Deserter Penalty Update

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, May 29, 2013.

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  1. Quick Fire Active Player

    The deserter tag should be dumped completely. It's a video game. We should be allowed to play however we want. If I want to be a quitter I should be allowed to quit and not be penalized for playing a game. If someone enters my instance and wants to leave, I want them to leave. I don't want someone there that doesn't want to be there.

    What is the logic behind the deserter tag? So scrubs don't get quit on? Use lfg and create a balanced group before going in. Your chances of success will sky rocket. I assume this is really brought on by the culture on the ps3 side and pc side has to suffer.

    Someone stated earlier that we have lives and limited time to play video games. Ten minutes is outrageous. What was wrong with five minutes? Not severe enough of a penalty for playing my video game? Thanks I'll log out and find something else to play.

    It wouldn't be so bad (still inexcusable) if there weren't so many problems. Being penalized for leaving before scorecards, disconnecting from the game, instance glitching to the point of not able to complete (think vengeance without Fate)...I don't leave instances but I have been penalized for these occurrences.
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  2. StealthX5 New Player

    i think it has more todo with pvp issues seeming the match making is garbage n people left alot when vsing either full t4 when like not even t1 or vs a role that u cant beat dont thinks its a ps3 or pc issue i play ps3 n think its cuz of pvp
  3. toast Well-Known Player

    late last night, around 1:30 east coast, I shout for a NEW RUN of family. I get invited to a group and as soon as I accept the invite I get the queue box, open it and immediately puts me into a loads screen landing me in alt gotham. I quickly pull down my mic and ask this group lead if he can read.he says what are you talking about. i say WTF did you not read NEW RUN. to which he says " I havent even started the queue. then well why the F@%K am I in alt gotham. I leave alt gotham and am SLAPPED with a desserter penalty.

    first question : did I just get ninja'd?
    second question : how/why is that possible?
    third question : why doesnt that second invite automatically get declined when you are in another group with the message PLAYER ALREADY IN GROUP?
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  4. StealthX5 New Player

    why isnt this damn thing gone already take it off
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  5. Veziann New Player

    Keep deserter in PVP by all means, but FFS take it out of PVE. It's not wanted, it's not needed!
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  6. Treat New Player

    Wow so that screwed up with two whole teams then? Ouch.
  7. blueshirt315 New Player

    Deserter needs to go this is getting annoying now. So i have been trying to queue up for some of the T5 operations. I went in to one and they were at the last boss of Family. I don't care ill take the marks and reset after, but when i get in everyone left begins to leave so i leave. Now i am stuck waiting cause i got the deserter penalty. After ten minutes i queue again and i go into central city for Family again. The team mistakenly opened the instance instead of inviting a player and i was asked and willing to leave no problem. I asked if they can kick me instead of my leaving because i didn't want to wait again. They got mad that i didn't want to just leave and they left the instance instead. Now I am the last person in the instance and when i left i got the deserter penalty again!! This is annoying I just want to play the game!! I am not even leaving in the middle a fight or instance or whatever I'm actually the last person left. Take out the deserter in PVE its just annoying. I actually turned the game off after that and began playing something else because i just got tired of this waiting. 20 minutes were going to go by and i didn't do anything.
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  8. dyslexia Active Player

    Seriously enough already.
    There are many warranted reasons for leaving an instance.
    I.E. your programming just glitched again during the event, Ocean Master bugged out after being beaten down in the first round & was no longer on the map, all players were no longer in combat, the instance could not be reopened & all players had to leave thus getting penalties each.
    While i'm at it WHY are the atlantean helm & waist not in the event broker by now?
    I see instance after instance with selfish s.o.b.'s needing on it while already wearing the style just to be pricks to keep others from getting it.
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  9. toast Well-Known Player

    what made it even stranger was that I was talking on chat with the ppl in the first group and not with the second group I was in alt gotham with and the names of the group on my srceen were of the ppl in the first group. It was too late to wait for the ten minute penalty to expire and then wait to pug another group, although the t5 alert pugs seem to get put together rather quickly.

    I could understand getting the penalty IF AND ONLY IF
    1. im in the instance for a minimum of 5 minutes OR
    2. I interact with anything in the instance, even the soda machine

    i wouldnt mind so much if there was a small red area surrounding the teleporter pad, maybe the size of a CoP, and if you leave that area you get the penalty. if the teleporter is close to a wall the red area would be a half circle.
  10. StealthX5 New Player

    still not a need to punish gamers its a freaking hobby not life
  11. details26 Committed Player

    Disconnected and still got the penalty. Why would you even think this wouldn't happen. Who asked for it in pve? I'd like a raise of hands.
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  12. ItsHard New Player

    Deserter should lock you out only from the instance you left in PvE.
    Deserter penalty is need in PvP because there is se timer,
    PvE can go as long as the servers are online,there is LFG chat so you can replace the guy that left.

    2 days ago i got into a BiA group, after 3 wipe there i notice the healer wasn't healing anyone,
    then the leader said he was not healing because the guy who i replaced (he dc'd) was his friend
    we had to kick him,now if there was no deserter penalty he would've left without making us wipe 3 times.
    Thats whats gonna happen:
    i wanna leave and ask to be "kicked",vote starts and fail,i will stay there doing nothing till the 5min
    wait is over and i can ask again, if fails again i keep doing nothing.
    Eventually they will kick me or they will leave and get the penalty.
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  13. dyslexia Active Player

    Since it seems they have no intent on removing this garbage, how about give us something useful, like a 'no robins' filter or a 'no under 30 filter'.
    What's worse than the penalty is suffering through carrying inexperienced players to what results in 2, 3, 4, or more vs. 1
    Make a practice dummy outside of the instance where they can at least attempt to learn the legends characters other than trial by fire.
    Que'd up for legends 8vs.8, and there were 6 robins on the team. I knew it was a lost cause , but watched anyway as most of them ran around like they were looking for briefings or collections or something while myself & the other non robin, who was on a powergirl avatar got smeared 8 on 2.
    No thanks, left just after the powergirl did, and yeah i'm dead serious about the 'no robins' filter.
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  14. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Apparently you have no idea how terrible an idea it is to just "queue up" for raids or ops. Solution: stop doing that thing that will never get you anywhere.

    Get into a premade, like everyone else.
  15. Deepeess New Player

    I did.
    Queued up as 86cr troller, got into a group with 2 tanks and 1 healer, healer was cr89, tanks 90~91cr.
    103min later 5 MoR and some dps gear, DW 83cr dropped i passe since i will never use it anyway.
  16. iBehemoth New Player

    He means you form a properly balanced 4-man group before queueing into the instance. (1 tank, 1 dps, 1 healer, 1 troller) so you don't have to deal with that nonsense. You should know this by t5.
  17. Bellger New Player

    I was doing the seasonal instance and got trapped in the room after the boss glitched. I did not leave the instance for fear of getting the deserter penalty so I waited until the group kicked me lol...but this whole system is a joke and needs to be drooped completely.
  18. joe29140 New Player

    Flaws with the deserter penalty

    So I went to do the event this morning, its easy so I just que in. Well as soon as I get in, 2 people immediately leave. I'm like hmm that's strange, maybe they thought we need a healer haha. The guy who stayed in wasn't a healer. He was just standing by the repair station not responding. So I look for aquaman, but he's not there, I goto the door and its locked, aquaman is inside w/ ocean master but nothings happening. Before I decide to reopen the instance, I check the scoreboard, low and behold there's been more than 25 people in and out of the instance, with no damage in, healing out, damage out, etc you get the point. I realize the instance was bugged and can go no further, so I leave and get SMACKED with a 10 minute deserter penalty. I just don't think this is a fair price to pay when things go wrong and I was forced to leave or stay in the instance dieing of boredom. I had no option to disband the instance but even if I did, what could I do? The lone guy in the instance wasn't responding
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  19. StealthX5 New Player

    gotta love how no devs or gms responed to these fourm posts lol
  20. TristenLL New Player

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