USPS3 HERO PVE/PVP league recruiting

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Alpo, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Alpo New Player

    I'm still looking for more players preferably support roles.
  2. Alpo New Player

  3. MonkeySparkz New Player

    I just made a hero & I was going to ask to join once I reached level 30. I'm 17 so I guess I can't :/ can I join when I turn 18 on the 22nd? :D lol
  4. Alpo New Player

    Whats your character name?
  5. SuLor New Player

    Howdy Alpo, SpydahMan here. Im 26 and play daily. I have Quantum Crisis and Home Turf, DLC's and will be getting more soon. I have two hero characters, the first is SuLor:Lvl30 DPS CR49 PvP81 He's already in a League, but might leave due to other league members and leaders not participating enough. My second is yours truly, SpydahMan:Lvl9 Troll, I just created him today but will be focused on his development seriously. I want to get him into a good league, one that is serious. Since my nickname is Spider-Man, Im kind of overly protective of this character. Let me know if your interested in these two guys joining.
  6. Polariss New Player

  7. Alpo New Player

    I will send you a message in game when I login
  8. Alpo New Player

  9. Alpo New Player

  10. Jedjames New Player

    Hi im Jay and im a Gadget Troll with 64 CR And 52 SP.
    MIC: yes
    Looking for a Helpful, friendly and very helpful league, and this might be the right league for me.
  11. Alpo New Player

    Thanks for the reply I will contact you in game
  12. Alpo New Player

  13. Alpo New Player

  14. Dr. Quantro Well-Known Player

    Hi, Alpo!

    What are the highest level raids your league is currently running? Also, what is your league's gaming schedule and time zone?
  15. Alpo New Player

    A couple of us are running t5, but the rest of my league is doing t4 raids. We don't have a schedule we just help people do whatever they need only thing you have to do is ask. As far as the time zone goes most are eastern some are in different zones though
  16. Alpo New Player

  17. Double Click New Player

    We are still looking for more members.
  18. villalpaaado New Player

    are you guys still recruiting...?
  19. Double Click New Player

    Yes we are still looking members. You can send an in-game message to Dre 3000 or Alpo if u are interested
  20. villalpaaado New Player

    does your league do raids? what are the requirements and how many people are roughly in it? how easy can you guys get raids together. i ask because im looking for a league especially one that can blaze through fos 1 2 and 3 and any content after that.