Does anybody feel like t5 raids are to much of a hassle for what we get?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OG ELITE, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. OG ELITE Committed Player

    Ok 1st off I like the raids, they're fun and challenging. Not asking for a nerf. This is a loot complaint primarily. After taking almost an hour getting a decent group together then spending half an hour to an hour raiding only to get nothing but marks I have no use for is getting real old. The 87 stuff has GOT to have its chances of dropping uped. There is no way a person without replay badges could complete this suit in a reasonable amount of time. This loot has been designed to cater to people who replay and that's not right at all. I wouldn't be mad if I was just losing roles but I tank so I have no competition and I still only have 2 87 pieces after beating both raids numerous times. It wouldn't even be bad if it was like old days when we bought the best gear and just reran these raids for the style feats but the fact that the best loot in the game is entirely based on luck is BS and I refuse to use another replay badge on these rip off raids.
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  2. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Yep, pretty much sums it up.
  3. LisaLoeb New Player

  4. Wilder Midnight New Player

    i would love it if we had some way to use those extra marks of reality to upgrade our existing gear into 86 cr pieces through crafting.
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  5. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    The loot tables are way to big, we should get gear/a weapon/ a plan every time for the last boss.
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  6. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    First after getting Full T5 i would never use replays on T5 content, its like Replaying Gates, Dawn and Veng after being Full T4, makes no sense to me, it wasnt smart to replay to farm T4 for Norsemen and its not smart to replay T5 to farm 87cr gear

    Second by old days u mean like, when the best helmet that dropped in the game was the Prime Helmet?

    Rare Items in MMO's is nothing new.

    If u think the drop rate on Purple T5 items is tough wait till we finally see a T5 gold item

    I personally love the change. Back during Launch Purple Items were pretty rare (before everyone was tier)

    Then u get Tiered gear and purple was nothing special

    im personally like the revamp, with now Two Levels of Rare exclusive drops, Purple and Gold, instead of there just being rare gold drops
  7. edenoftheeast New Player

  8. edenoftheeast New Player

  9. OG ELITE Committed Player

    No I mean the good old days when batcave raids and fos were hard an the only raids other then Kahn.
  10. edenoftheeast New Player

    The same applies to the T5 alerts which is a drag as well. Running them daily with no weapon drop. Hopefully, the devs listen to the threads and make the changes.
  11. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    There was no replay badges back then, u didnt reran anything, atleast if u did u defenefity werent getting style feats for it...

    Replay badges changes the "old days" the old days are gone and can never be the same again if u incorporate replay badges into it

    because of replay badges the need for Two classes of Rare items is a must to keep the game re-playable

    back when u could only get Loot from raids once a week, there wasnt a need for super rare items cause u didnt run the content enough to justify....

    now cause of replays and ppl re running like thye are millionaires, there needs to be rare items that can still be rare even when u incorporate the replay badges usage
  12. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Ultra is one of the few that likes the drop rates, so you aren't going to change his mind on the subject
    (it has been tried for several pages in another thread so don't bother)

    I still don't see how 1 87 piece or a plan dropped every time is going to hurt the replay value. Most people play 2 roles so that is a lot of gear to grind not to mention everyone wants the new soda plan
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  13. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    how is it any diffrent than norseman gear ?
  14. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    How many people do you know that are full norseman that didn't abuse the open world loot glitch
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  15. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    I play all 4 roles on one toon (98 Heal gear, 98 DPS gear, 97 Troll gear, 96 Tank Gear). How do you think I feel running the raids knowing that every 7 or 8 runs I MIGHT see an 87 piece drop? Automatically half of those drops will be DPS (Time traveler). Add to that the fact that Traces gear drops DPS 80% of the time as well. That's MAYBE a single 87 drop every 7 to 8 runs with a 90% chance of it being DPS gear. THAT IS A FAIL. You have a better chance mathematically of getting gold rings or a neck from the vault. And THEN you get to roll against the whole world for it when it drops.
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  16. BumblingB I got better.

    There was quite a few that replayed the heck out of the Ops USPC, but that was really pointless lol. I still don't have that completed and probably wont for a long time.

    The raids shouldn't have t5 gear tbh. It should be either better than T5 or lower. There is no point in completing t5 except for the feat then. lol Also, the Ops should have an 84 blue drop everytime from the boss. It's funny how much rarerr the 84 are compared to 85. lol
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  17. Zim New Player

    I agree, I haven't spent a nickle on replaying any of the t5 content. The juice just isn't worth the squeeze.
  18. YodaDog New Player

    I have pugged Nexus no less than 20 times over the last 2 weeks.. mainly just to see what the larger community is up to in there and see if all the complaints I've heard were justified.

    Mostly yes, IMO, the complaints are justified. The loot tables are way too weak. You should absolutely get at least one great drop off the last boss. Either a 87 armor piece, an 86/87 weapon OR an expert plan. Every single time. That's not asking too much. Especially not considering the amount of time and patience goes into pugging through this raid. I'd say about 25% of the time, it cant be beaten with the present group and I must start over. 50% of the time I complete with a group of people I never wish to play with ever again. And about 25% of the pug-time, I actually enjoy myself in this raid.

    Feels like alot of hassle to see not-jack-squat drop at the end....again...
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  19. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    This is how it always is with new content. its always tough when it first came out. FOS2 the bridge and the split was difficult for ppl when it first came out. IMO that does not justify increasing the Drop Rate on gear that is better than the highest Tier Gear available.....
  20. Darth Loyal Player

    Oh so it's this thread again....Devs, change the dang loot tables or give us a dang 86/87 vendor... K, thanks...If not, enjoy the continuous loss in population.

    Last I checked, the gear you got out of FoS2 wasn't better than the highest Tier Gear available for that Tier. I'm not saying you have to change your mind, I just wanted to point out the flaw in that argument.