The Nomads ~USPS3~ Heroes League

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by LOCKSLEY, Apr 22, 2013.

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  1. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

  2. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

  3. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

  4. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

  5. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

  6. CountDown New Player

    im 18 now does that change anything
  7. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

  8. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

  9. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

  10. vPRIDEv New Player

  11. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

    Pride please hit our webpage and fill out an app. You look like you meet the min. requirements. After your approved we can pick you up in game. Thanks and see you soon.
  12. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

  13. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

    The Nomads of DCUO is one the longest running hero leagues on PS3.
    Forming in Closed Beta in 2010 then reforming when the servers went live a couple months later on the No Mans Land server , and has been active ever since.
    We do PVE & PVP content regularly.
    We run raids weekly and are currently looking to expand our league roster.
    The Nomads is an adult league ages 18+ is a MUST , also we ask that you have a Mic as in game communication is important especially in raids.
    Must be CR 84 and up. And at least 100sp.
    We are a laided back league who enjoy to help.
    If we sound like a fit for you.
    You can send me a private message here or apply at our website
    Or contact LOCKSLEY, Muriel, Papaxjahns1192, ddeathdealer, STORMCROW, Sadam Yat, F1r3fly
    ,Odium and GOATSHE in game about joining.
  14. vPRIDEv New Player

    Glad to be a part of the league looking forward to PVPing soon
    • Like x 1
  15. SoulflyMike42 New Player

    Ran Nexus with Expedius last night. Also a few other members throughout my time from this league. Good people from The Nomads! Bump for a great league
    • Like x 1
  16. Zerefu New Player

    well i'm a cr 99 celestial healer with 137 skill points. I've solo healed all in game content more than once and i'm currently looking for a league do I don't have to pug every week. I'll never be good enough to be all 8 people in a raid. however I happen to be 16, oh well if only I was born earlier
  17. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

    Sorry we do have at age requirement it has nothing to do with skill. Because you sound like you know your way around the game. But the age limit is strictly enforced. Please maybe look at a league like the Rebels. I'm not sure if they have an age requirement. But they are a great long running league who might be in need of a healer. Best of luck to you.
  18. Zerefu New Player

    Now I was being sarcastic I've gotten this far without a league I just found your age requirement silly, I've met more mature 14 year old, it has less to do with age and it's always best to see what a person is like before assuming they're a certain way. I'm a bit insulted that you recommend ed I Jon the rebels, they straight embarrassed USPS3 on FNL
  19. LOCKSLEY Well-Known Player

    Sorry you feel that way. But those are the min requirements that were set before I even joined the nomads two years ago. We did change for awhile about six months ago and it didn't work out so it is what it is. As for the The Rebels. For someone who says don't judge someone till you meet them your doing a lot of judging off a 45 min video. Where I was featured in one of the matches on the other side. They are some great people and If you want to judge them on one day then oh well.
    Good luck to you.
    • Like x 2
  20. vPRIDEv New Player

    Well said

    Its apparent his maturity is questionable, As for the Rebels...fine group of individuals.I have ran with them in the past may have some mental issues though,lol.
    • Like x 3
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