I love Dc universe but.......

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DCfanyboy, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. DCfanyboy New Player

    With the new DLC coming out and all, its been topics on its Easy mode and what not but I played it and coming from me honestly, it's still Dc..at the end of the day. My question is how do you guys feel about the current content in DCUO...not the new DLC its still on the "Test Server" it's not official, so guys don't get scared or give ur hopes up... Question is.... what do you want?.... more depth?, more action?, its mmorpg style play so there is no difficulty adjustment...

    What do we want, we want to have fun I know that, but what do we want, as it stand to me it's "DC Universe"!!

    "Universal" incorporates everything... the good the bad and the ugly.. So as of right now..without the new DLC without the nerfs, Dc is hitting all aspects of gameplay.. PVP/PVE ,Raids / ALerts..Easy/Medium/Hard/and Extreme modes all rolled into one Universe....and we play in it.... I say keep it up AND KEEP IT COMING WHAT ABOUT YOU....
  2. Little Sister New Player

    My favorite thing is when there are certain parts to a fight you have to learn and watch out for. That's why I like fighting Eclipso in With a Vengeance, and that's why the Knightsdome Duo looks cool to me, where you have to watch out for The Prize shooting little black balls.

    That's what I want, more fights like those. (just examples)
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  3. Wilder Midnight New Player

    i wanna have fun.
  4. x2TMx New Player

    Honestly I don't care so much about difficulty. If its easy great if its hard great. My BIGGEST thing is the content. If it has a great storyline AND an end of raid video then I'm happy. Only thing I don't like about it is replay badges since anyone can make a new character and gear them up 20x faster than most players could before replays. Cant change that obviously but the last raid I completely got sucked into was the fos 1-3 raids because of the story, level designs and end movies.

    Don't get me wrong I enjoyed gates prime nexus and wave (especially wave with the concept design except the horrible visuals of the tunnels) but I wish more was put into the detailed story and cutscenes of things instead of how easy or hard something can be.
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  5. Instrumenta New Player

    DCUO is a way for me to unwind after a stressful day at the office. Its a time to meet friends online, and play it relaxed and not gunning for each and everyone's throat because everyone in the group is so frustrated with the difficulty of the content.
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  6. Darkranko New Player

    That's how I feel. When I play a game, I play it to unwind. I hate when I play an MMO and it starts feeling like a second job to get anything done. I just wanna log in, do what I wanna do for a few hours, and have fun. I don't wanna get frustrated because stuff is hard just to be hard.
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  7. Heyru New Player

    Well guys welcome to the genre called MMOrpgs this game is for MMORPGer's ,fans, and fans of the genre, not Soccer Moms..

    You can play this game with a controller you dont even need a keyboard and mouse, usually MMO's u need a Keyboard because you have like 18 abilities you have use and we are crying about a game with a hotbar of only 6, lol

    If it aint broke don't fix it" I say, I say I don't see this amount of complaining on other MMO forums, hall mark MMO's like Eve Online (Hardcore), or SWTOR, or GW2 for instance, all I see are post for strats and I read and see how their communities read and strategize, decoding mechanics, sharing ideas and then running the content, but not sharing sob stories....

    From right now....yes now... you can start to learn how to play DCUO....it's gonna be around for a while...
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  8. DCfanyboy New Player