Let us vote on new powers

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by GalaxySoul1, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. BumperStickerz New Player

  2. Notangie New Player

    Empath (pick and choose certain moves from any of the current powers)
  3. TheAustin25 New Player

    lol how are Water , the other lanterns and rainbow gnna be connected with Sons of Trigon? XDD more demon based or blood based powers will be more probable its gnna look like ravens moves frm the solos
  4. Dirty Fred New Player

    What about a Succubus enthraller powerset that can charm enemys to fight for them & turn allies against eachother & make phsycic dublicates of themselfs to trick there opponents;) ?
    In alerts & raids they will be able to turn mobs to fight against eachother & turn players against eachother for a short period of time in arenas.

    Then cast duplicate as defensive strategy to escape or minion to fight with them.
  5. TheAustin25 New Player

    hmm itll feel like mental in a way but yea lol that would be super awesome :D need more detail tho