Why do we have to constantly get things nerfed????

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Pumped, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Pumped New Player

    Its so annoying that this game gets nerfed at least once a week. I don't get it? The only raid worth playing again is nerfed. What do the dev's want us to do with all the gear they gave away???? Run Fos 1.... Parradox was a raid where you have to at least know what you were doing to beat it. Now it is a JOKE!!! Thanks again for nerfing a instance that was at least a challenge.

    Best regards!
  2. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Here's your trophy for being so good at the game
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  3. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    Which gear was given away by the DEVs?
    What do u mean "gear they gave away"?

    are u saying the gear that ppl glitched?

    if so, by saying us are u saying u glitched paradox for gear?
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  4. SoulflyMike42 New Player

    I didn't know Devs gave gear away! I want some. And why hate on FOS1?;)
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  5. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Seriously if you want a harder game then leave. No one is forcing you to play. Threads from you Pumped are getting old.
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  6. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Here's the thing about nerfing, or for that matter, buffing powers, content, or gear. No MMO is ever " finished" . It's always a work in progress. As new content, powers or gear are introduced a balancing game needs to take place with the developers. A new power comes into the game and after being used for a time it is found to have an excessive advantage/ disadvantage. It gets nerfed or buffed to balance the game. In the case of a raid like Paradox. If the team sees a very small number of qualified players attempting, or finishing it, they would review to see if the difficulty is reasonable to adjust. They do no always nerf though. When FOS1 was first released it was so easy that it was BUFFED in an update.
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  7. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Sad to say but DCUO is a business first!!!
    • They introduced a DLC that allowed people to replay to full T5 (85 gear) without raiding or even running 4-mans.
    • Then with mods you can get to 95 CR and purchase the Raven/Brother Blood gear (86 gear)/.
    • Now what’re you going to do with all these people who’re now above T5 and need something to spend more badges on.
    • You nerf Paradox so that the hope for people to obtain the 87 and 88 gear is realistic.
    In the end, the lil’ things add up and while the goal will be stated that they want as many people as possible to be able to enjoy the game, the financial gain from allowing more people into higher end content can’t go without mention.
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  8. PurpCity New Player

    Here's my question: Has anyone legitimately beat Paradox w/o closing any tunnels?

    Not really fair to say a raid is "too easy" when most people completing it are well.. doing it the easiest way possible (by closing down all 4 tunnels).
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  9. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    You are completely spot on! They are a business first and as such are going to cater to the broader base of players. It's a good thing they ARE a business first or we might not have this game to play :)
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  10. Pumped New Player

    85 & 86 gear w/o even having to beata T5 raid. Thats giving it away!

    I understand its a business but the constant nerfing of:
    Legend Characters

    is ridiculous.

    Instead of making their player population get better they rather nerf to bring the play level down to theirs.

    They nerfed clipping why???? Because everyone was able to do but players still couldn't. So instead of making their player base figure it out they nerfed it & punished the skill players. Funny!!!

    Best regards!
  11. Breakforce Loyal Player

    I already gave you your trophy.

    Stop whining. I am not giving you another one.
    • Like x 19
  12. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    gotcha about the gear, but i would disagree about the giving it away part

    i also disagree about the clipping...

    as an old man, my hands cant handle the intensity of clipping. my hands hurting after playing a video game is not enjoyment for me

    as someone who knows how to clip and has tried it out, it was def OP (and still is) when compared non-clippers....

    its all about balance

    alot of these changes u listed are for balance issues...

    u can either buff or nerf for balance

    if u buff, then it makes ppl stronger and can create a big discrepancy btw new and existing players

    nerfing things doesnt increase the discrepancy
  13. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I take it you walked in and got the 15 min feat + epic odyssey last night? if not then it isn't really so easy is it?
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  14. BatDubb New Player

    I did. I play on PC.
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  15. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    The Devs never made a secret that this game is more casual than hardcore. I am a hard core player but I recognize that the majority of players are not ant that they must be top priority.

    Btw, never liked clipping even though it is easy to execute. It always seemed like a short cut to me. Sort of like those fake power shots in Fight Night. But that's just my opinion.
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  16. Pumped New Player

    Everybody can learn how to clip & do it that's my point. Of course just like ANYTHING in life their will be some better then others. Their is players who are better at gadgsts then others, so should nerf gadgets so everyone is the same? So to nerf clipping made zero sense.

    Best regards!
  17. Pumped New Player

    I strongly dislike when they nerf something that everyone is able to do. Clipping is a a perfect example. So just because some cant master or understand it, they nerf it. I get the whole casual thing but shouldnt they expect their player base as a whole to get better? Why is ok to ruin the fun of some to appease others? I pay my legendary just like everyone else.

    Best regards!
  18. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    There is a fine line between expecting your playerbase to get better, and making it so only the best gamers can play the game. The former encourages growth. The latter drives new players away.

    Not everyone is on an equal skill level, and just because something is "easy" for you does not mean that it is that way for everyone or even the majority. The Devs have flat out admitted that the level of difficulty of the T5 raids was too much, resulting in a large number of the playerbase being unable to complete it.

    By contrast, I remember them saying they buffed the latest alert from the SoT, before release. Again, because players were playing it and it became clear the level of difficulty was too low for what it was suppose to be.

    I am sorry that casual players and those that are less skilled at video games, but still love them are ruining your experience, but considering we still have people asking for CR of 95+ for a raid that is suppose to be 84-86, I would guess the raid is still plenty difficult for most players.
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  19. Amelija New Player

    Wait a second, so they nerfed clipping?!? I havent been on the game lately so I didnt realize this. If so what part of clipping did they nerf? Clipping weapon combos with powers? Clipping offensive powers with support powers? Clipping anything with sodas, trinkets, consumables, etc.? Please elaborate because this would be detrimental in me coming back to play consistently...
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  20. SuperBell Loyal Player

    OP, the Raids aren't easier because it was nerfed, it's easier because you and a lot of other people have more CR and SP than when DCL 7 was released. I'm not sure how all these elite players are so disconnected that better stats equal easier runs.

    I'm not sure why that is "sad to say".
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