New NPCs? Collector in the Metro?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Thunderbolt, Aug 22, 2013.

  1. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    So I was flying around the metro near near the Science Spire and came across a Green Lantern and Sinestro Corps member standing around like they were talking. I thought that was strange at first, then I saw an NPC I had never seen before called "Collector" (a Level 30 NPC). The Green Lantern and Sinestro Corpsman both attacked it. Are these new or have I just been chilling in Gotham for to long? Are these part of a new mission?
  2. Golden Shadow New Player

    No this is actually old content now that is a part of the green lantern fight for the light dlc the area you are referring to is not the science spire but star labs research facility which is one of the DLC alerts
  3. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    I thought I played that alert. I don't remember those guys ever being outside. Thought it was an inside thing.
  4. MercPony Devoted Player

    They are always outside there but really serve no purpose other than being there.
  5. Golden Shadow New Player

    this is true they were not a part of the alert they were sent to earth first to collect, hence the name collector more than likely they are the once who helped brainiac gather needed info on the emotional spectrum powers but i can assure you that has nothing to do with the future GL DLC