The " Splendid Wings " suggestion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Klespyrian, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Klespyrian New Player

    The Splendid wings is a style item you can purchase in the marketplace. they look pretty cool and the fact that they follow your arms and whatnot is pretty nice. But I don't understand why when you fly with them you still stick your arm out in front of you? I mean if not flapping your arms like regular wings, or atleast just sticking your arms out to the sides, the regular flying makes the wings look clipped and ugly.

    In short, I suggest a different way of flying for the splendid wings. Especially considering they are obtained through the marketplace and through no other means.
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  2. randomkeyhits Dedicated Player

    An old suggestion but a goodie, usually ends up as a demand for all sorts of different flight styles. Still upvoted cos I bought the wings too and thought they looked sucky when I took to the skies.
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  3. Mont New Player

    yup, sucky
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  4. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I only ever use mine on Acrobatics toons because they look semi-decent when you glide.
  5. Veziann New Player

    I bought them assuming my characters arms would be out at her sides like a bird gliding.

    I changed the style immediately.

    The dual turbines suck as well. The flames from the jets are at a stupid looking angle when you fly.
  6. Spector Knight New Player

    Same here. Bought them, hated them, never use them. Best wings in the game: Nth metal wings.
  7. Dammacx New Player

    Those wings make me want to start a Leauge based on Gatchaman, I know they are not the same as they had capes that looked like wings, but they could be the new revised 2013 of the Gatchman Cape. Either that or the wings make me thing of Stratos from He-Man.


  8. LucidityKJ Dedicated Player

    I use them in conjunction with the Sinister Bird Helm on a Super Speed character. I interpret them to be wings meant for flightless characters. I mean, so many winged feathered flightless birds (DoDo, Ostrich, Chicken, etc.)
  9. Mont New Player

    kinda like hawk n dove , just there to be stylish
  10. Johnny_Prime New Player

    Pretty sure these were made specifically for acrobats. When using rocket glide they look absolutely perfect...
  11. MoistGeorge New Player

    Thanks for this was about to buy them before i decided to look them up first :( such a shame they were the only wings i liked too.
  12. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    THIS. I can confirm that when being acro, the wings as majestic as [insert profanity here]
  13. Redder Robin New Player

    I think their cool for acrobats. I like them because I have a Red Robin based character, and the wings look just like his cape from The New 52.