How's this for an idea?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Redd Vampirus, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. PhantomLore New Player

    I love the idea sir feels like its going the way of borderlands. Hope it happens
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  2. Redd Vampirus New Player

    Aye. That's basically what I've been trying to express. We need something completely new, exciting, and outside of this cookie-cutter box they've been doing. Almost everything they create, has been used else where. In case anyone hasn't noticed, some of the Celestial Animations are cut right from some of the other existing powers. Admonish, looks almost like Ice Blast and the Divine Light animation looks like the green things off of the Sorcery Power, Circle of Protection. In addition, between the whiners and those who think they know what's best for the game and saying 'no' to almost every idea presented, this game is very stunned for growth imo. We need more diversity, more imagination, more requests being answered by the players, more interaction, more fun...hell, more stuff that will just bring smiles to players faces, because let's face it, whatever they are putting up now, doesn't last long. This DLC, was one of their best ones yet, but we got players who are already geared up for it and finishing it within 2 weeks and then bored again lol. But then we got others who are still trying to get gear, but can't seem to progress because of greedy pug groups.

    The leagues really have no true benefit to them except to make it easier to find people for parties, but if they are all inactive, guess what....time to pug it up, right? (If you have no friends online either). As of now, I'm about to take yet another break from DCUO, because for the past 2 weeks straight, everytime a piece of DPS gear drops, it has been taken by a support role (not trying to start another war here...just stating what's happening as for as I'm concerned). Majority of the feats requires other players participation, which is rough if 1. They don't know what they are doing, 2. Don't care about you trying to complete a feat. or 3. Can't get a group together to complete them. I'm not whining in the slightest, I just know that this game needs a complete 180 from the way it's been progressing for the past 2+ yrs, and just develop it better than they have been, instead of always caving in with the whiners. This game has a lot of potential, but it's rapidly losing players to MMORPGs that knows how to truly be an MMORPG. I just hope they know that...
  3. Redd Vampirus New Player

    I didn't think of that, but yeah, it could work. Fable did the same thing...even though its a single player. I believe even Guild Wars, WoW, and FF has all done it as well. It's obviously a great thing to have and loved by many people, as I don't know anyone who doesn't like their skills being tested (unless they are sissies :p).
  4. Al Mandrake New Player

    Great idea, that said it is all but sure not to happen. DCUO is about them making money, that is the start of their motivation and the end of it, and unless they can figure out a way to charge something for it they won't make it. Look at the very few player requests they have done, pretty much all of it is tweaking of missions to appeal to a wider player base ( thereby meaning more people playing n' paying) or settings features that should have existed from the start ( and the fixing of them removes examples of poor design that could otherwise turn people off from playing the game and therefore paying ). Basically when you have a idea about the game the first thing you need to do is ask yourself "how could they make money off of this", if the answer is "don't think they can" then count on it not happening.

    All that said, again Great idea!
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