Why don't we have lantern rings now

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Prodigy Progeny, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. PureDarkness Dedicated Player

    Now when I think about it... Ur right! Let's speak a little about lag people. ;)

    But still, this is just a little annoying. Finally I get a golden aura to match my fear HL ring. Oh wait, what ring?
  2. Al Mandrake New Player

    well at least it is not the "DC threw a legal hissy fit over licensing issues" that keeps being spread through in game chats. Though when are we getting our Green Auras, already got the aura colors for all the other Corps except Black Lanterns. And I still vote for a Rainbow Aura rewarded for collecting all auras. As for those bashing Lantern players, ok we get it you are anti-lantern fanboys but just like you had your reason for joining this game a number of us joined and pay for this because we wanted to play a lantern. We accept that we are all stuck with the same sets of constructs( different graphic shapes for villain vs hero not with standing) so no ring glow no aura and no Corps emblem really is a super-wedgie after a kick to the junk. It would be like those of you that joined to make a Superman/Batman family not ever getting to use S shield or Bat symbol, heck speedsters even get Flash's lightning bolt.
  3. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    Not sure that is the best example, since a) you technically don't join either the Bat Family or the Superman Family and b) no one CAN get the S shield or Bat symbol.

    However, The in-game story has you deputized into your Respective Corps, effectively making you a Lantern. as such the ring glow, Even if it is just a "shiny finger" trick, is rather important. Now that said, It is not intended and is going to be fixed. That is good enough for me.

    Yes, I would love a Corps Emblem, and a green aura, but it isn't going to happen and really isn't the point of this thread.
  4. Al Mandrake New Player

    while technically no you can not get a S shield or Bat symbol emblem to use on any outfit, anyone can get the different styles that have them on them already, got a few myself ;). And the green aura will happen, will take time but I see it coming at some point.
  5. Killua19 New Player

    yup for 9,99 plus shipping
  6. Spidey Well-Known Player

    They should throw stuff like the green aura on the marketplace. Batman helm, Supes emblem, more iconic stuff. People would trip over each other to buy the stuff.
  7. BahamutMugendai New Player

    Im really not sure how Exos give you rings anyways, isnt more genetic, I can understand being super intelligent and making stuff for the gadgets class but wouldnt power rings would be another story?
  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    People with Light powers are not Exobyte infused. They get their power from the "ring" they are supposed to be wearing, not from an Exobyte.
  9. BahamutMugendai New Player

    So.. where exactly did all the rings come from? o_O
  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    The Guardians deputised us as reserve lanterns and gave us rings which were pre-programmed with constructs. Basically it means we're stripped down versions of Green Lanterns who can only use constructs that the Guardians let us use.

    Back when the DLC came out first, and for a little while after, you got a power respec token with the DLC. It would specifically let you change from your old power to Light and when you did that there was a voice over that said you had been deputised as a member of the GL Corps.

    I guess technically those characters had power originally from Exobytes but when they changed to Light those old powers became void.
  11. BahamutMugendai New Player

    Ah, thank you, that clears up everything for me :)
  12. TheChosenJon New Player

    So... Does anybody know when exactly the next Client Hotfix hits with the lantern ring fix? :(
    I just want my ring/ glowing hand back :(
  13. Green Lantern New Player

    I believe they said early this week. Should be a few pages back.
  14. Lantern Jild New Player

    I noticed yesterday that the ring is shows in the star lab and oan alerts but not in the general world, guess that the glich didnt touch the alerts... or maybe been near other power rings recharged mine...
    Anyway, i hope they fix this ASAP, not that we cant play, but i love my E.T. green glowing finger
  15. IThe PatchI New Player

    This is more a texture problem than a "no ring" one. Why would you have a glowing finger, you're not E.T. To have a ring in each one's hand they would have to make TWO versions of EVERY hand style ingame: with and without the rings. That's why u have rings on iconics, they just use one style.

    As as far as I remember, when FFTL came out everyone received a power changing token named something like ""GL corps call for duty" or whatever. Can anyone remember the actual name of the power changing token?
  16. IThe PatchI New Player

    I was typing when u posted, so u can't blame me for making the same joke as you :D
  17. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You can't tell me what I'm not!
  18. Lantern Jild New Player

    HAHAHA... thing is that E.T. is a red lantern... lol!!!

    Anyway, they will fix this (someday) and we will have the glowing thingy once again... like it or not
  19. greenflamesburnbright New Player

    just logged on my rings back
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  20. Spidey Well-Known Player

    Woot woot! Got mah bling back.