Help me Obi wan Community, you're my only hope!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Valsmurf, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Hi guys, first off I want to apologize for posting this here since I know it's not the most fitting place for tech support, but I've battle with pro7s tech support for 8 months wihtout any success and SOE's tech support is completely unable to even respond since I'm not their customer.

    I am quite desperate and don't know who else to turn to except my fellow players.

    I have a european Pro7 games account, but 8 months ago I moved to México which is SOE territory. Before I left Europe, I asked both SOE and pro7 customer service if i would have a problem with the move and they both said it should be fine. However, once I did the move, I was unable to access my account in order to buy station cash or renew my subscription. I couldn't access the pro7 forums or the tech support site because all of those sections are IP region locked and can only be accessed from Europe. (go to and click on any of the sections you'll see it just reloads the main page and adds a "georeg=true" tag in the url. ) I miraculously found a pro7 support email, which is not published on their site and is not specific to dcuo, but works for all pro7 games, so i have contacted them through that although they haven't helped at all.

    I can still play but I am completely unable to re-sub or buy more station cash or what worries me most now, I can't buy the new DLCs. I had no problem with Home Turf or Origin crisis because I have about 10k leftover Seven Cash I bought while in Europe, but now that we can't buy DLC with SC I'm screwed, royally.

    The only way i could access the "account" section of the EU site was through the vpn from my former work in Spain, since it would fool the site into thinking I was accessing from Europe. Unfortunately I no longer have access to that vpn and I'm stuck with the dlc and SC I have now, I can't get any new ones unless they make it so we can use SC to buy them again which wont happen and I'm not asking for a change just for me of course.

    So I would like to know if people here know any free or free to try vpns based in europe so that I can again connect to my account and buy the dcl with cash as they now are forcing us to do. I really don't want to have to pay 15 bucks a month on top of the sub, only so that I can pay.

    I also heard that european players can buy SC cards online, does anyone know how that works? are they also redeemable for subscriptions? Perhaps I could buy some and go legendary so I can access the dlc.

    Does anyone have any other ideas? I absolutely love this game, I don't want to leave and i would love to keep enjoying the wonderful new content devs are putting out.

    and again, i have already contacted tech support from pro7 who are completely clueless on how to help me ( they keep insisting that its a launcher problem and that they're sorry I can't play the game anymore when i've repeatedly told them I can play just fine, but I can't buy anything!) I'll try reposting this once more in the account support section of these forums, just in case SOE techs have something new, but they haven't been able to help me in the past.

    Help me Obi wan Community, you're my only hope!

    ps. if all this sounds convoluted and tough to follow, it is, but i'll be glad to clear up anything if it will help me stay in the game!
  2. BatDubb New Player

    Reinstall the game.
  3. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    you mean get an soe account? and lose my character which i have spent so much time and over 300 euros on? How helpful -.-
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  4. BatDubb New Player

    Fine, do it your way.
  5. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I would like to say something nice to you but i'd get reported :p Thanks for the help
  6. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    I think he means reinstall the game so that whatever corrupted files from the launcher might be fixed. Or you could click on the "wrench" icon of your launcher, and do a complete file check and replacement that way. If you've already reinstalled or replaced the files, then yea... contacting SOE was the only choice you had left, but if not, it never hurts to try...?
  7. SilentKiller New Player

    I dont think you ubderstand what valyriath is saying. He is having problems buying the dlc's and buying legendary because he has a pro7 account, but because he moved, he is not able to buy through pro7.
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  8. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    Ahh... apologies, I thought maybe the Pro7 Shop was integrated into their launcher somehow because of what he quoted the Pro7 people saying.... my mistake. I feel for him in any case. :-(
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  9. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Hey Silents! good to see you in the forums :)

    That's exactly what i was saying, it's not the launcher or the game itself, it's the website that won't let me log into my account if I'm not in Europe.

    And no worries CC, a nice and friendly response is always very much appreciated :)

    I'm doing a little more research into vpns and proxies, hopefully I can find something that will let log in and buy sons of trigon, i'm so incredibly excited for it. Worst case scenario I hold on until i go back to spain early next year and buy it then, but it will be torture to watch my friends play it while i just stand around farming exos :p

    If only I could still buy dlc with seven cash :( I perfectly understand why they did it, but man did they end up screwing me up big time!

    Edit. CC that quote was confusing because the pro7 people also did not understand what was going on. They too thought it was a problem with my launcher even though I told them many times it wasn't, lol. I think they have no idea people can't access their accounts if they aren't in europe, a very nonsensical feature if you ask me.