The result of the 87 dps utility belt.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zpred, Sep 18, 2013.

  1. Zpred Dedicated Player

    So after about 4-5 months (could be longer due to other threads) we got a response from mepps for confirmation, the belt is indeed intended, there will be no changes, there's no bug to be fixed.

    He said that they will be adding more utility belts in the future with different configurations, the old thread was closed.

    So post away :D
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  2. Ala Rebelde New Player

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  3. X-zero Loyal Player

    So probably T5 Sub-Construct alert in a update a few weeks before T6 armor comes out with a very low drop rate. I just hope the belt is better because different could be worse like a CCCC or a CCCT.
  4. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    Its just rediculous that you have to pay rent for these utility belts yet they decide to make the slots wutever they want. The DPS 1-trink 3-consumables is a joke...and the other belts that have the single consumable slot that could be in any of the random slots (ummm why not just put it in the same place on the belt) your screwing up player set ups. If we have to pay rent for the belts why can't we just have all wildcards. Back to the 1-trink 3 cons 87 dps belt though...i dnt know any1 who would or does use this. I dn't get the logic of the dev's...why add a top tier item that is virtually useless & below the functionality of the 3slot vendor purchased belt??? Why lord why?
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  5. H.. Committed Player

    Although it is a 78 level item, I still hold on to my utility belt as it is has all Wild-Card slots - I only wish there was away to "upgrade" my old Utility Belt specs... sigh...I can dream:)

    And, I'd pay, real money, to permanently buy the 3rd and 4th utility belt slots too....
  6. Dead_Corps New Player

    this makes me think back to when I was leveling up Handle It.
    I got a lvl 15 waist that came with 2 consumable slots.
    I thought to myself what would I ever put in the second consumable slot as the other non soder consumables are all lvl 30 goods and can't be used yet.

    I got a good laugh from this and deleted "the belt of why would anyone need 2 consumable slots while lvl 15".
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  7. Lumb New Player

    I don't like how certain belts force you to do something you don't want. It's stupid but there are quite a few stupid design decisions I've come across so nothing new.

    Would make logical sense to allow anything in any of the slots.
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  8. Captain Just New Player

    Because they want people to make multiple accounts and spend $250 to get a utility belt that is actually practical.
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  9. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    The introduction of the recruitment utility belt is just plain insulting when they leave this belt as all consumables. I have nothing but words that can't be used here for the dev team on that decision.

    Seriously... so much hate right now.

    Between this utility belt and the crapshoot loot on paradox... yup you're draining us for all we've got, pretty soon there's not going to be anyone left.
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  10. The Hornet New Player

    They want you to blow $250 on the Obsidian belt.
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  11. The Hornet New Player

    Seriously though, the combo of this and the recruitment belt feels like a huge middle finger. I, too, cannot fully express, with complete accuracy, how I feel about this decision, lest I violate forum rules.
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  12. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Even if you did that, you'd still get the 3 cola 1 trinket crap for DPS... doing so is dumber than the belt its self!

    They've always said DPS isn't a role and that trink proves it!

  13. Ala Rebelde New Player

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  14. Pew New Player

    Isn't there the PC only 250$ pay2win trinket you could use?
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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The recruiter belt has nothing to do with the selection of belts available otherwise in-game. More belts will be added with future content which may fit your preferred playstyle better.
  16. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    It has nothing to do with them... just happens to blow them all out of the water making it hands down the best belt by a larger margin than anything in the game.

    It doesn't matter if you don't feel they have anything to with them the fact that they share a slot and the one you have to pay money for is by far the best makes it the definition of Pay to Win...

    It's getting hard to not be disgusted with this game right now.
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  17. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Why can I not buy this belt on the ps3? Have I missed it?
  18. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    This is very disappointing
    seeing as the Support Role has Multiple Versions of a 87cr Utility Belt and the DPS role is stuck with 1 useless one

    Getting a new utility belt 6-7 months after the 87cr ones were released while support roles already had multiple versions, would be considered the most non-pro active approach to fix this "issue" seeing how through the games progression a new one would come eventually anyway.

    its not about one being released in the Future, more so why we have to wait 6 months while the support roles get theirs....thought balance was crucial

    its like releasing Tier 7 gear for Healer Role only, saying T7 would be released for the other roles in the future
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  19. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    sooo after nearly 5 months of "looking into it " we get this...typical

    golf clap Mepps
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  20. thesteelshadow1 New Player

    this is about the biggest kick in the face ive ever seen. it took 4 months to tell us a belt that useless is intended like you been having heated debates on how game breaking giving the player base somthing we could use would be. mean while that recruiter belts thats so bs is working just fine as long as you got 250 bucks. you guys release a gu about quilty of life improvment while not listing to what we think our quilty of life improvments and this just adding fuel to the fire for all the other fires going on right now. smh devs
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