Tokens of Merit no longer cost $$$

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLoneLantern, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. thirty six Loyal Player

    I would like my refund in giant quarters. Thank you
  2. darkmoon caverns New Player

    Key word was ignorant, son. By the way here's the definition.

    Express dissatisfaction or annoyance about a state of affairs or an event.
    State that one is suffering from (a pain or other symptom of illness): "he began to complain of headaches".

    I think your previous comment applies.
  3. Badname654 New Player

    Haha you really did make it in time!!
  4. Apostate Rising Dedicated Player

    i disagree. i was comparing similar circumstances. i then gave my opinion surrounding them. and yes, it certainly is rigged. if it wasn't the term "case item" would be very stupid. it is a lot more like a claw machine that doesnt really grip the item right. it contains artifical handicaps built into the mechanism. so does the RNG system, and i specifically refer to the vault. say what you will with how ever much bitter authority you think you have, it doesnt make you right.
  5. darkmoon caverns New Player

    It's not like that at all. It's like a slot machine. You pull the lever and you get a random set of icons, which determine your prize. There are more occurrences of certain icons to make others seem rare. That's the whole point of the game. It's not rigged. It's based on chance.
  6. Xeranx New Player

    My reply would be, "maybe if you're on any of the EU servers, but not on the US servers. The economy on those servers is so out of whack that they need money sinks."

    Oh yeah, I need the qualifier: born, raised, and currently live in New York USA.
  7. PachamamaMan Well-Known Player

    now only they have to lower the cost of interfaces IV to $1500 and V to $2000

    including soder interfaces too.
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  8. Darth Loyal Player

    Do I get the money I spent on them back than? :p
  9. TheLoneLantern New Player

    You got that extra SP edge over those that couldn't afford them. ;)
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  10. REEEPR New Player

    I have Zero MOT now. Win/Lose. Back to the grind cave!
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  11. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Yes this was a god send. I finally got the last merit feat I needed today and was only able to finally finish those because the in-game cash cost was removed. It does severely suck that I had to pay in-game cash for the 20k merit badges before it....but I'm not going to complain. Just because I got the raw end of the deal (well....mostly lol) that doesnt mean I want other people to.
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  12. Vodka Committed Player

    Don't we all?

    But that's how a lot of MMOs work nowadays. You work hard or spend to have it now, or wait until they serve it to you on a silver platter later.

    Lockbox items eventually went to the vault. Holiday items can be obtained the next year around. This. Eventually we're all going to get the plasma aura for free. It all depends on how long you're willing to wait and how much you're willing to spend.

    The game moves on and so must we.
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  13. darkmoon caverns New Player

    I'm not losing sleep well not to this game...
  14. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    yay now I can get all 9 of my alts that merit feat
  15. Motive New Player

    Was funny today, my whole league was standing around the machine doing the air punch emote when you consume a token. We all got between 2-4 SP for free so it was great.

    I do feel bad for people that paid $5m for that feat though. On EUPC $5m is ALOT.
  16. Lumb New Player

    It was silly to have the money there because of the different game economies. I'm glad it was changed.
  17. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    [IMG] A hudge THANK YOU SOE from me as EUPC-player aswell! [IMG]

    This change is very welcome and actually gives us from EUPC the chance to get those feats aswell. Most of us didn't even have it on our mains, even when reaching the marks-cap, because most of us didn't have the money to afford them.
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  18. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Well I got all the merit feats on one toon and most on another. I subbed up twice ( once per toon) just so i could affort to pay that ridiculous amount amount of money. I basically payed 30 real life dollars to get those feats. And you know what? I'm extatic that they did this! I love it, no sarcasm, I really like this change for many reasons. For starters my newer alts won't have to pay those silly amounts of money for the feats and I likely won't need to sub up or pay the 7-day escrow just to get them

    Secondly, this makes me happy for my fellow premiums and also for the few friends I got from eupc. They had a horrible time grinding money for those feats.

    Third, money was quite frankly a stupid requirement. I can understand the marks part, means you actually did some content and had to beat stuff to get the marks, in other words marks mean you played the game. Money doesn't, someone could have been one of the lucky ones who benefited from the duplication glitch and got hundreds of exos, or you could have been lucky and gotten a rare item you sold in the auction house for milions. If marks are not a perfect measurement of the time and effort you put into the game ( they're not) money, much less so.

    So even though it cost me real money to get the feats, I don't care and i am happy that devs removed a stupid requirement for those feats.
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  19. Claytoun New Player

    YAY! Finally our time has come! I really appreciated this, and I would like to thank you SOE.. I'm from EUPC and, yes, I pay the sub
  20. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I like the way both of you are honest about wishing you hadn't used the money before - but glad it changed for others. This is a rare and beautiful thing to see on the forums.

    Personally, I just noticed that there ARE merit feats today, when trying to find ways to up my SP...
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