I give them the whole 'becareful what you wish for' speech. That was my triumph, and has cemented my legacy in this area musically.

    My other defining moment was when I turned heel and joined up with General Zod and the Z.W.O.

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  16. Lantern Flash Committed Player

    I don't know how many times I've read articles where people are like ...... the human race is a disgrace! And then a read your story Quantum. You sir, are a true hero. I try to read everything I can dealing with history, and from what little bit I have read on things that have happend in Rwanda ..... it was brutal. That fact that you went there for one thing, and stayed and helped in a different manner shows that we are not a disgrace and there is hope. I find your story inspiring.
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  17. Ebon Angel New Player

    This is one of those reveals that stops you in your tracks just from the sheer honesty of the reveal. Thank you for this.
  18. Ebon Angel New Player

    It is said "Without a test, there is no testimony". Yours is a shining example of triumph! I applaud you for your journey. May life continue to give you bountiful joy.
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  19. Rusvek New Player

    Honey over riches
  20. Ebon Angel New Player

    *Cue the Twilight Zone music......An example of Destiny!?