What is the numbers of people that play on EUPS3 and USPS3 and...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PitchBlack Bat, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. PitchBlack Bat New Player

    how many people are heroes and how many villains? I'd like to now these numbers.
  2. Psych E New Player

    LOL... good luck on getting an answer.

    This is every MMOs close-guarded secret. That type of data reveals whether a game is successful or not.

    I will say that USPC from my experience has a healthy amount of population. Villains are less densely populated than heroes on USPC.
  3. PitchBlack Bat New Player

    Why is that a secret almost every online game shows the number of the registered user.