The Future of this Game...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BlueGlacier, Jul 17, 2013.

  1. BlueGlacier Well-Known Player

    Hi guys...just a question,are the 6 month armor/gear resets still going to take place as stated in the update 25?...Im only asking for some of my friends as i really dont care...nothing ingame can replace having all that payed for an played for checkmate T4 made worthless overnight...ive mentioned this to several players ingame and they are gobsmacked/unaware of this supposed reset.
    Just on another quick note im not hatein on the devs or anything im actually one of the longer players and i remember what this game was like...which was awesome...but these decisions keep comin and the change ingame has been quite enormous and by that i mean its gettin more an more empty.
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  2. Statman New Player

    Game is dying, obviously. :rolleyes:
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  3. surge914 New Player

    Sadly it seems this way but hopefully not.
  4. OMAAR New Player bright!
    We have the " dcuo is empty " post's every time this year. People enjoy summer it's a fact!
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  5. Statman New Player

    Well I was being sarcastic, hence the *roll eyes* smiley, lol.

    Future of the game is hardly an issue yet. Sure some people are leaving, but just as many are downloading the game too.
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  6. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    You ever look in the potty after a late night white castle run? This game is that swirling mess right now.
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  7. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    Yet is the key word. With FF 14 and EQ3 coming out this year on the ps4....DC's days are numbered
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  8. Statman New Player

    Yes, DCUO's numbers will definitely drop with the release of more MMO's onto the PS3/PS4 as well as the numerous PC MMO's already around. They won't kill DCUO though.
  9. deltablues New Player

    I'm someone who plays this game and is also excited about those other games mentioned above. I don't plan on quitting this game though I'll obviously have to pick which game to be my primary focus. I'm interested to see what happens to this game when those others come out, if we'll lose a lot of people, if people will just take a break and come back...I wonder about this because I've known a lot of people who quit the game for whatever reason only to return a few months later and turn back into hardcore players again.
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  10. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    It always seems it's the PvP community that gets upset by changes and declares the game dying and empty. The game seems just as full to me as two years ago, with less clusters of people, because there are more places for them to go.
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  11. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    I dont PvP much. Just for SP's is all and just about have them all. Id guess i play 95% PVE, 5% PVP. Yes, i play on the FF14 beta and love the FF series. It has great graphics, loot system tht acutally works and its fast paced. But EQ 3 is coming out b4 the end of the year. When that happens, DC will be dead to me. DC has lost most of my interest, i play maybe 2 times a week now, just to raid with my league. The new raids, nexus n parallax...were hard when they came out. Now, they can be done in roughly 40-60mins. There really isnt a challenge to this game.
    The open worlds, gotham n metro, are a joke. There is absolutely 0 exploration. There are so many more flaws to this game, i wont address them all. Many people know what is wrong with this game and are waiting for new MMO's. If you made a list of the Pro's n Con's of DC, the Pro list would be tiny compared to the Con's.
    And earlier, i said DC's days are numbered....i shouldnt have said tht. Idk what this game will be like on the PS4. So i rephrase what it should have said. If...DC stays on the course its on, same problems over n over. Broken mechanics, a tiny world, boring raids ending from to many ppl dc'n etc etc. If the issues arent fixed, then yes, DC's days are numbered.
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  12. PureDarkness Dedicated Player

    Are you sure you speak about the 'future' of the game? With all those trips back and forth in time, I'm confused. o_O
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  13. VANTIX New Player

    I'm just waiting for the Elder Scrolls Online tbh. Bigger world, multiple races and factions, tons of dungeons, places to explore, better world pvp, open world bosses, first person perspective, WAY more features (crafting, mounts with armor, and all that good jazz), 200+ hours of missions/quests compared to 30 hours in DCUO -___- , much better character customization, you can keep replaying dungeons FOR FREE to get the loot, and much much more. The only thing I'm waiting for now is for them to confirm that ESO will be a b2p game and not this free to play thing DCUO has going on.DCUO is F2P yet you CANNOT reach highest tier without paying... what does that make it? Pay to win. There is no way to win unless you buy the dlcs or legendary. Anyways, the future is very uncertain for this game. Seeing how people keep paying to win then this game might keep doing what it's doing.
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  14. OMAAR New Player

    To fully enjoy dcuo you only pay 15$ a month or half a dollar per's nearly free for the entertainment it provides.
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  15. SuperiorMouse New Player

    actually it makes it a Demo.

    there is no way of paying for anything in the game that automatically allows you to win. you are only able to pay (and pay again) for the chance at winning or success. please, learn the definitions of these terms you're throwing around before you do the throwing of them around.
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  16. Larfleeze New Player

    They've said they're going to do a reset with season 2 of PVP, but no one is sure to what extent. With how powerful Vengeful and whatever the villain equivalent is the cash gear for season 2 is going to have to be ridiculous if they want to keep with the same system.

    Or they could very well just lock whatever pvp gear from season 1 you have and make you re-grind it all. Which, honestly, I wouldn't mind so much if there was a Base Item that allowed us to put a suit of armor on a manikin like all the tierd gear is displayed on.
  17. Psyionic New Player

    Okay so with that said, my question is, "Is this game worth playing as a free to play player?"
  18. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Trying to consider game concepts that expand a linear path design.... DCUO has so many very linear paths/instances..... alternate paths accessed by destroying walls, finding hidden door switches, destroying an obstacle, collecting special items and bringing them to a special location,.... needless extra paths? (if all lead to the same location, why bother?) what do they offer as rewards? (loot in hidden path?) /shrug.

    In Warframe, there is the Stalker. The Stalker is a rogue agent coming to kill you. If you are in a room with lights, the lights will blink from a special disturbance, and the Stalker will talk to one player that he intends to kill. He shows up during solo or CoOp missions. The Stalker's rank scales with the player rank (& maybe if in group). He recently began having a chance to drop special loot. If the Stalker is defeated, all the players in the instance get the loot. (no loot roll!)

    What if DCUO utilized a similar feature? (Warframe is coming to PS4. Can SOE borrow the concept?)

    I really enjoy the random encounter concept. Adding suspense and extra motivation to do regular game activities to have the chance of the encounter. It'd not take long for players to figure out the prerequisites that increase their chance to spawn the random encounter and then farm that criteria. (in Warframe, it's based on a mission progression & Defense missions have the most progressions of the map types) I'd venture to say Lockboxes would stay in game along side the random enemy encounter, and that the random enemy encounter would not show up in PvP modes, not in Gotham or Metropolis, and not during a boss fight. Leaving the rooms leading to a boss fight for the chance encounter.

    Either a Super enemy of both factions (Darkseid?), one Mentor from the opposing faction has a chance of appearing during your instance to try to knock you out, or a bounty hunter (Deathstroke, Lobo, Deadshot, etc). If you loose. He/She simply leave as fast as he/she arrived. You'd get one chance to beat them. If you win.... the 52 style drops? new exclusive special drops? (skins for gear, weapon skins, a bizarre shape shifting trinket)

    here's a fairly decent video showing the flickering lights, the Stalker taunting the player, and a fight (Stalker seemed to have gotten stuck. bug? probably) and here is a Wiki page about Mr Stalker.

    what game designs are new or not often used enough in games that may expand a game experience in a fun way?

    *thinking of the 2001 movie Avalon by Mamoru Oshii, the main character plays a video game is the main plot. She searching for the secret level, searches Gate, Ghost, Unreachable, Camelot, Nine Sisters... short story, it leads to discovering a hidden level of the game. Requiring beating a tough boss, and then noticing and shooting a special ghost like NPC to reach the secret level. More complicated than a hidden room of Super Mario Brothers, sure. I wish more games had some secret rooms. :D yeah, it'd be put on youtube for those that know and look for it (as an optional cheat/guide), but still I miss that aspect of a puzzle or hidden room that used in some video games. The Riddler instance, ain't much of a puzzle in there.

    anyways, just some ideas related to the possible future of content. (TLDR: hidden rooms, alternate paths that don't lead to same ending room, secret paths, puzzles leading to secret rooms or fights or loot, bounty hunter randomly coming to get you)
  19. EzioNight New Player

    I really hope this game dies so i can fk leave already!
  20. Discipled New Player

    To piggy back off Doctor Nova, I have been playing this game for like 2 weeks now and can see exactly what you're all mentioning. It's a full immersive world yet they didn't add the immersive part to it. The Alerts are fine and Duos and everything, but what then once you've done them for the day? I suggest that a few times a day there's a random actually call from say Lex and/or Joker (one for each city) for villains to perform a bank heist, or gas a street of civilians or attack a random police station. The villains show up at said location and do X taht was intended for them to do. At the same time Superman/Batman would call Heros to thwart their plan. I think this is waht was intended of the Ring Wars and Diamond Heist but it doesn't seem to work. It would be great if player got involved so then maybe it needs to be a PVE thing. A script is written and a new location is created and an X is put on the map to go to to rob said bank, attack said station or whatever for villains while heros stop the villainous plot but it's PVE not PVP. This happens a few times a day and it's different every time and in each city. They would need to continue to make more of them but the world is so static and has so much incredible potential.