Item not letting me collect it's style

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by DragonusDarque, Jun 28, 2013.

  1. DragonusDarque New Player

    So, I got a pair of pants called "Swamplands Kilt", which is part of the Barbarian style set and has the restrictions of level 17 and Controller. I sent them via mail to my Controller character and, when he reached level 17, I equipped them. It lets me equip them, but the style shows just regular black underwear (meaning it's not showing the actual style), and it still says "Not Collected".
    I have sent items to my other characters in this way and the styles became collected with no issues. This is the first one to give me this trouble.
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  2. MeleeHappy Well-Known Player

    The Barbarian legs won't show they are collected, but if you check your styles feat... they will show collected. all barbarian leg style armor (even the cr85 ones in nexus) will report as not collected after you relog.
  3. DragonusDarque New Player

    Actually, it's not in my Styles feat section, though. Nor does it show up in my Styles Tab under the Legs section, where it should be if it was collected. In the Styles feat section, it shows Chest only. Nothing else is collected for Barbarian.
    Not sure what you mean by "relog", but it wasn't showing as collected right after I equipped it. It was equipped and still showing as not collected. Even after I logged out and back in (in case that is what "relog" meant), it still isn't in either Styles area.
    This is on PS3, btw, if that matters.
  4. MeleeHappy Well-Known Player

    if i were you then.. file a ticket also. the barbarian styles feat bug has been around for quite some time.
  5. DragonusDarque New Player

    Unfortunately, I did. Right after the GU27 update. It never got answered and never got fixed. That is why I came here, hoping to get an official answer. Unfortunately, unless many people complain about the same issue, the devs here seem to largely ignore us.
  6. Haruspex Pariah New Player

    Well I just encountered a similar problem so I may as well post here. Got an Insectoid back from the Hunt T5 challenge. Equipped it, the item is marked as "already collected" but the style set feat isn't registering. I go to my feats tab to look at "Bug Off" and it says the back piece isn't collected yet. I go back to the gear, and it says already collected. I logged off and logged on, moved into another zone, re-equipped the item, and still the same thing. Already sent a ticket with screen shots. Hopefully I'll get a response.
  7. Tautgaunt Active Player

    It's an old bug. If you level up and you equip a new item(especially from your bag), it will equip but the style will not be 'collected'. What you do is simply relog that character and it will equip just fine.
  8. Max Dragonard Well-Known Player

    Thanks. Re-logging appears to do the trick. Still one of those "what the hell!?" moments, though.