Power and Weapon Ideas

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JerZeyCJ, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. JerZeyCJ New Player

    Post whatever ideas you have. I, personally, would like a Telekinesis power like in Champions Online(would need a new name, since we already have Telekinesis) and a Sword & Pistol weapon style, the pistol could be used as the ranged attack and worked into some of the combos.
  2. lilithmoon New Player

    Telekinetic power would be pretty redundant since we have mental. Gunblade would be cool.
  3. Soulmass Well-Known Player

    I think there are plenty of powers, but a whip weapon or chain weapon would be amazing give it a little more reach then a melee weapon sweeping combos good aoe damage. There could be rope styles whip styles chain styles so many possibilities.
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  4. JerZeyCJ New Player

    I guess. I really just wanted it because I liked that the CO version of telekinesis lets you summon weapons with the Ego Blade, Kinetic Darts, and Telekinetic Lance powers and I thought that was cool. And the Light power already covers the "Make weapons with your mind" power(granted, its the rather extreme side, with creating planes and trains and whatnot).
  5. lilithmoon New Player

    Telekinetic constructs would be a good addition to mental.
  6. Meta Flare New Player

    3 posts in and someone already said whips...my head hurts now.
  7. Newtech Bat New Player

    Back Canon. That is my one desire for weapons
  8. Lanternius New Player

    You ever see P0otie Tang use his belt? That weapon is a thing of beauty. Tippy tow. ;)
  9. Meta Flare New Player


    not tiny little ones like captain boomerang (although id be ok with this too) but a big one like Sango from inuyasha.

    styles could be different variations of boomerangs and giant shurikens.

    the combos are as follows.

    tap square would be a downward strike with the boomerang
    tap triangle would be a single throw without the knock back chances (would be slightly faster than shield hold triangle)

    hold square would be a lunge with an upward arc
    hold triangle would be a throw with the boomerang like 2 handeds throw with a knockback.

    melee combo 1 would be tap square +hold square: downward strike followed by a leaping uppercut with the boomerang. has a chance to knock up
    range combo 1- tap triangle INFINITEx: would throw back to back to back etc, but would not have the knock down chances and would be about as fast as the shield hold triangle moves.

    melee combo 2 would be tap square + tap square + hold square: downward strike followed by a spinning strike followed by another spin that has a chance to knock back.
    ranged combo 2 would be hold triangle + hold triangle: throw boomerang like 2 handed and when it comes back spin around and launch a second attack that would fly upward and knock up.

    melee combo 3- tap square 2x + hold square 2x: after the second spin jump in the air and slam the boomerang down (similar to two handed slam)
    ranged combo 3 would be hold triangle 3x: after the upward knock back the boomerang comes back and you spin the opposite direction and the boomerang flies on a rounded arc (instead of straight ahead) has a chance to knock down.

    melee combo 4- hold square 3x: the first hit is an upward lift followed by a downward smash followed by a sustained spin (like 2 handed or dual wield)
    ranged combo 4- tap triangle 3x + hold triangle 1x: after the third boomerang hit when the boomerang comes back spin in a circle (again like 2 handed but much shorter) (the spin has a chance to knock back enemies in melee range) and throw the boomerang with increased ranged damage and knock down chances.

    final melee combo- hold square 3x hold triangle 1x: after the sustained spin you launch the boomerang towards the enemy. (think lightweight from HL powerset.)

    yes im aware that the final melee combo and final range combo are similar. that is intended.

    the speed of hold triangles would be slightly faster than 2 handed hold speed
    the speed of tap triangles would be slightly faster than shield hold triangles
    the speed of hold square would be slightly faster that 2 handed hold
    the speed of tap square would be the speed of 2 handed regular

    this is a cross between shield and 2 handed. hence the similarities.

    the innates would be


    i picked these innates so it would be a viable choice for any role.
  10. Apocalyptic Rain New Player

    Shimmy shame shimmy,all around my dimy..
    LoL saw that on netflix :p