0.85 Punish windows are too small

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Karasawa, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Yallander Loyal Player

    I think this is a two fold issue and that is the point Spider is trying to make. I agree the counter window needs some extending, however some weapons have shorter windows than others. I don't think they should be 1 1/2 seconds, however it should allow for a normal response time. There are some weapons you almost have to predict what is going to happen as the counters took so long the window would be closed before the attack hits.
  2. Karasawa Loyal Player

    If you'd like to open a thread about lunges go right ahead. I will up vote it. I believe it's more feasible to get the 0.85 punish windows addressed before this update goes live rather than talk about weapon lunges though.
  3. Yallander Loyal Player

    I would suggest you copy your OP in the Combat Fidelity topic as there is a dev monitoring it and should hopefully get some air time and review the issue. I am pputting together something that I will be linking there as well.
  4. Aiden Warren New Player

    Altho I still find it quite strange
    to "tap shift, or maybe 2 times" you breakout and you fall "block broken"
  5. Martian Reaver Well-Known Player

    Honestly this kind of tuning is something that the devs shouldn't waste their time with. They have entirely too much low hanging fruit that needs dealing with before this kind of fine tuning.

    Just my two cents.
  6. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Apparently, even clipping the hold BB will still shorten the interrupt window. In the video, brawling's hold BB is being clipped with defib and it can't be interrupted reliably.
  7. Karasawa Loyal Player

  8. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Since the summer event is ending next week I also assume GU28 is going live with these changes. Hopefully the devs will address this one way or another but I have a brawling wep in my bank just in case.
  9. Yallander Loyal Player

    I hope we hear a bit more regarding anything tbh. So many of the changes with gu28 mix up basic combat and counter windows.
  10. Iced CUBE New Player

    I personally hate the idea of having punish windows that pop up above your head. This destroys any amount of skill that a person has currently without these windows. If this is put into the game I and many others will quit the game. Us PvPers have worked hard to be good at PvP and of course SoE is going to scrubify it. This also takes away the fact that clipping your BBs with your powers hides the fact that you just BB'd, a skill that all PvPers use. It wouldn't be as bad if it was only in PvP cause everyone would just quit PvP, but it's in the game itself so while I am in a raid I will be seeing these annoying windows above my head telling me and everyone else what I'm doing.
    • Like x 1
  11. Karasawa Loyal Player

    I feel like people aren't understanding the magnitude of this change. In the last video, I was blockbroken for 621 damage by a clipped hold range from brawling that is virtually unpunishable with normal reaction time. How is this flying under the radar?
  12. AV Loyal Player

    I kinda like this to be honest. I feel that the combat is more exciting when its proactive as opposed to reactionary and that it forces you to mentally engage your opponent.
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  13. ace New Player

    The faster you clip the more you are rewarded, make it so it doesn't BB and working as intended.
  14. Karasawa Loyal Player

    I guess if people want to bypass the RPS system, that's fine. It'll be like when dual pistols had like no interrupt window.
  15. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Yuck...please no. Why you gonna go and make me cry a little on this fine Tuesday morning?
  16. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Well they pushed this change through. Brawling, shield and 2hand probably have the best BB in the game now. You sacrifice a bit of damage but you still get immunity, counter damage, and the shortest punish windows when you clip the BBs.

    It'd be interesting if jump clipping also canceled the block break but I don't think it'd be a good idea. It would mean just normally clipping the moves would also cancel the BB, putting them at a severe disadvantage versus other weapons.
  17. ZenAku New Player

    just saying its only with hold moves with brawling two hand and sheild if it were the taps of brawling then there be a serious issue. eitherway this change needed to happen mainly because im tired of falling on my booty after getting lunged 20 days later
  18. ZenAku New Player

    another thing to add is only for jump canceling so if u did do it normal with no cancel u still get normal window. learn to read b4 complaining
  19. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Did you even read my posts? Or watch the videos? Jesus, take your own advice.