CR has taken over SP and I hate it.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by EPICQ, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    The devs have never made SP a requirement for gear or tier content so there probably is a reason for that.
    SP is not even logged into your journal as something to do.
    SP or "Feats" in this case, is just merely something to do on the side when your looking for more things to do...AND if your able to achieve alot of them then the more power to you.,...the more the merrier.
    They're like brownie points....plain and simple. Brownie Points that you can add on to your stats. They are not gonna make you the "ALL ULTIMATE" but they will help you out and if you choose to go for them than that is a personal decision, Not a requirement.
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  2. Jbizzahalla175 New Player

    If u have all the gear and mods and strive to be best at your role skill points is a perfect way to separate yourself from another good player
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  3. Delyxe New Player

    Am I wrong in thinking that this thread was about skill points? No, I'm pretty sure we were talking about CR vs. SP. Or maybe you made a mistake and meant to post on another thread to talk about mods. Yeah, that must be it. You must have made a mistake...
  4. Miahztwin Committed Player

    No, I was replying to your dumb comment that a tank can't do nexus with 73sp.
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  5. Delyxe New Player

    No. You were talking about mods. Don't you read what you write?
  6. Miahztwin Committed Player

    Ok, but you referred to sp being used for health and dom and repeated 3x correct? What else would sp be used for other than stat boosts??? A tank had 73sp, he has the option to still have more dom and health. So you said a tank cant tank nexus with 73sp, And I disagree with that. If you're saying that mods aren't assumed in this scenario, then who in their right mind wouldn't have mods? Lets just assume that this tank is smart and does mod his gear. Because if you want to talk about a scenario where the tank never modded his gear, than I would have never commented at all and that tank is stupid
  7. XODUIS Committed Player

    Look i'll keep it simple. People who take CR over SP are very verrryyy impatient people who probably have never even played an MMO before until they saw this game go F2P. So grinding for them is a hassle, along with sharing and proper gear distribution but hey thats another argument. Im probably gonnna catch alot of heat for say this but oh well its my opinion and i'll speak it. But back to my point, i know exactly how you feel. But keep in mind once again, they've probably nvr played an MMO, are impatient, and haven't played for about 1.5 yr+. Theres no sense in arguing with these people because theres more of them than us. It seems like all the OG players i played with have all gone, now im left with friends of friends who saw their friend play this game and download it. But hey DCUO doesnt care they're making money.
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  8. Delyxe New Player

    Again, we were talking about SP's. Mods don't factor in, in this context.

    But I'll bite...

    A tank with 73 SP's would have to be carried through a raid like Nexus or Wave regardless of their high CR and while this could be done, why would anyone want to? I suppose, to use your logic, a level 30 tank with 10 skill points could conceivably complete Nexus. That isn't very practical because who wants to spend more than an hour running T5 content?
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  9. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    So I guess that extra 13 sp in our 5 man runs with me tanking means I'm not carried right?
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  10. Clutch_GT New Player

    The first time I tanked Nexus I ran a full DPS spec not 1 point into dom/health/def and I was half blue half green gear we still beat it in 50 minutes. Hell you only need 3 freaking powers as Earth to tank both raids I wouldn't be surprised if I could tank them using 50 skill points JH & a pull.
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  11. Miahztwin Committed Player

    Lol the guy is obviously not a tank, so I wouldnt even bother talking with the dude. Dont argue with him, cause I'm wasting my time talking to him
  12. EPICQ New Player

    This SUCKS! everything you typed speaks facts....:( i'm trying to help these.... darn players man, I hate that DCUO went F2P and hate that mods came into DCUO but I am fine with the crafting system but hey the dev's need that money, I understand. I am going to come up with a system that will make SP more rewarding and worth getting for the new era of players, this system would bring light back into DCUO, I just really hope people will dig it. My Idea will come later with pictures etc.
  13. XODUIS Committed Player

    Would love to hear it
  14. Vaxtin Well-Known Player

    I've seen peope throw around the term, ''carried'' to explain how something done that they can't explain. Theres a meme around here somewhere.....
    ''Doesnt have 160 SP, must have been getting carried.'' I would imagine it would go like that.
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  15. KianTsu New Player

    Finally, someone on this post says it! I was taught by the smart players, the ones who played in Beta. I started just after the game went live and I was told "Rule of thumb, you should have more SP than what your CR is." You may think that the SP are unimportant, but they add up people. Yeah, the gear gives big stat increases but the SP helps you to critique your toon into a fine tuned machine. You have to actually be decent at the game to get a lot of feats. When I hear people say they have more SP than me, it drives me to get more! I have 155 SP and I still want more. The same goes for everyone in my league. We farm feats as often as possible and it makes us good, knowledgeable and well deserving of the gear that we have. We get through content carrying our own weight. Please people, learn the finer details of the game.
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  16. Delyxe New Player

    I'm not sure what you're trying to say here but let me explain "the term carried" Carried means that you take an inexperienced; under geared player through an instance in order to help boost their gear, stats, marks, whatever. You say it's: "to explain how something [is] done that they can't explain"? What kind of esoteric BS is that?
    Being "carried" is not a random "term" that "people throw around". It's a very specific term as described above.
  17. Delyxe New Player

    Finally! Thank you.
  18. Delyxe New Player

    WHAT are you talking about?
  19. Delyxe New Player

    ...said the guy with 162 skill points.

    Again, someone who precisely proves my point!
    This thread is all about CR vs. SP and you obviously worked a long time to earn your SP's so I'm not sure what your problem is here seeing that, at some point, you saw the need for them but go ahead. Prove me wrong. Go into Nexus allocating only 50 of your SP's toward whatever using "3 freaking powers" and let me know how that works out for ya'.
  20. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Well, you said, and I quote "A tank with 73 SP's would have to be carried through a raid like Nexus or Wave regardless of their high CR and while this could be done, why would anyone want to?"

    Fact is, my tank alt has 86sp. Or a few more points of dom, or resto, or defense. So when I tank our usual 5 man nexus runs (tank, 2 deeps, heal and troll).. I must be getting carried because I'm low SP? Or because I have 13 more than 73sp, I'm not getting carried now?

    That's what I want to know. Am I getting carried hard at 86sp?
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