The Final Un-disputable Answer To Cash Cap increase

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Epic Wins, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. One_Man_Army New Player

    LOL Exactly what I mentioned earlier. Lockboxes are worthless to most legendary players these days especially since everything in them is tradeable, and you can actually get the dlc's from the legendary vendor to have them when your sub ends. Only real reason most subs stay subbed is the convenience of not bothering others for stuff to use for repairs or gear mods. If you could make those mods without issue as a premium, you and many, many other subbed players would just go premium. That, of course, would be a problem for the long term survival of this game. That's why that balance is a difficult one on the part of the devs, and they are most certainly looking into solutions for when it really becomes necessary in a couple years.
  2. Breakforce Loyal Player

    The only thing that Lockboxes are really good for now is a free Reality mark.
  3. One_Man_Army New Player

    Exactly. I know just how worthless they are. I spent the amount it costs for just 2 keys, and got myself every single style that currently drops in all the lockboxes, plus all the auras before the new plasmic aura, plus the 4 prehistoric displays to boot. That wasn't even all I got for that 5 bucks, either, lol. If I can get all that for just 5 bucks, they must be rather worthless, indeed. Making the items in them tradeable, though really benefiting premium players, really hurt the value of them. Now, lockboxes just aren't really a reason to sub.
  4. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Yeah and I cannot for one second imagine anyone would purchase a key for one of those now.

    Actually I kind of miss the days when you were all but guaranteed a soder out of one. For myself, those were infinitely more useful than a base style.
  5. SilentTrollerMan New Player

    LOL! I hear its the real money AH and the low drop rates for the best items are what make Diablo bad. I'm hoping for a fun co-op to play with the wife and kids so my expectations are in the 'middle' to 'good' range.
  6. One_Man_Army New Player

    Well, I never purchased a key. A week's worth of unlimited cash was all I needed to have lockboxes totally done. That just happens to cost as much as 2 keys. Was well worth it to get all the lockbox feats done. Got me so much more to boot, too, lol. Set myself up for a while as a premium player doing so. Some may say there's no value in that week's worth of unlimited cash, but if you play it smart, there absolutely is.
  7. Vrashna New Player

    The cash cap needs to increase to 4k and it will work just fine (just enough for T3 mods). The benefits of going from f2p to premium is not that much. 500 more cash is not that big of a boost and the 5 auction slots are worthless (devalued by subs with coin exploit). It takes subs and premium players to keep the game running or it would have never gone f2p.

    The value of sub goes up with every dlc and premium keeps getting devalued due to the cash cap. So why do you subs think its ok to treat us premium members like crap if we help pay to keep the game running?
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  8. LonelyGiants New Player

    Honestly, I just want to be able to get all the equipment interfaces without having to show pics of my body to some neckbeard. I seriously doubt raising the cash limit to allow that would get people to drop their subs. Premium users would still be missing out on every benefit Legendary users enjoy. They wouldn't even be able to use the broker any better because almost everything under 10k is pre-lvl 30 equipment. Premium is is barely any better than F2P.

    It's a bit strange to me that all the Legendary users fly into a rage whenever we discuss this. It wouldn't at all effect them, but they sure as hell don't want premium players to have anything. They always claim that premium players don't contribute anything, but premium status was created because subs alone couldn't contribute enough and the game was player base was dwindling.
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  9. One_Man_Army New Player

    That's what I've been saying, lol. If there is to be a cash cap, 4k would be perfect. Double the current premium cap, and there really won't be too much of an issue. Subs will still stay subbed so they still have the monetary convenience, and premiums would than be able to afford some better mods but still would have to do some work for those awesome and much better level 4 and level 5 mods. That's all I've been trying to say you know. As a premium player, I think we need to keep the balance between premiums and legendaries. The devs are trying what they can to keep that balance. The game cannot survive by premium players alone. It also cannot survive by legendary players alone.
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  10. Shaveric Committed Player


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  11. Hallows Eve New Player

    The lockboxes were always a stupid idea. Having the best rings and necks at them time, drop from a random lockbox that only legendary could open was as pay to win as you could get. The best gear should always drop from the content, not some random lottery that only those with subs can participate in.
  12. One_Man_Army New Player

    Uhm, premiums could buy keys from the marketplace to open lockboxes, you know. Free opening of them was just a legendary perk. Just saying.
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  13. Breakforce Loyal Player

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  14. Fame New Player

    The more legendary customers they have supporting them, the better their chances. Yens did say there were several announcements due to be made regarding various limitations in-game and I'm sure this is one of them.

    Give premiums a cash cap increase for every DLC purchased so we can finally fix the economy! Once premiums get some control over the broker, a whole new market will open up - cheaper items, fairer/sensible prices.

    No one will want to deal in the current legendary market as the new market will offer far better deals for everyone. I miss the days when $100,000 was actually significant.
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  15. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I hope you're right.
  16. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Or you could do what tons of other premiums do. Trade a stack of exhibits for stacks of EI2's....

    Again, there's tons of ways to get what you need, they're just inconvenient.
  17. Xeranx New Player

    I don't want control of an economy that subscribers ruined to begin with and that SoE didn't consider important enough to deal with. The way the economy is shouldn't be new to SoE. They did nothing when it happened in SWG and I'm sure what they did then and now will be standard operating procedure for their next mmo.
  18. Al Mandrake New Player

    not even going to bother responding to those that quoted me, not worth the time. No subscribers are going to drop their sub just because premiums got a cash limit increase, WILL NOT HAPPEN, and if you want to insist that "oh yes I will, it devalues my sub" then do it now, nut up or shut up and drop your sub right now and you will start it right back up in a day or 2 tops. All the added perks of being legendary beyond no cash cap that you insist are "worthless" to you are only worthless because you have them and as soon as you lose them you will want them back. Even more so those legendaries that were never premiums and don't have any DLCs, you will say " 70 bucks just so I can play the content I was already playing? screw that" and go right back on subscription. And as has been said many times, what is allowed for the f2p and premium accounts DOES NOT concern you, this whole "devalues the subscription" bs is nothing more then people wanting to make everything all about them. What we legendary players get for our subscription is none of the f2p and premiums concern so why should their accounts be ours? You want "better value" for your subs, then start a thread making some suggestions as some respectable people already have.
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  19. atomicmatter New Player

    Has any of the devs said anything about this yet i think its about time to actually get a response and..i mean its a bit hard to miss when there are like 7 threads about this so far..
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  20. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Yes they did, they added the 7 day unlimited escrow to the marketplace.
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