What toon do you least like to see in your raids?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Lone Stranger, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. LexDakota New Player

    I don't dislike certain powers in particular but I can't stand when support roles try to DPS. I've seen too many electric healers using up their power using electrostatic bomb and electrocute. At one point I saw a quantum troll using tachyon blast. I understand wanting to help the burn a little, but it shouldn't get in the way of your main role in the raid/alert.
  2. ACW37162 Loyal Player

  3. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    You forgot lions
  4. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Calling you on this one unless you have 160 plus.

    It takes 141 or 142 to buy all the DPS inmates. Not counting the seven you need in movement mode for breakout innates. That puts you at 150 before you can start with power and vit purchase and even then will only get you three maybe four of the first tier out of 11 trees. If your sitting at 171, maybe and congrats.

    And if your dpsing and buying vit and lower innates before might precision, crit attack damage and chance good luck to you in your DCUO gaming experience
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  5. Zarphon New Player

    Anybody with the flirty personality
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  6. Breakforce Loyal Player

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  7. N4TURALKILLER New Player

    trollers, tanks, and healers who think they're dpses
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  8. N4TURALKILLER New Player

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  9. Clutch_GT New Player

    I can't stand garbage DPS in any group especially if they're geared.
  10. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    It's kinda about both. The stereotype being that most people who play a certain type of toon act the same, and give that type of toon the bad name. As I have said, so many of the Light dpsers out there are the same, and they are a problem in most of the ways others have described. But there are exceptions to any stereotype. I'm sure there are excellent Light dpsers out there who don't fit this mold - I just haven't run with any of them.
  11. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I know! He's a pain! And such a wimp in PvP!!!! That Canary Cry he uses in dps mode is annoying like you wouldn't believe!

    Hi Carlynn! Hey, Soulmass!
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  12. Baron Fell New Player

    Oooo... you can count. Impressive. Go flex your internet muscles in front of some one who cares smart guy.
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  13. Statman New Player

    I don't like raiding with Dragonfyre (Wannabep for those of you who are familiar!), because he always shows me up!!!! :mad:
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  14. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    ACW37162, I'm afraid I missed your point entirely... could you please clarify?
  15. Statman New Player

    Edit, typed in the wrong thread, lol.
  16. LootNinja New Player

    I hate when I get asked if I can solo troll a pug I'm already in. All the while the leader is shouting for DPSes LoL then before I even reply, BAM, four DPSes and, "c'mon troll, ready up dude"
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  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    DPS who never bother to use their weapon.... i dps... and my opinion if you artagonna burn your power bar as fast as you can you better be doing a bunch of weap combos before you even touch another power...dont be a jerk to the trolls even if they can handle the power usage .... if im gonna burn my power bar fast and when i say that i mean (ice rotation wintry tempest clip ice bash> frost blast) this will burn a chunk of my power..so from that point i do atleast two ro three hb combos before hitting another power

    people who think Tanks shouldnt do any damage .. if im in an instance that im over geared for ...im gonna do brawling damage im not just gonna sit there and block i know how to maintain aggro i dont need your advise thanks. trust me in nex and paradox im not gonna do much more then block...

    as for power sets i get nervous when i see

    HL trolls...ive had bad experiences in the past ... however i completely realize there are beast HL trolls out there.... just when i see them i get nervous a little....

    nature dps....

    power sets i get tired of seeing....
    HL DPS its rare to go into a raid with out seeing atleast one... i personally like seeing diversity... i dont think ive been in a nex run with out both an HL and Quantum Dps lately...i go in (ice) and im the odd one in there haha
    not to take anything away from HL dps..theres just a lot more of them then any other dps....

    power sets i wonder where they went....
    since quantum came out i havent seen many mental or gadgets trolls lately... i kinda miss seeing mental trolls
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  18. Mr Sinister Well-Known Player

    I get really annoyed with my "elite" DPS friends who've been carried by OP healers and trolls so long, they can't adjust their pace to the skill/gear level of regular players outside their league runs.

    We're carrying a undergeared healer and the troll is really a DPS filling in as a favor. Slow the hell down, stick with the group, let the tank get aggro, step out of the AoE. I don't want to see you 4-manning Prime and dying 4 times in the open world part of Vengeance or off dying alone in the hallways in FR.

    The player I really can't stand is Tanks who basically DPS in tank stance. You're taking more power than the DPS, not killing anything, and not aggroing the crap thats wailing on our healer in the background. What are you doing?! Go DPS if you want to DPS.
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  19. TheLoneLantern New Player

    I have to agree. What's just as bad a a group that spams power without doing much damage, is one that hardly uses power as basically wastes my trolling abilities. It's sad when your pot is enough to keep everyone full and half of it ends up wasted anyways.
  20. Scooby Active Player

    yes dps's are everywhere, but a good dps is hard to come by.
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