The right gear!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by princeofdetroit, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. princeofdetroit Well-Known Player

    As a DPS player, I am told that certain attributes of particular equipment modifications should be avoided such as Dominance, Power and Restoration because they in fact lessen the effectiveness of damage done. If this is indeed true can someone please help me find a complete official guideline of role modification preferences?

    Thanks Guys:)
  2. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    The stats you list do not "lessen the effectiveness of damage done.
    Dominance: gives you a chance to stun a target and helps shields and self heals
    Power: duh, more power, more might attacks
    Restoration: self heals & shields

    Having these stats do not negate damage in any way shape or form. Obviously you want Might or Precision as your core stat depending on your play style and power set.
  3. chaosknight0331 New Player

    The decision between might and precision is based on power and personal play style

    Red sockets: Might, Precision, Precision/Might
    Blue sockets: Might/Health, Precision/Health
    Yellow sockets: Might/Power, Precision/Power

    Using Dominance in place of Health:
    Dominance effects the ability to "control" mobs i.e. Power Interactions will actually stop the mobs from attacking. As a dps, you can try and throw as much dominance as you want on your mods and from skill will never have enough to "control" mobs past tier 2 content.
    The reason: Tanks and controllers are the only ones meant to control mobs and both classes double their dominance while in role.

    Shields in DC block damage equal to 100%dominance+100%restoration. That being said, dominance mods add far less dominance than the health you recieve from health mods.
    Health III mod: +57 health
    Dominance III mod: +13 dominance
    Would you rather block 13 damage per shield and loss out on 57 health, or take that extra 13 damage and still have the extra 44 health (57health - 13 damage)?

    Restoration in place of Power:
    Restoration affects healing and shields (as stated above) and depending on your power and play style, might be just as effective as the power mods, particularly for healing classes (which always have healing moves that can be used by dps role) and Fire users. That being said, the difference will still be minimal and will not replace having a healer with you

    Vitalization in place of Power:
    Vitalization affects power regen from both power returning moves (super charges for dps) and also weapon combo. This can sometimes be useful but typically the return is so minimal that you may want to just take the extra power.
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  4. Dogzday Dedicated Player

    As the others stated above. They gave really good advice. When you're modding for DPS, always go for whatever it is you can to increase your Might and Precision. You have to do some methods of specialization to boost your effectiveness for a particular role. For DPS, you need as much Might and/or Precision as possible.
  5. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    I'm pretty sure the various DPS guides in Oracle's Database cover mods.

    But as others have already mentioned precision and might are the primary DPS stats. Seeing as you're HL, I'd favor precision over might (assuming you're using combos of course) - the first hit from HL will always be might,but any subsequent hits in a combo chain will be precision based.

    Dom is useful if you happen to be controlling and want to be able to crowd-control, and both dom and resto are useful if you intend to use shields. As an aside, most of the dom and resto you need will come from gear and skill point placements - no need to mod for extra :)
  6. princeofdetroit Well-Known Player

    Thanks everyone!...thats excellent advice and I really appreciate it...however I have another question...I need to recover exobytes from a mod made with beta dominance but I cant find a beta recovery kit at the r&d station also I have a need to recover exobytes from a red socket precision III mod that added precision and might....and suggestions? I was told that I may have to create a recovery kit. Is this true?
  7. StillCheckmate Committed Player

    If you win a PvP match you have a chance of getting an exceptional recovery kit. It is a small chance, though. You're better off buying one for ~2,000,000.
  8. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Alpha mod recovery kits (purchasable from the vendor) can be used for Alpha, Beta and Type I mods. You'll need to buy the Type III recovery kit plan, and then make the kit as per normal R&D.

    I'm reasonably sure you can buy a Type III recovery kit plan....

    It's worth noting that you'll usually get 1 mod back from a beta (I've noticed some beta's use two bytes) - but you'll probably get a variable amount back from other mods etc - I have yet to get 100% of my bytes back.
  9. princeofdetroit Well-Known Player I've managed get my CR to 76 with hard light and mostly tier 3 gear. I know you guys have answered this a million times already but as still learning dps which missions will give me the best dps stuff and which to stay away from. No one in game will tell me....all they say is just keep playing.:mad::(
  10. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    From memory you're premium yeah? Unfortunately the best stuff (i.e. best and easiest to get) comes from the other DLCs.

    Gear wise you're best option at this point would be T4...but it's pretty expensive, so expect to be grinding for MoTs quite a bit! I have no clue about the weapon side though....I usually run Home Turf daily's until I get something decent, but as mentioned - you need another DLC for that stuff.