Stuck at "Loading Characters" Screen

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cazwik, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Cazwik Level 30

    Wow. My question turned into a pretty popular thread, A GM even responded... pretty cool :)
  2. Tini Bubbles Well-Known Player

    When?!?! Where?!?! Who?!?!?
  3. Cenarius New Player

  4. Infamous Max Active Player

    You know it's the fact that we're paying MONEY, that our parents work for, to sit here and be UPSET! Why am I paying money to be so aggravated
    I hate YOU!!!!!!
  5. Abyssinal Prime New Player

    But...but...but... My new celestial character is in need of leveling, and I can't :(.
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  6. Viirus_Steelhart New Player

    Obviously this is all Mepps's fault, somehow.
  7. Cenarius New Player

    who/what is that?
  8. Korvyne Committed Player

    They've deleted all our toons and are re-making them all one by one. when your toon is ready you will be able to log on.
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  9. Aliti New Player

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  10. Cenarius New Player

    lol imagine if that really happened xD
  11. Badname3921 Active Player

    I have a suggestion.
    Please apply the updates earlier in the morning.
    If there is an issue with connectivity you wont have a bunch of people lacking coffee and food ******** about NO ACCESS...
    What I find funny is the amount of messages that are being erased due to content. Thank God for Screen shots. I have read them and they were fine according to Sony's guide lines. Again touchy subject. Subject to interpretation.
    Please I love DCUO so take this employee and get the server back online. He/she is very efficient/diligent/fast, their tallents could be put to better use.
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  12. Pyronix New Player

    Didn't you guys read the hotfix patch notes?

    This is totally a server performance improvement. There's no lag! It's unbelievable.

  13. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    LooooooooooooooooooL, man is she pi$$ed :D BF must be balling in that "other way" :rolleyes:

    Well she could be at a basketball game I don't know shut up!
  14. Tini Bubbles Well-Known Player

    WOOT no lag! OMG awesome! fool me!!!
  15. Abel Undercity New Player

    FALSE RUMOR DEPARTMENT: Dan DiDio was just tossed out bodily from the building housing the US PC servers after trying to introduce an unauthorized "New 52" patch.
  16. Abyssinal Prime New Player

    that was yesterdays hotfix.
  17. Physique Dedicated Player

    Three things: First, when the servers are brought back up, if the issue exist with routing, the people at SOE's server farm may not see because they are in the bubble and to them, since they can log in, everything appears fine. Second, by now they are probably aware of the issue but there may not be anyone authorized currently to post to the forums in Announcements to let us know. The reset pushed at 4AM PST on the Saturday of a long weekend. Lastly, Mepps may be at PAX Prime and not aware of this issue yet or, if he is aware, doesn't have enough information to tell us more than we already know.

    Yes, this is an annoying thing to have happen, particularly on a Saturday, and especially since people are getting access to the new DLC as Legendary subbers. Hopefully, this will get sorted out soon as my league has an event scheduled to kick off in another hour and I know a lot of the guys (and gals) were looking forward to it.
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  18. Tini Bubbles Well-Known Player

    Is the 52 patch the one where you regen health by getting into cars with hookers?
  19. Multiverse Creator League

    When Saturn knight comes out of retirement... he will give you a call. ;)

    As for the others....???? Did not see their posts.... but then again the ignore function is my friend.... so odds are I already am ignoring them. ;)

    Either that or their posts got deleted.
  20. Tini Bubbles Well-Known Player

    Im sorry your ignoring me...I try so hard to be funny