How to get to cr 53?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Masaki, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Masaki New Player

    So i have finally bought the last piece of the t2 pve gear house of el warsuit but my combat rating stayed at 52. I thought completing the t2 armor would get me to 53 or am i missing something? Do i need to mod my armors or something?
  2. darkmoon caverns New Player

    Yes that would help.
  3. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    rings, neck, face and weapons count too, something with a low item level may be holding you back.
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  4. Masaki New Player

    My rings, neck, face and trinket are all pvp, i probably need to look for pve rings etc drops...
  5. DrewCheech New Player

    When I had all the T2 dark sector batman pieces, I forget what neck/ring/mask I had going on at the time. My weapon I believe was the PVP weapon you can purchase when you hit level 30. I modded each piece with beta's based on the color socket for each one. After that I think I was at or past cr53
  6. Disatria New Player

    Mod with tier 1
  7. Popptart New Player

  8. Popptart New Player

    I was confused at that level, when I got to 30 all gear was higher couldn't buy, so I found pvp stuff, I know its not pve gear but what u gonna do, I used it and worked my way up, sometimes I just needed the pve chestgear to make next level..hope this helps.
  9. DrewCheech New Player

    Not to denouce the help.
    But you can get to cr53 using betas, wastes less materials
  10. Masaki New Player

    Ah thanks guys! This helps alot!
  11. Magnificent Loyal Player

    And using the Beta recovery items you can get at least one Byte back from each mod when you are ready to do serious upgrading.
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  12. Ultra Zam New Player

    Related story...perhaps you all can help me figure this out. This past weekend, I collected all the pieces of the House of El Warsuit (playing part-time, has taken me 2 yrs, so that's why this is so frustrating). I was CR 55 when I did that. Legs was last piece. I added the Equipment Mod I to that, which showed the legs were then 56(+3). However, I'm still a CR 55! Every time I added a piece of that armor, I went up one level. So now that I got the whole suit & added my first higher-level mod attached to it, I'm still @ the same CR? That can't be right. What giveth?
  13. Ultra Zam New Player

    Sorry, forgot to mention, all my gear is PVE, all modded, I use one set of gear for PVP, one set for PVE. I did nothing but add the legs on the Warsuit & mod it w/ the Equipment Mod I that uses the Durable Exobyte (other one used Aggressive).
  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    You went from 46 to 56 and went up one CR level each time. Going from 56 to 59 is not equal to going from 46 to 56. You would need to mod two more pieces to equal the same jump in item level. Chest and legs weigh heavier with CR, so those would be the first to try modding. It's possible modding just those two will bring you up to 56, but it may take three pieces like I estimated.
  15. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    How it works is its the average of all your gear together, so just getting one item higher than the rest (if this is what happened) wont change anything. A simple one point jump isn't going to effect the average.
  16. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    You do need to have these items in pve versions, with the exception of the face you can still use the pvp versions sense their stats tend to be better. As long as the pve versions of these items are in your inventory you'll get the cr.
  17. Tenacious Blue New Player

    Yep. Very important. It uses the highest item level version of the item you have for each slot, then calculates it on a formula that's roughly the average (some slots contribute more to cr, others less). PvP gear doesn't have an item level so if all you've got is a PvP mask then your Combat Rating will drop dramatically.

    A quick search of the forum got me this.
    Enter your highest item level gear in there. It doesn't matter what role the gear is intended for, as long as you can equip the item (so if you're a tank/dps don't count controller or healer items).

    Lastly be careful running with PvP gear in PvE. Even if you don't plan on getting hit Defense is an important stat.
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  18. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    I want to say that I was only saying that you can use pvp versions of rings, neck and weapons in pve, I would never say to wear pvp armor. I'm part of the old group of DCUO players that says never wear pvp armor in pve but sense the items I mentioned rarely have defense on them it doesn't matter.
  19. Tenacious Blue New Player

    Yeah, there are plenty of times when it's the smart thing to do. PvP trinkets are insanely useful and considering T0 PvP gear is essentially T4 old PvP gear you can really get ahead (provided you understand the tradeoffs). I'm just talking purely from a Combat Rating perspective. When talking about CR you wear the best gear you can get but you keep the highest item level stuff for each slot to maintain your CR.
    It's the major flaw in CR type systems. The calculator can't tell that a PvP breakout trinket is useful or a Utility Belt with four wildcards beats an all consumable one with slightly higher stats.

    I only reason I brought the Defense stuff up because it's easy to look at T0 PvP and think the stat bonus from wearing full T0 PvP in PvP content will negate the Defense loss.
  20. Ultra Zam New Player

    Thankfully, all my PVE gear is modded & equipped. One piece of my PVP gear isn't.

    Here is Sony's response. Interesting that he doesn't mention something that would be so obvious as the CR 55 or CR 56 & higher issue:


    Thank you for contacting your in game customer support. We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences you've experienced. I've examined your character and can tell you that your PvE combat rating is not bugged. There are still slots that could use some upgrades to boost your score. I recommend that you speak to your fellow players in game or on the forums for tips on how to get it to where you want it to be. Please let us know if you have any questions or require assistance in the future. Best of luck to you!

    Kind regards,

    GM Aylaylii
    Sony Online Entertainment, LLC

    Stay up to date on the official DCUO Forums for all the latest community news:
    Customer By Web Form (xxxxxxxxxxx soe) 08/26/2013 04:07 PM
    This weekend, I accomplished something I have taken 2 years to achieve: I collected all the pieces of the House of El Warsuit. Just before I did this, I was PVE level 55. After collecting the armor, I also added an Equipment Mod I to the final piece, the Legs, & it showed it was a 56(+3) level item w/ the mod added. However, after accomplishing this major milestone, I am still at level 55! After each piece of armor I collected in that suit, I went up at least one PVE level. With that final piece PLUS adding a higher-level mod beyond just alpha or beta, shouldn't I have leveled up to 56 or 57? I really took a long time to get that suit AND the higher-level mod, so I am very hopeful that I didn't do all of that for nothing.