Olympus Rising!

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Superpatriot, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I personally really appreciate the changes and it really makes me much more interested. I'm going to take a look today at the rules if there is still time to sign up. When are sign ups closed?
  2. Warlan New Player

    July 5th is the end date for team registrations.
  3. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

  4. Warlan New Player

    You guys better win! Changes look good, especially 4v4 with one healer like I've been saying for years.
  5. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Plenty of time still for Arena and Legends teams to sign up! Let's go!
  6. DzuKeeper New Player

    The Dojo unfortunately is no more, so you can erase our sign up..
  7. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Arenas is filling up fast and there's still lots of room for teams for Legends. Let's go!!!!
  8. Alison New Player

    Perfect. ;)
  9. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    Okay, I'm sorry if this is going to offend some people, but I have to ask. Where are the pvp leagues at? I play the game most every day and I see everybody talking about pvping, but I'm not seeing any of those names with their teams signing up for this event.

    Misery, Disqualified, Uncensored, 357, even my old league The Replacements? Where are your teams? Were you so jaded by the previous season fiasco that you're not wanting to get involved with another one? Are you concerned about favoritism? Are you worried about coming out of your antiquated standard 5s set up? Are you telling me that Untouchable Echelon, Soldiers of Light and Team Ruthless are the only ones willing to try it? Have you all forgotten how to PvP for FUN?

    My two week old league is putting teams for Legends.

    To answer what might be some of your concerns, I'm not the guy that ran the previous fiasco and you all know that. While some of you may not like me and I may feel the same about you, you ALL should know me well enough to know that I don't play favorites. PvP has evolved so much in the past year. Try something new!

    Am I calling you guys out? Sort of I guess, but it's not out of disrespect. I'm calling you out because I want to see you all compete! Get behind this and prove you are who you say you are! Let's go!!!!

    Top team would like to do legends
  11. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    Disqualified is a pve league and unless you wanna see who can run raids faster, we are out.
  12. Superpatriot Dedicated Player

    That's not what Crumbz was telling me the other night....
  13. Purple Ace New Player

    One Pieced coming to win them both ;)
  14. Loadingscreens Committed Player

    Ya I just found out lol.

    I'm always the last to know lol