Devs get rid of replay badges

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by crownclownking, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. NeverMiss New Player

    Replay Badges is what ruined the game. But alot of people will defend it because they are fanboys it what they do
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  2. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I wouldn't argue with the first part. However, they're here to stay, unless someone can come up with a compelling business reason why they should get rid of them.
  3. Davon (Crisis Core) Well-Known Player

    I use to think this too, but the truth is, elitist, wanting to brag, gotta have it fast and now players are the ones that ruined the game. People shouting for CR95+ for T1-T4 content ruined the game. The Devs didn't ruin the game with badges, look at the market place there are a crap ton of stuff in there that some people buy and some people don't. Just because people from the community CHOOSE to buy badges and use them for whatever reason, isn't the Devs fault. No one forces you to use badges or take advantage of a holiday sale. It really is as simple as "Not using them." People have leagues, friends, etc etc, but they choose to continue pugging with high CR demands. (These high CR demands are by..... you guessed it! People that pour money into badges...) So you are in fact playing "Their way" and not "Your Own Way" by meeting their CR requirement.

    People complain about high CR demands (i.e people that burned through badges to raise CR) yet instead of protesting and fighting the change in the community, they go out and purchase badges to keep up with the same people instead of playing with other people who feel the same way about badges. I get it, people have real life stuff to do and want the freedom of doing a months of MMO work in 2 days - a week.... and thats fine, its their call, but WE as a community don't have to purchase badges to keep up with their CR demands.
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  4. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I have over 1,000 of them that I get for being legendary.
  5. xoCiaraxo New Player

    This is against SOE terms. Like I said in the other thread you don't have to buy replays. Replays is suppose to help you earn marks. They don't require you get high drops. A mod will shut this down.
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  6. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Oh they see steps 3 and 4 alright.
    That's where the next DLC and PS4 come into play, old loot will be easier to get then.
    People still play the lottery and that's not nearly as fun....
  7. NeverMiss New Player

    when they suppose to raise the level cap they instead raise the gear cap to get into raids
    Back in the days there was grinding but now its just pay to win
    hardcore players spent like 40 bucks when dlc 7 came out
    also dont bring up the game is F2P because its not
    Replay badges was use to gather more money from people that keep playing a broken game
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  8. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Reply badges help keep the game alive.... SoE gotta get paid.
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  9. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Why do you care if other people spend money on replay badges?
    It's only an opinion that 'the game is broken' some people think it's pretty darn cool.
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  10. crownclownking New Player

    i really doubt that if replay badgers were rmove or limit to only lower tiers that the game will die it wont well at least imo it wont. But this is about badgers messing up the loot table in t5 raids well devs messing it up cause of replay badgers.
  11. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    So, you don't like the game, don't like the developers, and don't like the players. Yet you create a new account so you can post on it's forums. Does any of that make sense to you?
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  12. Bonehate New Player

    I think the complaint is not with the replays badges, is to loottable. SOE have to understand that who keeps this game are the End Gamers, Elitist, these people want to complete their tier first that everyone, in the first weeks, so we use replay badges. But if even with replay badges we could not complete the tier, imagine without? Seems to me that this game is not for End Famers, Elitist, are for casual gamers that do not bother to do the raid three months after its launch.
  13. crownclownking New Player

    i personally dont care if ppl buy replay badges but what i think what's going on is that the devs made the t5 raid drops crappy to fight against this replay badgers. Since many ppl are complaining about the t5 raid being replay badger unfriendly. It seems to me the devs did that as to not run out of carrots but instead have a healthy bunch of carrots til t6 so us hungry rabbits wont starve for content. But now ppl are mad cause they feel like they wasted their money to which i say nobody force them to buy badges but because of them the loot tables are messed up. Just my theory well conspiracy really.
  14. Bonehate New Player

    I agree with what you said, may be what's happening. But SOE can not expect that we'll be playing a full year to complete a tier. Do not know about you, but I will not. What's the point of putting the replay badges and then a mechanism to cancel them?
  15. MercPony Devoted Player

    How about this! Just don't use them then? Why care what others do with them? No one is making you use replay badges. I NEVER reset raids with them. Plus SOE makes a lot of money on these regardless of how people use them.
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  16. crownclownking New Player

    well u see to me is not about ppl using replay badges to get to the front of the line in the gear progression line .Is more about the devs making the t5 raid loot table crappy cause of the replay badgers as a way to deter them from eating all their carrots all at once and now everyone suffers cause of the badgers. Well is just a conspiracy really i have no data to back it up just complains about the t5 loot table.
  17. crownclownking New Player

    exactly either limit them to lower tiers cause getting rid of them is really not an option cause of money money money or fix the loot table and just allow ppl to eat all the carrots they can eat and if there bored well they can always come back next dlc and rinse and repeat.
  18. NeverMiss New Player

    I dont like the direction the game is going it has potential with the combat mechanics but instead they keep doing stuff that is not needed. Also they added a suggestion or developer thread that what to hear our opinion yet they dont listen. they just have it there to get players happy. then say their favorite quote "Working as Intended"
  19. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I'm just waiting for actual proof from someone that the drops in raids are lousy because the devs want people to buy replay badges. If there isn't any, just sounds like people making an assumption to me. ;)
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  20. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Even if you don't use them.... that does not change the crappy loot drop.

    If they make the loot drop crappy on purpose to encourage people to use replay badges... guess what?? You still get crappy loot drop even if you choose not use them badges.

    Even if you do not use them badges... you are still affected just by the fact that them badges do exist.