MBOT/OBOT Gear Drops- Please read Devs.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fatal Phantom, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. Fatal Phantom New Player

    Preach it brother.
  2. Green Lantern New Player

    I'm still trying to get the hands from mbot and it's not even dropping gear anymore. I've been getting greens now for the last week+.
  3. iLLusion New Player

    Funny thing, I actually managed to get Escaped Inmate hands today, but I'm still after the legs.

    Having a system similar to the Raven bounty, would ease up the grind immensely. Please, make it happen Devs!
  4. Green Lantern New Player

    It is funny, I was in a group the other day and two of the guys both told me they got the hands the day before, and were looking for the legs themselves. I'm like damn, all I got was a zesti cola yesterday.
  5. Fatal Phantom New Player

    I havn't seen a purple gear drop in about 17 days.
  6. Master Manipulator New Player

    Yeah I agree with Fatal... Mbot typically drops crap all the time... or multiple repeat pieces...

    Do something about this devs...

    Or are you trying to make this game just not fun to play?
  7. WorldsDown New Player

    Thumbs up to the OP on this thread!
  8. Sariph New Player

    I'd love to see this gear pop up more often and be a choice once you pop the box....help me DEVS! let me complete the feat!
  9. toast Well-Known Player

    I had all but the legs for both escapes inmate and steelworker styles within the first two weeks of HT releasing. 1 month before SOT release i got the legs for both. and in that 5 months i continually received consumables and at most 10 pieces of both styles combined that were already collected
  10. Seni New Player

    Plus One.
  11. Green Lantern New Player

    To be honest all I really want at this point is the Gold Trophy for the style (PS3). I'm letting my sub expire in a months time, after that it'll be pointless for me to even try anymore.
  12. Fatal Phantom New Player

    I would like to see this get added to Game update 30.
  13. Guy Incognito New Player

    I lucked out, and got my last piece yesterday, but I was in the same boat. Within a few weeks of turf dropping, I had all but the head from mbot. I was doing it almost everyday for about 2 months after that, then it became harder to get a group together, so it was about every other day (lol some days I would try for up to an hour, and couldn't get enough people). Within those last few months, I only received 3 gear pieces (that I didn't need).

    The gear drop rate definitely seems to have decreased drastically. The only reason I kept trying was because I only needed 1 piece, and it took months, so I don't even try to do these on any alts.
  14. Fatal Phantom New Player

    Yeah this drop rate really sucks. But what bothers me more is the random gear you would get otherwise. Let us choose.
  15. Fatal Phantom New Player

    Could a dev respond to this? It would be nice to know if i can look forward or not to an update.
  16. quirkers Well-Known Player

    I gave up on the bounties to be honest, those green consumables annoy me every time I had gotten one. Like salt on a wound :(

    Jumping on the loot bandwagon and reiterating what many have said: If they made it similar to the Raven bounty that will allow us chose the gear. I will go even so far to say, I am fine with it being a weekly reset if the loot reflected a better/real chance for gear
  17. Rockman X New Player

    +1 to this. Would be nice to finally complete these styles which should not have to take months to complete.
  18. Fatal Phantom New Player

    I agree i'll take it as a weekly bounty with selective loot. At least you'll be able to find a team every thursday and in a timely manner. Or reset it and actually finish it.