DLC 8 "Not What I Ordered" Feat Bugged

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by WockaFlockaPhil, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    The Feat "Not What I Ordered" with the new Sons of Trigon DLC is bugged.

    The description for the feat is "Defeat 19 Primeval Demons summoned from a botched Envy Ritual in the Knightsdome area of the Gotham Wastelands". After nearly an hour of searching, and 0/19 on my feats list, I've concluded that the Primeval Demon doesn't spawn in the Knightsdome (or the rest of the Gotham Wastelands as far as I know) and is therefore unable to be obtained.

    Can a green name take a look into this and confirm via post this issue is being investigated?

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  2. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Still no luck. Trying some more.
  3. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    No new update, just thought I'd update you.
  4. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Isn't it part of one of the quests? When you fail to kill things before the ritual is complete it spawns these mobs to kill.
  5. Umbrelly New Player

    This is one of the most irritating feats. You need to compete against other players because tagging the demon is not enough to get credit. Unlike other mission/feat mobs, this one can be KS'd. I've camped the spawn area for hours only to have other players steal demon kills. And yes, you can have kills stolen even if the mission is yours and you're the one who summoned the primeval demon. Poorly designed feat, if anything.
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  6. Evian Well-Known Player

    That's how most all MMOs worked in the past. Things weren't handed to us like they are today. My suggestion is, if you really want that feat, find some like-minded individuals and camp the area and start KSing yourself. Unless it gets addressed, you have to fight fire with fire if you want it now.
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  7. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    The spawn rate drastically needs to increase.
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  8. The Doctor Loyal Player

    Glad I found this thread. Any update SOE guys? There seems to be no way to get this feat.
  9. Sgt Bombero Committed Player

    Any word devs?
  10. Datsuninja New Player

    Couldn't you just team up with like minded individuals and try for the feat? Like the Reaper kill feat in CC? or does the KS issue steal credit from group members also?
  11. Master Manipulator New Player

    I also think this may need to at least be looked at.
  12. Tenacious85 New Player

    I have been able to get 5/19 when it first came out. Been trying everyday since and still stuck at 5/19...
  13. shaun10656 New Player

    I have gotten 1....
  14. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I've gotten 1 of them and I've gotten the mission about 10 times so the odds weren't in my favor
  15. AzraelR Committed Player

    someone completed this feat?

    I'm trying every day but still the same amount (4/19), what happens?
  16. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    Someone, tweet this to Spytle
  17. danielqpk New Player

    did not even know they exist.....:oops: glad to know they do at least...
  18. Propel New Player

    I've had this feat since the the 3rd week after the DLC. It's luck based, you're only gonna see a demon 1 out of every 4-5 times or so if that, but I just did missions in the area and whenever I saw someone else doing the mission I would hang out and see if one spawned. It's only going to get more difficult now as less people run those missions, but it's not impossible. Just annoying.
  19. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    I did, You have to spawn camp. so happy to be done with all of this DLC feats.
  20. Little Sister New Player

    I've completed it as well. It's just the luck of the draw ;)