Nexus Line of Sight Artifact Tanking

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BatDubb, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. BatDubb New Player

    NexGen quit the game.
  2. Sh0wtyme New Player

    So nobody used that same mechanic when they were a scrub leveling up a guy.. Almost about to die and hiding behind stuff to survive. Same concept. But doing it straight up without the artifact is easy too. Rafters basically eliminated the shields all together. So yeah, it is different than using the artifact. You still have to get in them or stay alive with it or you'll wipe.
  3. Radium Devoted Player

    Isn't this same mechanic used extensivly in competetative pvp?
  4. Stitch Well-Known Player

    Can I have all his stuff?
  5. The Hornet New Player

    Our tank uses the artifact all the time, works really well. How's that an exploit? The artifact blocks line of sight damage I'm dealing to Lex, what's the difference?
  6. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Stop working!!!! We need to run paradox :(
  7. Aqua New Player

    Shhhh. Logically thinking people aren't accepted here.
  8. Flightboy New Player

    No I already called dibs!!!
  9. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Split it with me :3
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  10. Little Sister New Player

    I got his stuff last time ! :p
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  11. Dubb Lantern Well-Known Player

    But he hates you now so it all evens out.
  12. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I've never seen this strategy in action but it sounds just like the older raids where a pebble would block someone's line of sight and cause them not to be healed.

    On a related note I saw a video of a league doing paradox and everyone was behind the pillar things and still doing damage while shooting through it. I don't know if this is some how preventing damage but seems odd.
  13. Little Sister New Player

  14. Shield New Player

    It is not a glitch or an exploit is a legitimate strategy. The attack was designed with intended limitations, ONE it is a “line of sight attack”, TWO “it has a range”. If you defeat this attack by getting out of its line of sight or its range it is not a glitch. It is like saying your glitching a boss because you’re staying out of range of its melee attacks. Do you guys know that you can simple be on the other side of the room and not get hit by the attack. You don’t have to use the shields, it is intended that you have options to deal with the attack; it is a large room for a reason. I discussed this very point with devs at SOE live and that was their exact response. “It is a large room for a reason.”

    BTW artifact tanking is extreme difficult to successful complete. It by no means makes it easier, it is just another tool for your tool box in that fight. It is very easy to get controlled or be out of the healers line of sight too long or any number of other problems.
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  15. Bkellzz Well-Known Player

    Being a tank and all i actually find it less aggravating for to just go behind the artifact so I dont always have to depend on what the team is doing on the other side of the room, but i could understand if your pugging a tank and tell them to that its kinda hard because it takes a little getting used to.
  16. surge914 New Player

    Yea and its hard to move the bosses away too without getting one shot so if the guy with the shield dies going to the tank he/she is most likely gonna be out of the match. Just a heads up from experience. Both are doable but as a tank I prefer the artifact blocking the one shot cause I don't have to worry about not hearing that the second shield is up and trying to get to it while I'm concentrating on blocking and hitting my moves to hit aggro.
  17. surge914 New Player

    well said
  18. Little Sister New Player

    Shield, let me guess. You used to trap Doomsday under the stairs?
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  19. Shield New Player

    I have always strived to do the game without glitches. What is the point of winning through a cheat, there is no satisfaction in it for me. Additionally they will always fix glitches eventually and if you relay on them you will never be able to complete content consistently. The doomsday stairs is describing something that broke the bosses mechanic not using a tactic to defeat a attack. Using the stairs made doomsday unable to move. I never understood way people ever did that glitch for such an easy fight. Their is a difference, but maybe you can't grasp that.
  20. Dubb Lantern Well-Known Player

    The only difference is that the Devs have fixed one, and not the other. I am constantly surprised by how many people on these forums holler from the rooftops that something is not an exploit or glitch, but completely change their tune when it gets fixed.