Is it possible to get CR 84 without..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Azrael, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Azrael New Player

    getting full t4 gear? just curious.. thanks guys
  2. Wizz Tron New Player

    Mod your gear with level 4 mods
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  3. Whiteroom New Player

    Not even level 4. 3 and 5 on rings.
  4. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    You have to mod T4 gear to get to 84. But you do not have to mod all of it as long as you are using larger mods. I'm sure it is possible to do so in less than full T4 if you are modding it all with at least 3's.
  5. Darth Loyal Player

    Considering that I had 89 CR at full T4 back when it came out, you can definitely have 84 CR without the full set.
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  6. Zpred Dedicated Player

    I remember that :D, it was because of the PVP weapon, an you could get to 90 I think with the PVP weapon and modded brainiac helm.
  7. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    Just got my second sorc to 84 yesterday. All 72gear from wayward and the t4 back, 64 duo shoulder, 2 78 LB-rings and a 78 LB-neck all but 2 modded with t4 mods, one piece with a t3 and I got to CR84 - will switch this one to celestial...

    Edit: 1 with a t4-Mod
  8. Darth Loyal Player

    Lol actually, I never had a PvP weapon for that. I think I was 88 at full T4 (even though all my friends were 89) but moved up to 89 when Hand of Fate came out. Something like that. It's been a while :p
  9. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    ^ This exactly what I did one 1 of my toons. The other I had wayward gear and modded with 1's or 3's (don't remember as I removed em all). But what really made me jump cr's is the hand codex put me to 88 I think without full t4 lol.
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  10. Owl Devoted Player

    You should be able to get to CR 84 using the following Mods with Armor pieces:
    • Item Level 78 Tier 4 gear + Level III Mods
    • Item Level 76 gear from Hand of Fate 8-Man Operations + Level IV Mods
    • Item Level 74 gear from Home Turf Solos + Level V Mods
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  11. Whiteroom New Player

    Ive only had one piece of t4...
  12. Azrael New Player

    yea i did it and u guys were right it is possible without all t4. So tier 5 's cr rating is fair i dont know if it is new but did the price of level 1mod material decrease so preiums/free can use level 1 mods.
  13. DarthBiotoa New Player

    sounds to me like you're trying to skip content. :(

    i had a group the other day with one member that didnt know what the oan alert was :(
  14. Zpred Dedicated Player

    When I pugged nexus once there was a full T5 troll who never knew what debuff meant lol.
  15. Darth Loyal Player

    Before T5 came out, I ran into a 68 CR troll that thought that if you were main Controller and casting PoT you didn't have to use recharge. I asked him why he wasn't using instant power and he said that he took it out of his loadout because he's already doing PoT.
  16. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Oh wow :-O
  17. Azrael New Player

    one of my characters is a quantum troll, hes at 82 and just sick and tired of doing those t4 i just wanted to know if theres a quick way to make it to tier 5 so i could play something different.

    cuz my other three characters I got all t4 armor to reach cr 84